My solution to the obesity crisis: competitive games every morning

What is your angle? Why are you in denial about how fat people in our country are?
I think it's a scam to steal money.

Why the hell else would they be blatantly lying?

Well, I definitely see a LOT more fat and a lot more FATTER people than I ever used to see. They are all over the place. It's not hard to believe at all.
Are one third of the people you see obese?

BTW, that 1/3 is only counting morbidly obese people. That doesn't even include the people who are "overweight" and well on their way to becoming obese!
Are one third of the people you see day to day obese?

I seriously doubt it.

At least 1/3. I would go so far as to say at least half of all the people I see every day are overweight/obese.
You can't outrun a bad diet.

Shit you cant even afford a good diet or make the companies tell you what type of crap they're putting in their foods to begin with. Exercise is one part but no one wants to look at the foods almost like...dont inconvenience the honorable food companies. But 300 million people should get their shit together.

Viola...easy answer that has a face. Its easy to hate things with faces...
Remember when Reagan wanted to count ketchup as a vegetable? Well, he couldnt get that done but leave it up to the Pizza makers to throw enough lobbying bucks to essentially do the same thing
How To Turn Pizza Into A Vegetable

"School meals that are subsidized by the federal government must include a certain amount of vegetables," the AP reports, "and USDA's proposal could have pushed pizza-makers and potato growers out of the school lunch business." It would have pushed vegetable growers into the business, but their lobbyists aren't as powerful, it seems.
If you take eating advice from the government, you deserve what you get.

I agree, except thats not the issue and you can make that general statement about anything anytime and no one would disagree.

IF you take advice from a gambler you deserve what you get. Or a nun, or a teacher, or your parents or....
Seriously, we should only eat like 300 calories a day (most of us) lolol...and that's what we would eat if we lived in a shithole country that doesn't have food.

But we don't. We live in prosperous countries where food is abundant. Sadly, people, and dogs, enjoy food immensely. We aren't animals of the plains, for pete's sakes, we're hunters!

Even if we only burn 300 calories a day.
Swedish researchers say obesity more dangerous to health than lack of fitness...

Study: Obesity more dangerous to health than lack of fitness
Dec. 21, 2015 - Researchers said the nearly 30-year study dispels the "fat but fit" myth.
The authors of a new study say they have disproved the "fat but fit" notion after finding in a large study that obesity cancels out the benefits of being at high aerobic fitness. Researchers at Umeå University in Sweden sought to find whether the negative health effects of obesity could be canceled out by increasing fitness levels, based on both being associated with death at older ages. The study analyzed data on 1.3 million Swedish men followed from 1969 to 1996, with aerobic fitness measured by an electrically braked cycle test and causes of death tracked using Swedish national registers.


While normal weight and overweight men saw benefits from aerobic fitness, obese men were seen not to receive them in a study in Sweden.​

Researchers found, based on a mean follow-up of 29 years, 44,301 people died, with men in the highest fifth of aerobic fitness showing a 48 percent lower risk of death from any cause, as compared to the lowest fifth of men. While the strongest associations seen for death were alcohol and narcotics abuse, risks associated with weight and fitness were similar, the researchers reported. Aerobic fitness was associated with reduced risk for death in normal and overweight men and the benefits from fitness were lower in obese men. Unfit normal-weight men also were seen to have a 30 percent lower risk of death from any cause than obese men.

A link was also found between low aerobic fitness and death from trauma, which Peter Nordström, a researcher at Umea University, said researchers could only speculate the cause, noting in a press release that "genetic factors could have influenced these associations given that aerobic fitness is under strong genetic control." The study is published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

Study: Obesity more dangerous to health than lack of fitness

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