My Respect for Ron DeSantis has Quadrupled

The trouble is that DeSantis is lying. Government spending does not cause inflation. The trouble is that we are giving big tax cuts to the rich. The rich are systematically fleecing this country. They refuse to pay decent wages. They are keeping prices artificially high. That is what causes inflation.

What a load of crap. "Government spending doesn't cause inflation?"

When the government borrows money from the fed, and pumps it into the economy, it makes the existing currency worth less. Too much money in the economy is inflation.

This is the basics. A short video with important details.
Wrong. DeSantis will mop the floor with anyone the DNC throws up. Simply because he attracts not just Republicans. But also independents and moderate democrats.
Trump attracts Trumpbots. He also attracts flies like Lindsey Graham and that Jeb Bush campaign guy.

He cannot win swing states. He does not attract independents and moderate democrats.
The only political lynchings are being done by Republicans. Attacks on transgenders, gays, blacks, women and other people that Republicans want to marginalize.

Those people started attacking first. Trannies competing in the wrong sports league, trying to expose themselves to children. Getting people fired for not "pretending" what the tranny is pretending.
He cannot win swing states. He does not attract independents and moderate democrats.

Can't win a swing state? FL is a swing state. And he turned it red. And yes he does attack independents and moderate democrats. I'm 100% independent, and he attracted me. There's a democrat on this forum who I was just chatting with yesterday, who says he's supporting DeSantis if he runs.
What a load of crap. "Government spending doesn't cause inflation?"

When the government borrows money from the fed, and pumps it into the economy, it makes the existing currency worth less. Too much money in the economy is inflation.

This is the basics. A short video with important details.

We have inflation because companies are raising prices to increase their profits not because they have to. That is why company profits are up so much in so many industries especially where there are monopolies. The price of flat screen tvs has dropped. Meat has not. What is the difference? There is a lot of competition in flat screen tvs. The meat industry is a oligopoly. Even ranchers who are largely Republicans will tell you this.
Those people started attacking first. Trannies competing in the wrong sports league, trying to expose themselves to children. Getting people fired for not "pretending" what the tranny is pretending.

No one is exposing anyone. People have a right to live their lives the way they see fit. You do not have the right to limit their rights.
Can't win a swing state? FL is a swing state. And he turned it red. And yes he does attack independents and moderate democrats. I'm 100% independent, and he attracted me. There's a democrat on this forum who I was just chatting with yesterday, who says he's supporting DeSantis if he runs.

I am a independent and a Reagan Republican. Ronald Reagan would never support the hate that the Republican Party espouses today. Florida is a Nazi state as DeSantis attacks the rights of Americans.
I am a independent and a Reagan Republican. Ronald Reagan would never support the hate that the Republican Party espouses today. Florida is a Nazi state as DeSantis attacks the rights of Americans.

Ronald Reagan was a bleeding heart liberal, who started this economic downturn by using the Federal Reserve like it was an unlimited credit card. 1 tax reduction and 4 increases. Raised the debt ceiling 17 times. The first president to spend more than $1 trillion. He's the one that opened up the flood gates for foreign countries to buy American companies. They did what hedge fund companies do. Suck all the profit out of it, then shut it down.

No one is exposing anyone. People have a right to live their lives the way they see fit. You do not have the right to limit their rights.

They're exposing children to men dressed as women. Trannies exposing penis's to women at the gym.
Do a freaking porn search for "shemale exposing in public." They in parks, womens restrooms, gyms and all sorts of other places.
What they do is abnormal, because 99% of the rest of the world doesn't do that kind of crap. Like dress up as the opposite sex and demand everyone not assume their gender.
Their rights don't trump anyone else's. They may have a right to pretend they're the opposite sex. But they don't have the right to force others to pretend the same thing. And when you get someone fired for not pretending, then you're squashing someone else's rights.
You don't know those people because they're not Trump. They're not important to you. Even though they were actually punished harshly by a corrupt system.
Why are they not more widely known? Because they're not superstars, celebrities or politicians. Seemingly unknown because they didn't entertain enough people and get rich doing it.

All of this republican support for one of the most liberal Republicans we've seen since Reagan, for what? Because he's rich? He's an entertainer? Definitely not because he was a good president. He was just a good salesmen who made you and others think he was a good president. In fact his sales tactics were so good, he had you all convinced that spending $8 trillion in just 4 years, was "conservatism." That assaulting our 2A was necessary. That allowing the NSA to spy on Americans without a warrant, was constitutional. That giving $500 billion to black communities (just because they were black communities) wasn't socialism.

None of those people I listed above, that you don't know, never committed injustices like Trump has. But hey, they're not rich. They're not celebrities. And they're not good salesmen.

The only "corrupt system" was the one which protected the McMichaels for so long. And the one which allowed someone like Trump - a life long business failure and corrupt conman, to run for President in the first place.
The only political lynchings are being done by Republicans. Attacks on transgenders, gays, blacks, women and other people that Republicans want to marginalize.

You're a liberal hack. Nobody is attacking gays, lesbos, trans. The trannies, gays, lesbos are attacking and killing innocent people. Keep it up.......and see what happens.
The only "corrupt system" was the one which protected the McMichaels for so long. And the one which allowed someone like Trump - a life long business failure and corrupt conman, to run for President in the first place.

The McMichaels and their friend weren't protected. They were tried by the media and race hustlers.

And anyone can run for president. They simply have to qualify. Being an American citizen born in the USA and of a certain age, are about the only limitation.
That same system allowed Obama to run.
Ronald Reagan was a bleeding heart liberal, who started this economic downturn by using the Federal Reserve like it was an unlimited credit card. 1 tax reduction and 4 increases. Raised the debt ceiling 17 times. The first president to spend more than $1 trillion. He's the one that opened up the flood gates for foreign countries to buy American companies. They did what hedge fund companies do. Suck all the profit out of it, then shut it down.

They're exposing children to men dressed as women. Trannies exposing penis's to women at the gym.
Do a freaking porn search for "shemale exposing in public." They in parks, womens restrooms, gyms and all sorts of other places.
What they do is abnormal, because 99% of the rest of the world doesn't do that kind of crap. Like dress up as the opposite sex and demand everyone not assume their gender.
Their rights don't trump anyone else's. They may have a right to pretend they're the opposite sex. But they don't have the right to force others to pretend the same thing. And when you get someone fired for not pretending, then you're squashing someone else's rights.

Reagan was a fringe right wing radical. You're correct that he started your current economic mess but it was the tax cuts that did it, and the destruction of the unions, not just the credit card spending.

As for the rest of your bullshit, no drag queen has ever been arrested for harming a child. The same cannot be said for Catholic priests, Boy Scout leaders, or sports coaches:


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Death Angel, you can give a thumbs down to those who've actually been false punished, for decades. One who were actually found guilty of crimes they did not do.
The ones that none of us stood up for. And think about why we didn't stand up for them. Why suddenly, simply because it's Trump, did we decide to stand up for.

Where were we when the McMichaels were on trial. Or the Memphis 3. Or Sullivan Walter?
Who the fuck are they?
From what I can see, it is all about Trump. Because crooked DA's and prosecutors have been doing this same thing to the average joe for centuries. But suddenly it becomes something to fight about when it happens to Trump?
It is when it's the former president of the United States and the leading opposition political candidate.

only a complete moron wouldn't undestand that.

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