My wife was in Walmart today during a shootout

This was a developing local story so I do not have a link to a major news source yet, but I believe Nashville picked up on it, so a link will follow. You'll probably not hear much on this in any national media because it doesn't fit the lib agenda.

My wife was shopping alone at our local Walmart here in Clarksville, TN this morning, on Christmas Eve. I was delivering Christmas gifts to my daughter up in Kentucky when we received a call from her on my daughter's phone. She was in a total panic running from the store after hearing numerous gunshots coming from the rear of the store. She told us she was in an aisle toward the front of the grocery section when she heard three loud bangs come from the rear of the store. She and another man who was in the same aisle looked at each other, and he said, "Those are gunshots! Run!". She was already on her way. My wife has had both hips replaced, so she does not run! As she headed for the exit, she two additional shots, a pause, and then 5 more for a total of 10 shots fired. As she neared the front of the store, employees were screaming for everyone to leave quickly. My wife's car was in a handicapped spot, right outside the door, so she jumped in, but could not move because of the people streaming out and the cops arriving near the entrance.

It took a long time before she was able to move her car out of the parking lot and head home. About an hour later we started getting local news reports about the event, and they have been updated throughout the evening.

Apparently a 19-year-old man was causing trouble in the back area of the store with another man (age unknown) which led to a verbal altercation. according to reports, the young man pulled a gun threatening the man and his family with him. At some point, the family man pulled out his own weapon and proceeded to shoot the assailant multiple times. The assailant apparently got off one or two shots and hit the family man whose wound was superficial. Police reports or the media did not specify how many rounds were fired, so I am assuming the family man may have returned fire again after being hit.

The end result was two men shot, nobody dead, with no other injuries reported. The 19-year-old was transported by ambulance to the local hospital with multiple non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. He was later transferred to a hospital in Nashville which is about 45 minutes away. The other man actually drove himself to the local hospital for treatment as it was determined that he was not at fault by numerous witnesses.

Moral of the story: Concealed carry works! That assailant could have conceivably killed dozens depending on how much ammo he had. Apparently, our local police responded in seconds, not minutes. Our family man is a hero, although maybe not the best shot in the world! The fact that he was willing to defend others makes him a hero.
It is hard to say how many lives are saved because of legal gun ownership.

Just know the government will never let you know and never talk about it.
Moral of the story: Concealed carry turned a minor scuffle into a shootout.
If your wife was carrying, she wouldn’t have had to run. She could have stood her ground and joined in
You have no idea what happened in that store, nor do you know if not having the gun would have cost lives

Try again.
You have no idea what happened in that store, nor do you know if not having the gun would have cost lives

Try again.
Stories like that piss me off and show why we should not allow mental morons to possess guns.

An altercation that should have involved some profanity and some pushing and shoving escalates into a shootout because manly men with guns cannot back down
Stories like that piss me off and show why we should not allow mental morons to possess guns.

An altercation that should have involved some profanity and some pushing and shoving escalates into a shootout because manly men with guns cannot back down
So, you would rather have the moron causing trouble to be the only one with a gun?

Or do you think morons like him would give a damn about the gun laws?

I know morons like Hunter did not care and Joe just pardoned him for it with people like you cheering them on
So his wife is wimping out by not carrying one.

If she were armed she would not have to hide in the parking lot.
She could have stood her ground with gun drawn
It sounds to me like the moral of the story is that your poor wife and a whole bunch of other people in a Walmart, on Christmas Eve, almost got shot because this country is awash in weaponry. I've been shot at and have had loved ones shot and killed with guns, it never really made me glad for more of them....

Anyway... Merry Christmas I guess.

The nation is awash with trigger pullers that should be executed for murder or given long prison terms with hard labor for lesser gun related crimes. Why do progressives have such soft spots for trigger pulling murderers?
Jesus I'm glad to hear she got out okay.

I've read some of the coverage in the local media.

That Walmart has a history. :shock:
Was it ....

@Pjscapes13 hours ago
This town went to shit with all these people moving here
So, you would rather have the moron causing trouble to be the only one with a gun?

Or do you think morons like him would give a damn about the gun laws?

I know morons like Hunter did not care.
Back off, run away, say you are sorry
Your freaking family is there

What most sane people do.

But when both are armed it becomes a case of who has the biggest Dick
The nation is awash with trigger pullers that should be executed for murder or given long prison terms with hard labor for lesser gun related crimes. Why do progressives have such soft spots for trigger pulling murderers?
Why are you illiterate or reading from some fantasy instead of responding to what I actually said? :dunno: :lol:
Why are you illiterate or reading from some fantasy instead of responding to what I actually said? :dunno: :lol:

Guns are inanimate objects. Trigger pullers are human beings who progressives have a soft spot for.
" Stupid People Removing All Doubt "

* When Hue Mammon Apes Chimp Out *

Stories like that piss me off and show why we should not allow mental morons to possess guns.
An altercation that should have involved some profanity and some pushing and shoving escalates into a shootout because manly men with guns cannot back down
It is truly astounding how nobodies think they are somebody by being a gun waving ass clown to resolve some trivial matter .

There are not public service announcements mocking them and relating , " really , dumb ass , is that your claim to fame , is that your big magnanimous contribution to the world , getting locked in a box for another nobody who does not pay your bills or shine your monkey ? " .
Back off, run away, say you are sorry
Your freaking family is there

What most sane people do.

But when both are armed it becomes a case of who has the biggest Dick
The issue is not what sane people do.

The issue is what crazy people do and who is there to stop them.
Guns are inanimate objects. Trigger pullers are human beings who progressives have a soft spot for.
My comments were about the availability of triggers for them to pull you illiterate moron, not an expression of sympathy for the shooters. Learn to read. :itsok:

Pictures like this are reminders of why the American populace needs to be armed.

When Left wing mayors of major cities tell the police to "Stand Down", which I know police officers who were told this, someone needs to maintain order on the streets or simply allow those cities to go up in flames.

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