My Respect for Ron DeSantis has Quadrupled

Trump said Desantis would be working at a pizza parlour without him. I guess the only question is, which would you prefer, a candidate that's been criminally indicted or someone who's only qualification is making pizzas.
Why does "ham sandwich" come to mind
I'm hoping DeSantis DOESNT run this time. President Trump has EARNED the '24 spot. He was actually denied even his first term.
Exactly why I said I will happily vote for Ron in 28 ;)

Trump has earned it and Ron's time is in 28 but still I've seen Trump's attack turn many against Ron even if he doesn't run in 24. All because Trump got jealous of DeSantis big night last election
And there is also this...

That's a respectable commitment to not participate in the political lynching.

Restraining ones self from politicizing the justice system to squash your political opponents requires a strong moral foundation. John Adams warned

Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other

This is why we are seeing the breakdown of law and justice when the left gets into power
It's interesting that you say that, because one thing a lot of people overlook about DeSantis is that he is very, very young. He's younger than Star Wars. He's got tons of time to wait.

Why wait? Age doesn't necessarily anything when it comes to DeSantis. Seriously, it's not like he's a teenager. If his youth had anything to do with it, he wouldn't be such a good governor.
Exactly why I said I will happily vote for Ron in 28 ;)

Trump has earned it and Ron's time is in 28 but still I've seen Trump's attack turn many against Ron even if he doesn't run in 24. All because Trump got jealous of DeSantis big night last election

You don't think Trump is a liberal? Then let me ask you this. If Biden or Obama had done these following things, would you consider them a liberal?

1. Gave $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities.
2. Banned bump stocks. And made the statement "Take the guns first. Then due process later."
3. Funded gender studies in Pakistan
4. Funded Planned Parenthood, not only when they were involved in abortions, but also so soon after finding out they were selling baby parts.
5. Spent $8 trillion in 4 years. Which helped to create the 8% inflation rate.
6. Shoved operation Warp speed down our throats and initiated the covid restrictions.
7. Struck a deal with Saudi Arabia, Mexico and US oil companies to DECREASE oil production.
8. Left so few of our military in Afghanistan, instead of a complete withdrawal.

Those are some very liberal things. And it's why I believe Trump is just too liberal for me.
You don't think Trump is a liberal? Then let me ask you this. If Biden or Obama had done these following things, would you consider them a liberal?

1. Gave $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities.
2. Banned bump stocks. And made the statement "Take the guns first. Then due process later."
3. Funded gender studies in Pakistan
4. Funded Planned Parenthood, not only when they were involved in abortions, but also so soon after finding out they were selling baby parts.
5. Spent $8 trillion in 4 years. Which helped to create the 8% inflation rate.
6. Shoved operation Warp speed down our throats and initiated the covid restrictions.
7. Struck a deal with Saudi Arabia, Mexico and US oil companies to DECREASE oil production.
8. Left so few of our military in Afghanistan, instead of a complete withdrawal.

Those are some very liberal things. And it's why I believe Trump is just too liberal for me.
If not Trump or DeSantis who do you see realistically as being a better option?
If not Trump or DeSantis who do you see realistically as being a better option?

Maybe there won't be anyone. There hasn't been any actual conservatives on the ballot since before Reagan. So it'll be the same ole same ole line up.
It could be the only way to fix this issue, which isn't really possible, would be for the GOP to either just stop voting and explain they're sick of these CINO's. Or vote 3rd party.
Otherwise, when you have 80 million people voting for a liberal Republican, the GOP doesn't think they even need to change.

This country is in bad shape. BRICS is on just on the horizon and starting to make a dent in our global economic dominance. So it's going to take a complete revamp of several things.
One is just stop supporting any ole liberal with a Republican badge. We've been doing this since Reagan. And now look at us. $30 trillion in debt. A real global competitor. $15hr being a poverty wage. Government agencies politicizes.
And our elected officials contributing to revenge politics, instead of fixing anything.

It's either that or forced to join BRICS in a decade.
It's not the roll of government up uplift ANYONE based on their race. That's racism. And the way Trump did it, was socialism. The very thing that helps to keep black from becoming successful. The very thing that the democrats have been doing to blacks since they started voting for democrats.

This is my biggest disagreement with Trump. He's taken republicans, (especially his supporters) so far left of center, they can't even see center anymore.

To get back to a fiscally conservative form of government, we only have to understand what fiscal conservatism consist of.
It's not spending beyond our means. It's not $500 billion to only black communities, or any other communities for that matter. It's not funding gender studies in Pakistan (as Trump did)

DeSantis, so far, is the ONLY one speaking out about how bad it is for the government to borrow so much money, and how it creates inflation rates like we've seen under Biden.
Trump loyalist won't even consider the fact that the $8 trillion that Trump spent had anything to do with the 8% inflation rates we just went through. Why? Because they're Trump loyalist and they don't really understand fiscal conservatism.

The trouble is that DeSantis is lying. Government spending does not cause inflation. The trouble is that we are giving big tax cuts to the rich. The rich are systematically fleecing this country. They refuse to pay decent wages. They are keeping prices artificially high. That is what causes inflation.
DeSantis can wi9n a primary. He can't win a general.

Wrong. DeSantis will mop the floor with anyone the DNC throws up. Simply because he attracts not just Republicans. But also independents and moderate democrats.
Trump attracts Trumpbots. He also attracts flies like Lindsey Graham and that Jeb Bush campaign guy.
And there is also this...

That's a respectable commitment to not participate in the political lynching.

The only political lynchings are being done by Republicans. Attacks on transgenders, gays, blacks, women and other people that Republicans want to marginalize.

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