My Thoughts on the Controversial Dispute over the Sinking of South Korean Warship


Apr 21, 2008
Here is something I jotted down after watching a press release(July 9th) made by two professors, Seung-Hun Lee and Jae-Jong Suh, as they raised questions regarding to the sinking of the South Korean Warship, the "Cheonan".

After the Cheonan warship sank in March 26th, many countries(including the US, Sweden, and Australia) sent professionals to form a Joint Investigation Group to determine the cause of sinking. The JIG has concluded that North Korea was indeed behind the attack. And for some reason three professors, Seung-Hun Lee, Jae-Jung Suh, and Pan-suck Yang are arguing that the investigation was done sloppy and requested that the South Korean government conduct a new investigation.

(Any average college professor would normally react by submitting a academic rebuttal research paper but these two are playing as if they were celebrities calling on the press on their own. This I found quite amusing. Also, instead of submitting their research to somewhere more official, they posted it on their own private website.)

From what I know, to analyze the substances from the debris of the torpedo, you need substantial knowledge in chemical engineering as well as material engineering. The head of JIG, Professor Dok-Yong Yoon, received his material engineering MA and Ph.D from Harvard. On the other hand, Professor Lee teaches physics, Associate Professor Suh teaches politics and Professor Yang is a manager at a research lab. Not the experts we're looking for in this matter.

Also, logically speaking, saying the results by the JIG as false after conducting experiments in totally different conditions just sounds ridiculous to me. Why do they insist on the JIG's results to be flawed and not consider their own result to flawed? And what is with them using the media and bringing all this attention?

The last time I checked, Professors aren't politicians. I think they are overdoing what they are actually capable of and this is a very disappointing sight.
Weird post

From the Korea Times
The U.S.-led United Nations Command is expected to accept North Korea's proposal that military officers from the two sides hold talks over the sinking of a South Korean warship, a Seoul official said Sunday.

North Korea proposed Friday that colonel-grade officers of the two sides meet at the border village of Panmunjom on July 13 to discuss setting up general-level talks about the March sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan.

The move was a counterproposal to the UNC's offer in June to hold military talks with the North to explain the outcome of a multinational investigation that found the communist regime responsible for the torpedo attack that sank the Cheonan and killed 46 sailors.

"Chances are high that the North-UNC meeting will take place," a senior official at the South's defense ministry said. "A working-level meeting can be held on July 13 as proposed by the North or it could be scheduled for a later date than that."

North Korea, which claims it had nothing to do with the Cheonan's sinking, had turned down the UNC's proposal in June, demanding instead that the South accept a team of North Korean inspectors to verify the results of the international probe.
Pyongyang has accused Seoul of fabricating the investigation's outcome.

In other news, the NORKS are looking to re start the 6 party talks on its nuclear program and ending sanctions.

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