My personal thoughts/observations about the attacks in Paris


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City


Terrorism is just another word for War

Groups and governments have used tactics to terrorize their enemies throughout the history of Mankind. Carpet bombings during WWII were an effort to terrorize Germany and Japan to sue for peace. Gas attacks during WWI was a similar effort. B-52 raids in Vietnam were a similar tactic. And then we have “Shock and Awe” the efforts of Desert Storm.

Paris is Just a Small Slice of WWIII?

Those are Pope Francis' words.

Is he right or wrong?

First, we have a major invasion of Europe by people from the Middle East and Africa. At what point do they actively set about changing the very mores and customs of the various countries? Impost their Sharia Law?

This will sound cold, but it appeared quite easy to carry them out – especially since the attackers cared nothing for their own lives. They clearly expected to do and appeared willing to accept death.

Some years ago, I wrote Blood in the Meadow about a New Year's Eve terrorist attack in Las Vegas. In doing the research, it frightened me to discover just how easy that would be and what little was needed to do it. It could happen there or anywhere in America – or the world. And sadly, it could easily happen here – or anywhere in the world unless authorities take strong steps to stop it.

Do they have the determination to do what is needed? I doubt it.
Syria refugee crisis: U.S. opens centres to speed vetting

Screening outposts to be set up in Iraq, Lebanon as U.S. urges Arab nations to do more @ Syria refugee crisis: U.S. opens centres to speed vetting

National borders must be closed across Europe to halt an 'Islamic invasion' says far-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders

Read more: Borders must close to halt an 'Islamic invasion' says Geert Wilders

Tensions in Germany rise amid flood of asylum-seekers @ News from The Associated Press

IS RUSSIA NEXT? ISIS releases chilling video threatening Russia, saying the “Kremlin will be ours” @ IS RUSSIA NEXT? ISIS releases chilling video threatening Russia, saying the “Kremlin will be ours” - Walid Shoebat
13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim ‘refugees’

They are not “refugees.” They are invaders; soldiers of Allah

The vast majority of Muslims flooding into the West are young men

We can’t vet these invaders:

The teachings of Islam are incompatible with Western civilization

Terrorists will be among them

The number we admit will increase exponentially in a year or two

Support for sharia law

Lack of assimilation

There will be increased proliferation of mosques and Islamic schools



They will rely on the public dole

Read the explanations and details @ 13 reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees'
It is how Radical Islam wages War on the West.............From within............

It is designed to force a conflict in the Middle East.........

Their strategy is to get a Billion Muslims into War.........

We are seeing the face of WWIII.........Terror and Rage as they kill unarmed citizens around the globe............

In the end the West will have no choice but to get a VERY LARGE ARMY and destroy the entire middle east.
Amateur video of people escaping the theater

Paris Bloodbath Came Day after Warnings of Attacks on US Troops @ Paris Bloodbath Came Day after Warnings of Attacks on US Troops |

FBI Has Nearly 1,000 Active ISIS Probes Inside U.S. @ FBI Has Nearly 1,000 Active ISIS Probes Inside U.S. - Judicial Watch


How some Muslims feel this morning

The French Were Warned - July 2015: ISIS Vowed to ‘Bring Slaughter to France, Fill the Streets of Paris with Dead Bodies’ @ July 2015: ISIS Vowed to 'Bring Slaughter to France, Fill the Streets of Paris with Dead Bodies' - The Gateway Pundit

In February Barack Obama told he thought the media was overhyping bloody acts of Islamic terrorism in places like Paris, Ottawa, New York City, Peshawar and Sydney. Obama said such attacks were “sexy.” Interview @ Obama on the state of the world: the Vox conversation

Man cries while describing attack @

One of the terrorists was on a watch list – sorry, no link

Paris was but one of many according to Aljazeera America @ Paris massacres underscore the macabre logic of mass terror

So Where Did the Terrorists Get Their AK=47s? Especially when Europe supposedly has such strong gun control pollicies. Read @ This is How AK-47s Get to Paris

Paris attacks: Eyewitness accounts @ Paris attacks: Eyewitness accounts - BBC News

It Can Happen Here


And nobody in the American media is paying attention to this. More @ It can happen here. It will happen here. It IS happening here.

Silent and Calm, Terrorists With AK47s Fired Into the Crowd For ‘Ten Minutes, Ten Horrific Minutes’ @ Silent and Calm, Terrorists With AK47s Fired Into the Crowd For ‘Ten Minutes, Ten Horrific Minutes’

Predictions about the Paris Attacks @ My Predictions Concerning the Paris Attacks followed by; Post Paris Attacks Prediction Checklist Plus one More @ Post Paris Attacks Prediction Checklist Plus one More

Last night I had a post up with predictions concerning the Paris attacks. In less that 24 hours several of them have come true:

No networks having Pam Geller or Robert Spencer CHECK

Hungary border fence copied, CHECK

Pushing the Muslim’s as terrified of retaliation CHECK

Mizzou & #millionstudentmarch etc/all making fools of themselves BIG CHECK

Why is it so easy for non-experts to be able to predict the reactions of the left about such a horrible event?

Social Media and People Offering Help @ #PorteOuverte and #RechercheParis: Parisians turn to social media for help during attacks | Europe | DW.COM | 14.11.2015

Does Leftist stupidity ever end? Bloomberg group mourns Paris dead as “victims of gun violence” @ Bloomberg group mourns Paris dead as “victims of gun violence”

Newspaper Headlines About the Paris Attacks


With many more @ Newspaper front pages from Paris attacks - Business Insider

Leftists claim Paris Attack due to right-wing violent language toward activists @ Salon Writer: Paris Terror Should End U.S. 'Right's Violent Language Toward Activists' and the stupidity continues

The Left Spins Paris Attacks @ Political Pistachio: The Left Spins Paris Attacks


The American Blood Is Best, and We Will Taste It Soon” @ “The American Blood Is Best, and We Will Taste It Soon” and I don't think this is empty rhetoric

Spoiled Children Upset that Paris Attacks are Taking Attention Away from Their Protests – too many sources to list here.

France Is a Catastrophe’: Life in a City Gone Still @ Eyewitness Accounts of Carnage After the Paris Attacks how people are trying to cope the day after

Parisians wait in long lines to give blood following attacks @ Parisians wait in long lines to give blood following attacks
Amateur video of people escaping the theater

Paris Bloodbath Came Day after Warnings of Attacks on US Troops @ Paris Bloodbath Came Day after Warnings of Attacks on US Troops |

FBI Has Nearly 1,000 Active ISIS Probes Inside U.S. @ FBI Has Nearly 1,000 Active ISIS Probes Inside U.S. - Judicial Watch


How some Muslims feel this morning

The French Were Warned - July 2015: ISIS Vowed to ‘Bring Slaughter to France, Fill the Streets of Paris with Dead Bodies’ @ July 2015: ISIS Vowed to 'Bring Slaughter to France, Fill the Streets of Paris with Dead Bodies' - The Gateway Pundit

In February Barack Obama told he thought the media was overhyping bloody acts of Islamic terrorism in places like Paris, Ottawa, New York City, Peshawar and Sydney. Obama said such attacks were “sexy.” Interview @ Obama on the state of the world: the Vox conversation

Man cries while describing attack @

One of the terrorists was on a watch list – sorry, no link

Paris was but one of many according to Aljazeera America @ Paris massacres underscore the macabre logic of mass terror

So Where Did the Terrorists Get Their AK=47s? Especially when Europe supposedly has such strong gun control pollicies. Read @ This is How AK-47s Get to Paris

Paris attacks: Eyewitness accounts @ Paris attacks: Eyewitness accounts - BBC News

It Can Happen Here


And nobody in the American media is paying attention to this. More @ It can happen here. It will happen here. It IS happening here.

Silent and Calm, Terrorists With AK47s Fired Into the Crowd For ‘Ten Minutes, Ten Horrific Minutes’ @ Silent and Calm, Terrorists With AK47s Fired Into the Crowd For ‘Ten Minutes, Ten Horrific Minutes’

Predictions about the Paris Attacks @ My Predictions Concerning the Paris Attacks followed by; Post Paris Attacks Prediction Checklist Plus one More @ Post Paris Attacks Prediction Checklist Plus one More

Last night I had a post up with predictions concerning the Paris attacks. In less that 24 hours several of them have come true:

No networks having Pam Geller or Robert Spencer CHECK

Hungary border fence copied, CHECK

Pushing the Muslim’s as terrified of retaliation CHECK

Mizzou & #millionstudentmarch etc/all making fools of themselves BIG CHECK

Why is it so easy for non-experts to be able to predict the reactions of the left about such a horrible event?

Social Media and People Offering Help @ #PorteOuverte and #RechercheParis: Parisians turn to social media for help during attacks | Europe | DW.COM | 14.11.2015

Does Leftist stupidity ever end? Bloomberg group mourns Paris dead as “victims of gun violence” @ Bloomberg group mourns Paris dead as “victims of gun violence”

Newspaper Headlines About the Paris Attacks


With many more @ Newspaper front pages from Paris attacks - Business Insider

Leftists claim Paris Attack due to right-wing violent language toward activists @ Salon Writer: Paris Terror Should End U.S. 'Right's Violent Language Toward Activists' and the stupidity continues

The Left Spins Paris Attacks @ Political Pistachio: The Left Spins Paris Attacks


The American Blood Is Best, and We Will Taste It Soon” @ “The American Blood Is Best, and We Will Taste It Soon” and I don't think this is empty rhetoric

Spoiled Children Upset that Paris Attacks are Taking Attention Away from Their Protests – too many sources to list here.

France Is a Catastrophe’: Life in a City Gone Still @ Eyewitness Accounts of Carnage After the Paris Attacks how people are trying to cope the day after

Parisians wait in long lines to give blood following attacks @ Parisians wait in long lines to give blood following attacks
The problem I see here is the same problem we realized after 9/11.

How did an attack this big get carried out before someone tipped off the Western intelligency agencies?
The only two thind he can say at this point that would interest me is

"I am resigning as president"

"all ISIS from the smallest leaf to the deepest root have been killed"......and I'd want at least twenty countries to confirm that
The problem I see here is the same problem we realized after 9/11.

How did an attack this big get carried out before someone tipped off the Western intelligency agencies?

They were warned against it last July.

Political correctness didn't allow them to act on it.
Pope's sort of right but amazingly short-sighted. France is getting hit for their attempts at empire in Africa and the middle east during their expansion colonial days. France is not an innocent uninvolved country. Say what you want about ISIS they're not attacking countries that haven't tried taking over Muslim lands at some point or sided with others agains them. And the Vatican is a country that's had a hand in this thing too so probably not off someone's hit list.


Terrorism is just another word for War

Groups and governments have used tactics to terrorize their enemies throughout the history of Mankind. Carpet bombings during WWII were an effort to terrorize Germany and Japan to sue for peace. Gas attacks during WWI was a similar effort. B-52 raids in Vietnam were a similar tactic. And then we have “Shock and Awe” the efforts of Desert Storm.

Paris is Just a Small Slice of WWIII?

Those are Pope Francis' words.

Is he right or wrong?

First, we have a major invasion of Europe by people from the Middle East and Africa. At what point do they actively set about changing the very mores and customs of the various countries? Impost their Sharia Law?

This will sound cold, but it appeared quite easy to carry them out – especially since the attackers cared nothing for their own lives. They clearly expected to do and appeared willing to accept death.

Some years ago, I wrote Blood in the Meadow about a New Year's Eve terrorist attack in Las Vegas. In doing the research, it frightened me to discover just how easy that would be and what little was needed to do it. It could happen there or anywhere in America – or the world. And sadly, it could easily happen here – or anywhere in the world unless authorities take strong steps to stop it.

Do they have the determination to do what is needed? I doubt it.

As I learned in college psych class = people are a product of their environment .

War breeds war. Hostility breeds hostility. Innocent people overseas get killed in a drone or bombing strike; it makes non-combatants become combatants, and / or .... support the terrorist cause .

Face it - terrorism is spreading . Islamic terrorist , ISIS and Al-Qaeda is not contained by any means . Not at all.

This was not a spur of the moment hit. It was planned ; I will venture to guess about 4 to 6 weeks ahead.

I estimated a terror attack , but believed it would be in Germany.

I was not far off.

Fear focused in France, residents terrified . The terrorists main question is = What will France do after we bomb them?

Good question .

No doubt FBI, CIA and US Military intelligence is there assisting the French........ AND trying to get leads and info.... Strictly for our Government .

We will see. As of now I have not heard anyone take responsibility.

Shadow 355
In 1958 when I was stationed outside of Bordeaux, we encountered a number of Algerians and others from French colonies who had moved there because they were considered French citizens. Most had decent jobs or owned businesses.

Again, in 1961 when I was stationed in Verdun, I also encountered colonists who had moved to France. This was also a time when the Algerian dissidents had managed to terminate their ties with France. It was estimated that a goodly number of their friends and associates in France had helped them.\

And remember those from French Indochina who moved back to France.

Some non-Muslim immigrants have assimilated into French society. But the Muslims have not. Nor will they assimilate in any other country they move to. Thus they will always be a base for terrorism.
Faces of the Slain


Nohemi Gonzalez, USA


Mohamed Amine Benmbaek, Morocco


Elsa Delplace, Chile

And far too many more to list here from BuzzFeed Putting faces to the story always brings it closer to home.

Here’s What We Know About The Paris Attackers So Far

Paris Attacks Raise Questions About What French Authorities Knew And Why They Failed

CONFIRMED: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Attack

At The Bataclan, “It Was When I Saw Blood That I Realized It Wasn’t A Joke”

Syrian Refugees In France Say Paris Terror Is The Terror They Fled

Netanyahu Just Responded To Paris Terror Attacks In A Way That Only Bibi Can…And Obama Won’t

Israel stands shoulder to shoulder with President Francois Hollande and with the French people in the joint war against terrorism.

Main target in Paris jihad attack: Jewish-owned Bataclan Theater, frequent target of Muslims and BDS groups

See more at: Main target in Paris jihad attack: Jewish-owned Bataclan Theater, frequent target of Muslims and BDS groups | Pamela Geller

Paris attacks: Hail of bullets heard as band plays on stage

Terror in Paris: More to Come? Of course there are. Just a matter of when and where.

Indonesia: Muslim Jihad on Christian Churches

We will not stop hunting Christians and burning churches. Christians are Allah’s enemies!” – Islamic leaders, Aceh region.

And then comes this “Wow!” Commentary = Possible Purpose of Allowing Paris to Happen

And it includes this statement = The European elites want the citizens cowed; in fear of being raped, shot, and/or blown up. Cowed citizens will do anything to keep the peace and are more compliant.

Is this a delusional conspiracy theory? Or a right on assessment?

And in today's Daily Kos – not one single comment on the Paris terrorist attacks

Former MSNBC Host Blames Western Terror Attacks on U.S. Relationship with Saudi Arabia - See more at: Former MSNBC Host Blames Western Terror Attacks on U.S. Relationship with Saudi Arabia

France’s Far-Right Party Calls For Nation To “Re-Arm Itself”, Revoke Muslims’ Passports, “Eradicate” Radical Islam Is this just the first of a wave of similar demands?

It Begins: Muzzie Vermin Praise Attack in Paris, Leftwing Media, Islamic Mouthpieces Start PR

Here's one woman's horrific first-hand account of the Paris attacks inside the Bataclan theatre Original from War News Updates: A Young Woman's Horrific First-Hand Account Of The Paris Attacks Inside The Bataclan Theatre
What Paris Taught Us About the Islamic State

This is a very informative piece about the history and future of ISIS. The biggest threat obviously comes from those who have fought on the ground and are now returning to the countries they came from. In singles or groups, as we saw in Paris, they can bring unknown pain and sorrow.

Unfortunately, this piece @ What Paris Taught Us About the Islamic State doesn't include a solution.

Personal view: So we bomb ISIS into dust. We destroy the oil fields and cut off their money and supply lines. We, for all sense and purpose, destroy it. Will it stop the loss of human life? Reduce the human misery? Give a chance for the people of the Middle East, Africa, and Asia to have a better life.

I doubt it. As long as lives are in the hands of so-called religious experts who teach them that death and destruction is what is demanded of them, it will never go away.

And, will this solve the problem?

The French interior minister: The French interior minister says he's going to start the "dissolution of mosques where hate is preached." MSNBC's Richard Lui reports that the French justice minister has confirmed that all the attackers are dead. (From MSNBC)

France ‘knew about attacks, more planned’: Prime Minister @ France ‘knew about attacks, more planned’: Prime Minister

Five things to know about the Paris attack @ Five things to know about the Paris attack

Why Islam Is a Religion of War @ Why Islam is a Religion of War

He it is who has sent His Messenger (Mohammed) with guidance and the religion of truth (Islam) to make it victorious over all religions even though the infidels may resist.” Koran 61:9 Islamic violence is a religious problem. Islam derives meaning from physical supremacy, so war becomes an act of faith. To believe in Islam, is to have faith that it will conquer the entire world. And to be a true Muslim, is to feel called to aid in that global conquest, whether by providing money to the Jihadists or to become a Jihadist.

My Night During the Paris Attacks @ My Night During The Paris Attacks a first hand account of someone close to the attacks. The truth of war is that it's all far away even if you're right next door to it.

Belgian government lacks control over neighborhood linked to Paris jihad attacks @ Belgian government lacks control over neighborhood linked to Paris jihad attacks


Just before the carnage – all happy and having fun.


Story @ Crowd pictured moments before slaughter at Eagles Of Death Metal gig

Al Franken: Don’t worry, just a few bad apples – more leftist lunacy @ Al Franken: Don’t worry, just a few bad apples

Radicalized Muslim Ghettos Could Be Source of More Terror Attacks @ Prison » Radicalized Muslim Ghettos Could Be Source of More Terror Attacks It seems the mythical “no go” zones are real.

Jeb Bush: U.S. Efforts on Syrian Refugees Should Focus on Christians – The first things he's ever said that I fully agree with @ Jeb Bush: U.S. efforts on Syrian refugees should focus on Christians.


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