My number one reason for disappointment in Obama


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
If you can only pick one ... what would it be?

Mine is the extension of the Patriot Act. If I could only ask him one question, and get an honest answer, I'd want to know the logic behind that.
His lack of knowledge for what it's like to actually work for a living.
What action did he take as President that you are most disappointed in.
Putting $40-$90 billion in oil/gas industry taxes into his budget proposal.
Cash for Clunkers

And why such an obvious disdain for the Constitution?
I don't even consider him my president, or president of the United States, he's a total and complete fraud...

Not closing GITMO I suppose is my biggest dissapointment.
However extending the prtiot act and strengthing it, extending the Bush tax cuts, NOt accelerating our withdrawl from Afgansitan and Iraq.
Several more.
For a group that thinks so lowly of him, I would think it would be much easier to come up with concrete, specific examples.

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