My Second Novel is Out! Yippee!!!


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
I finished my second novel at the end of November and it is finally out on Amazon today either in book form or kindle. Usually, once it is out a few days Amazon will have a look in feature where you can read the first few chapters. It is a supernatural thriller...but not the tired vampire/werewolf mythos that has been done to death. Here is a link to the Amazon page. I hope you enjoy, and please let me know your feedback good or bad. :)

[ame=]Garden of the Scorpion: Mr Michael L Brink: 9781495282577: Books[/ame]

A link to the prologue is here. :)
Following a series of gruesome murders….chased and hunted by a mysterious enemy known only as The Dark One; Olivia must learn to rely on the long hidden knowledge of her Native American ancestors, and return to the ways of the old gods. She is a Beloved Woman of her tribe…a witch and a harbinger of ancient lineage, sent to vanquish the darkness.

Sounds like my kind of book!
I finished my second novel at the end of November and it is finally out on Amazon today either in book form or kindle. Usually, once it is out a few days Amazon will have a look in feature where you can read the first few chapters. It is a supernatural thriller...but not the tired vampire/werewolf mythos that has been done to death. Here is a link to the Amazon page. I hope you enjoy, and please let me know your feedback good or bad. :)

Garden of the Scorpion: Mr Michael L Brink: 9781495282577: Books

A link to the prologue is here. :)

If only I had time to read anything other than non-fiction, these days. I miss a good novel. I started one a couple of years ago, but just didn't have the time or desire to finish it.

Best of luck to you, Welfare Queen...:thup:
I am increasingly interested in building on my existing work of non-fiction. But three pieces of advice:

price your novels at $3 to stay out of the $2.99 or less slush pile readers ignore. A penny makes no economic difference to anyone.

Practice truth in branding in your blurbs. Underpromising and overdelivering sells.

I still use the same nick name in my writing that I did 7 years ago when blogging for Mike Roller. A consistent and known product is what customers want from their producer.
Summery is interesting. I keep it in mind to look inside and than decide and give you feedback. good luck for sales.

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