Let's hear a Liberal propose a solution to the Tijuana crisis.

Temporary work visas
Everyone should be a Tourist unless and until they apply for immigration and naturalization.

It is simple.

The "tourist" visa could be renewable annually.

Upgrading Ellis Island is a cost effective and market friendly solution.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. not a State id., anyway.
You want anyone without a job to receive a check from the Government even if they are able to work and not looking and you want open borders. What kind of nutcase are you?
The liberal approach is to to allow all of them to enter, apply for asylum and then be released into the general public while they await their asylum hearing (wink, wink).
Them and all their untreated infectious diseases...that the taxpayers then get to pay for.
Let's upgrade Ellis Island to contain those issues on the Island and relieve pressure on our "southern flank".
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?

Mexico has to control their border. Has to. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. My solution is to close the border. See you later. Go home.

How 'bout them liberal apples?
No, Mexico does not have to control their borders. In fact, Mexico has had relatively open border for at least a hundred years. To enter Mexico from neighboring countries, you need only identification, no visas or permits. It is important economically for Mexico to keep there southern and northern border open.

It is the US that has a border problem not Mexico.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?

Mexico has to control their border. Has to. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. My solution is to close the border. See you later. Go home.

How 'bout them liberal apples?
No, Mexico does not have to control their borders. In fact, Mexico has had relatively open border for at least a hundred years. To enter Mexico from neighboring countries, you need only identification, no visas or permits. It is important economically for Mexico to keep there southern and northern border open.

It is the US that has a border problem not Mexico.
You are combining the commerce aspect of open borders with the undocumented aliens aspect of open borders. It is important for both Mexico and the US to keep the commerce aspect of our borders open and just as important to control the undocumented aliens aspect of open borders. The concept of allowing mass waves of undocumented people into the country has multiple risks to our citizens and our government resources.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?

Mexico has to control their border. Has to. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. My solution is to close the border. See you later. Go home.

How 'bout them liberal apples?
No, Mexico does not have to control their borders. In fact, Mexico has had relatively open border for at least a hundred years. To enter Mexico from neighboring countries, you need only identification, no visas or permits. It is important economically for Mexico to keep there southern and northern border open.

It is the US that has a border problem not Mexico.

No. Mexico does have to control it. They receive funding to do so.
Mexico’s Other Border: Security, Migration, and the Humanitarian Crisis at the Line with Central America
On Southern Border, Mexico Faces Crisis of Its Own
#1 rule for crisis management; don't have a crisis atmosphere. If you over-react, so will everyone else.
Well, here's the thing. When you overwhelm all of the shelter, food and health services of a small border town with 8000 migrants you kind of have a crisis.

No....when you react with tear gas, rubber bullets, etc.... you play into the hands of those who are only seeking to create trouble on the border.
What would you suggest as a better approach to a group of several hundred migrant men rushing through the border gates throwing rocks and bottles at border agents?

Retreat to a safe distance as to not get hit by these troublemakers. As soon as they step onto American soil, arrest them for trespassing as they have not violated ours (or anyone else’s laws) until then.

What would you have done differently that what was done?
That's good! So when we arrest them for trespassing they have forfeited any claim to asylum since they were just trying to illegally enter America. Then we deport them. I like that strategy. I would have done exactly what border patrol did but your strategy has merit.
Migrants do not loose there right to apply for asylum because they have entered the country illegally. If a person is flagged for deportation, they can still apply for asylum. However, meeting the requirements are not easy. The applicant has to convince the asylum agent and a judge that he or she has creditable fear of harm due to religious or political persecution if they return to their native land. They must also must pass a background check and must have sufficient English skills to present their case or hire an interpreter because immigration does not provide them.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?

Mexico has to control their border. Has to. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. My solution is to close the border. See you later. Go home.

How 'bout them liberal apples?
No, Mexico does not have to control their borders. In fact, Mexico has had relatively open border for at least a hundred years. To enter Mexico from neighboring countries, you need only identification, no visas or permits. It is important economically for Mexico to keep there southern and northern border open.

It is the US that has a border problem not Mexico.

No. Mexico does have to control it. They receive funding to do so.
Mexico’s Other Border: Security, Migration, and the Humanitarian Crisis at the Line with Central America
On Southern Border, Mexico Faces Crisis of Its Own
Mexico receives funds from the US to apprehend drug traffickers and other activities illegal in Mexico such as human and arms trafficking. It is not illegal for Central Americans to cross Mexico's southern bother providing they have identification. No permits or visas are required. Border agents can stop and detain a person for bringing in illegal goods. They also can stop and detain known felons or those on a terrorist watch list. There is no law that prevents the caravans from crossing their border.

What we should do is eliminate the need for people to leave their homes and make the long dangerous trip to the US border. First, we change the asylum law so they can apply at consulates and embassies. 2nd we set a side a billion in aid of the 45 billion Trump is asking for his wall, border enforcement and detention housing to fix some of the problems that are driving these people out of their homes.
Firing into another country violates international law…

Not when that other country is committing an act of war. For example, allowing an invasion force that targets your country safe passage through theirs, or gives any kind of aid or support to such an invasion force.
Mexico had soldiers down there too.
People on both sides are blowing this thing all out of proportion. There were no serious injuries. This was a demonstration that got out of control because the migrants thought they were not going be able to petition for asylum.

Immigration needs to process these people faster. They have had 2 months to prepare for this and they have thousands of troops that can put up tents and housing and yet they are doing very little. By limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to apply, Trump is making his own immigration crisis.

It's tense and it's going get worse as more migrants arrive at the Tijuana sports complex which has been converted to are refugee camp. They have a shortages of food, water and sanitary facilities and the city says they only have money to operate for two weeks and more migrants are arriving everyday.
Well, here's the thing. When you overwhelm all of the shelter, food and health services of a small border town with 8000 migrants you kind of have a crisis.

No....when you react with tear gas, rubber bullets, etc.... you play into the hands of those who are only seeking to create trouble on the border.
What would you suggest as a better approach to a group of several hundred migrant men rushing through the border gates throwing rocks and bottles at border agents?

Retreat to a safe distance as to not get hit by these troublemakers. As soon as they step onto American soil, arrest them for trespassing as they have not violated ours (or anyone else’s laws) until then.

What would you have done differently that what was done?
That's good! So when we arrest them for trespassing they have forfeited any claim to asylum since they were just trying to illegally enter America. Then we deport them. I like that strategy. I would have done exactly what border patrol did but your strategy has merit.
Migrants do not loose there right to apply for asylum because they have entered the country illegally. If a person is flagged for deportation, they can still apply for asylum. However, meeting the requirements are not easy. The applicant has to convince the asylum agent and a judge that he or she has creditable fear of harm due to religious or political persecution if they return to their native land. They must also must pass a background check and must have sufficient English skills to present their case or hire an interpreter because immigration does not provide them.

The very definition of an asylum seeker is an individual whose well-being or life is imperiled to the extent that he cannot obtain a visa in his home country, where to compel an asylum seeker to wait for authorization to enter the United States would manifest as an unwarranted threat to an asylum seeker’s well-being or life.
Firing into another country violates international law…

Not when that other country is committing an act of war. For example, allowing an invasion force that targets your country safe passage through theirs, or gives any kind of aid or support to such an invasion force.
Mexico had soldiers down there too.
People on both sides are blowing this thing all out of proportion. There were no serious injuries. This was a demonstration that got out of control because the migrants thought they were not going be able to petition for asylum.

Immigration needs to process these people faster. They have had 2 months to prepare for this and they have thousands of troops that can put up tents and housing and yet they are doing very little. By limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to apply, Trump is making his own immigration crisis.

It's tense and it's going get worse as more migrants arrive at the Tijuana sports complex which has been converted to are refugee camp. They have a shortages of food, water and sanitary facilities and the city says they only have money to operate for two weeks and more migrants are arriving everyday.
Which returns us to the thread premise: this is a ‘crisis’ the consequence of failed, wrongheaded conservative immigration policy, or the lack thereof – and the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and demagoguery.
Firing into another country violates international law…

Not when that other country is committing an act of war. For example, allowing an invasion force that targets your country safe passage through theirs, or gives any kind of aid or support to such an invasion force.
Mexico had soldiers down there too.
People on both sides are blowing this thing all out of proportion. There were no serious injuries. This was a demonstration that got out of control because the migrants thought they were not going be able to petition for asylum.

Immigration needs to process these people faster. They have had 2 months to prepare for this and they have thousands of troops that can put up tents and housing and yet they are doing very little. By limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to apply, Trump is making his own immigration crisis.

It's tense and it's going get worse as more migrants arrive at the Tijuana sports complex which has been converted to are refugee camp. They have a shortages of food, water and sanitary facilities and the city says they only have money to operate for two weeks and more migrants are arriving everyday.
Which returns us to the thread premise: this is a ‘crisis’ the consequence of failed, wrongheaded conservative immigration policy, or the lack thereof – and the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and demagoguery.
What is YOUR solution to the CURRENT CRISIS in Tijuana, Clayton?
Well, here's the thing. When you overwhelm all of the shelter, food and health services of a small border town with 8000 migrants you kind of have a crisis.

No....when you react with tear gas, rubber bullets, etc.... you play into the hands of those who are only seeking to create trouble on the border.
What would you suggest as a better approach to a group of several hundred migrant men rushing through the border gates throwing rocks and bottles at border agents?

Retreat to a safe distance as to not get hit by these troublemakers. As soon as they step onto American soil, arrest them for trespassing as they have not violated ours (or anyone else’s laws) until then.

What would you have done differently that what was done?
That's good! So when we arrest them for trespassing they have forfeited any claim to asylum since they were just trying to illegally enter America. Then we deport them. I like that strategy. I would have done exactly what border patrol did but your strategy has merit.
Migrants do not loose there right to apply for asylum because they have entered the country illegally. If a person is flagged for deportation, they can still apply for asylum. However, meeting the requirements are not easy. The applicant has to convince the asylum agent and a judge that he or she has creditable fear of harm due to religious or political persecution if they return to their native land. They must also must pass a background check and must have sufficient English skills to present their case or hire an interpreter because immigration does not provide them.
Fine Let them apply. Then disqualify them for entering the country illegally by charging the gates and/or assaulting US officers and deport them. That gets rid of the most aggressive members of the caravan, so that's perfect.

And you are 100% correct that they have to prove credible fear of due to RELIGIOUS or POLITICAL persecution. Nearly every interview I've heard, the migrants do not mention that at all. It's about getting a job making a better life etc. Very understandable but not at all applicable to asylum.
Firing into another country violates international law…

Not when that other country is committing an act of war. For example, allowing an invasion force that targets your country safe passage through theirs, or gives any kind of aid or support to such an invasion force.
Mexico had soldiers down there too.
People on both sides are blowing this thing all out of proportion. There were no serious injuries. This was a demonstration that got out of control because the migrants thought they were not going be able to petition for asylum.

Immigration needs to process these people faster. They have had 2 months to prepare for this and they have thousands of troops that can put up tents and housing and yet they are doing very little. By limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to apply, Trump is making his own immigration crisis.

It's tense and it's going get worse as more migrants arrive at the Tijuana sports complex which has been converted to are refugee camp. They have a shortages of food, water and sanitary facilities and the city says they only have money to operate for two weeks and more migrants are arriving everyday.
Which returns us to the thread premise: this is a ‘crisis’ the consequence of failed, wrongheaded conservative immigration policy, or the lack thereof – and the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and demagoguery.
What is YOUR solution to the CURRENT CRISIS in Tijuana, Clayton?
The thread premise itself proves just how ignorant, clueless, and out of touch most conservatives are with regard to the issue of immigration; conservatives blinded by their fear, bigotry, hate, and partisanism are unable to understand that this is a ‘crisis’ of their own making, a ‘crisis’ liberals simply would have never allowed to happen.
All of us Conservatives WHO WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG about the growing border crisis have offered plenty of solutions. Some are more drastic than others but Conservatives don't all sing off the same sheet of music, so that's fine.

I want to hear a Liberal state clearly what the solution is at the Tijuana border. I haven't read one yet. My solution is the Mexican government starts sending buses tomorrow to transport those thousands of people out of TJ to surrounding towns and cities. Mexico is to provide food and shelter and offer them asylum in Mexico. If they don't take it, they go back to Central America by bus on Mexico's dime.

Mexico also has to stop letting caravans into their Southern border and if they need to use tear gas or electrify the fence or some other non level means. then do it. No guns I don't want to see anyone killed but this shit has got to stop. That is not how our immigration process works and we don't change it just because Central America is a hell hole.

Will a Liberal stand up and give a solution?

Mexico has to control their border. Has to. This has been an ongoing problem for a very long time. My solution is to close the border. See you later. Go home.

How 'bout them liberal apples?
No, Mexico does not have to control their borders. In fact, Mexico has had relatively open border for at least a hundred years. To enter Mexico from neighboring countries, you need only identification, no visas or permits. It is important economically for Mexico to keep there southern and northern border open.

It is the US that has a border problem not Mexico.

No. Mexico does have to control it. They receive funding to do so.
Mexico’s Other Border: Security, Migration, and the Humanitarian Crisis at the Line with Central America
On Southern Border, Mexico Faces Crisis of Its Own
Mexico receives funds from the US to apprehend drug traffickers and other activities illegal in Mexico such as human and arms trafficking. It is not illegal for Central Americans to cross Mexico's southern bother providing they have identification. No permits or visas are required. Border agents can stop and detain a person for bringing in illegal goods. They also can stop and detain known felons or those on a terrorist watch list. There is no law that prevents the caravans from crossing their border.

What we should do is eliminate the need for people to leave their homes and make the long dangerous trip to the US border. First, we change the asylum law so they can apply at consulates and embassies. 2nd we set a side a billion in aid of the 45 billion Trump is asking for his wall, border enforcement and detention housing to fix some of the problems that are driving these people out of their homes.

Mexico was told several years ago they needed to secure their southern border. I am aware of all they have to do to get in there.


No more bullshit. You want to help people in these countries? Stop exploiting their resources.

Don't want to walk back neoliberal policies and the ramifications of the IMF? Don't expect the rest of us to want to jump right in and make it all peaches and cream for foreign investments that push these people out where the countries are all okie dokie with those in poverty leaving so they don't have to be responsible for them.
Firing into another country violates international law…

Not when that other country is committing an act of war. For example, allowing an invasion force that targets your country safe passage through theirs, or gives any kind of aid or support to such an invasion force.
Mexico had soldiers down there too.
People on both sides are blowing this thing all out of proportion. There were no serious injuries. This was a demonstration that got out of control because the migrants thought they were not going be able to petition for asylum.

Immigration needs to process these people faster. They have had 2 months to prepare for this and they have thousands of troops that can put up tents and housing and yet they are doing very little. By limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to apply, Trump is making his own immigration crisis.

It's tense and it's going get worse as more migrants arrive at the Tijuana sports complex which has been converted to are refugee camp. They have a shortages of food, water and sanitary facilities and the city says they only have money to operate for two weeks and more migrants are arriving everyday.

I totally agree. The argument being made was “allowing an invasion force that targets your country”. I was pointing out that Mexico had soldiers down there too to prevent the *snicker* “invasion force” *snicker* from coming into our nation.

You elect a clown, you get a circus. That is what we had down there.
Firing into another country violates international law…

Not when that other country is committing an act of war. For example, allowing an invasion force that targets your country safe passage through theirs, or gives any kind of aid or support to such an invasion force.
Mexico had soldiers down there too.
People on both sides are blowing this thing all out of proportion. There were no serious injuries. This was a demonstration that got out of control because the migrants thought they were not going be able to petition for asylum.

Immigration needs to process these people faster. They have had 2 months to prepare for this and they have thousands of troops that can put up tents and housing and yet they are doing very little. By limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to apply, Trump is making his own immigration crisis.

It's tense and it's going get worse as more migrants arrive at the Tijuana sports complex which has been converted to are refugee camp. They have a shortages of food, water and sanitary facilities and the city says they only have money to operate for two weeks and more migrants are arriving everyday.
Which returns us to the thread premise: this is a ‘crisis’ the consequence of failed, wrongheaded conservative immigration policy, or the lack thereof – and the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and demagoguery.

No, this is a consequence of pretending the exploitation is ok when you elect a Democrat but it's back to being bad when you elect someone you don't like.
Firing into another country violates international law…

Not when that other country is committing an act of war. For example, allowing an invasion force that targets your country safe passage through theirs, or gives any kind of aid or support to such an invasion force.
Mexico had soldiers down there too.
People on both sides are blowing this thing all out of proportion. There were no serious injuries. This was a demonstration that got out of control because the migrants thought they were not going be able to petition for asylum.

Immigration needs to process these people faster. They have had 2 months to prepare for this and they have thousands of troops that can put up tents and housing and yet they are doing very little. By limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to apply, Trump is making his own immigration crisis.

It's tense and it's going get worse as more migrants arrive at the Tijuana sports complex which has been converted to are refugee camp. They have a shortages of food, water and sanitary facilities and the city says they only have money to operate for two weeks and more migrants are arriving everyday.
Which returns us to the thread premise: this is a ‘crisis’ the consequence of failed, wrongheaded conservative immigration policy, or the lack thereof – and the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and demagoguery.
What is YOUR solution to the CURRENT CRISIS in Tijuana, Clayton?

Stop creating a crisis atmosphere and we won’t have one.

Research what we did in 1978, 1988, 1998, and 2008 and do that.

Let INS do it’s job

Numerous solutions to the faux crisis.
Not when that other country is committing an act of war. For example, allowing an invasion force that targets your country safe passage through theirs, or gives any kind of aid or support to such an invasion force.
Mexico had soldiers down there too.
People on both sides are blowing this thing all out of proportion. There were no serious injuries. This was a demonstration that got out of control because the migrants thought they were not going be able to petition for asylum.

Immigration needs to process these people faster. They have had 2 months to prepare for this and they have thousands of troops that can put up tents and housing and yet they are doing very little. By limiting the number of asylum seekers allowed to apply, Trump is making his own immigration crisis.

It's tense and it's going get worse as more migrants arrive at the Tijuana sports complex which has been converted to are refugee camp. They have a shortages of food, water and sanitary facilities and the city says they only have money to operate for two weeks and more migrants are arriving everyday.
Which returns us to the thread premise: this is a ‘crisis’ the consequence of failed, wrongheaded conservative immigration policy, or the lack thereof – and the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and demagoguery.
What is YOUR solution to the CURRENT CRISIS in Tijuana, Clayton?
The thread premise itself proves just how ignorant, clueless, and out of touch most conservatives are with regard to the issue of immigration; conservatives blinded by their fear, bigotry, hate, and partisanism are unable to understand that this is a ‘crisis’ of their own making, a ‘crisis’ liberals simply would have never allowed to happen.

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