MYPillow Wants FBI To Give Back His Phone

When my child would misbehave, I would sometimes take her phone for a few days. It was effective in preventing her from acting like a spoiled little shit. It doesn't seem to be working as well on Mike Pillow. Perhaps he isn't as mature as she was.
What you do in the privacy of your Section 8 shithole has literally no relevance to the persecution of Mike Lindell. The two are mutually exclusive.

This worm will turn eventually.... it always does.... and you shit-eating rodents ain't gonna like it. :abgg2q.jpg:
I wonder if they'll find any porn.
You want some?

Here's Hunted's idea of foreplay with a 15-year old..... want some more?

Mike Lindell had his phone seized by the FBI.
He is under investigation and is now suing to get his phone back.

"Attorneys for MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell have released the search warrant that FBI investigators used to seize the Trump ally's cell phone, showing agents took the CEO and high-profile election denier's phone as part of an investigation into whether Lindell and others may have violated three federal statutes through an alleged election security breach in Colorado."

"According to the search warrant, which was uploaded to the court docket in Lindell’s lawsuit against the FBI Wednesday after some of its contents were first reported by news outlets, Lindell is listed as one of seven subjects in the federal government’s investigation, along with Mesa County, Colorado, election clerk Tina Peters—who has already been indicted by state prosecutors—and other election workers and right-wing allies.

"Attorneys for the pillow magnate filed a new motion Thursday seeking the return of his phone, arguing that losing access to the device has harmed his business and his personal health because he relies on it for his hearing aids"

"Except for face-to-face communications, I have depended on my cellphone for many years as my exclusive means of communication in my business and personal dealings," Lindell claimed. "On my cellphone, I have passwords for specific apps and for my company financial accounts (e.g. to wire funds) that are not stored anywhere else (including the cloud)."

"Not having my cellphone has already damaged my ability to conduct my business. I typically receive and send hundreds of text messages a day. For that reason, the data collected on my cellphone is exceptionally voluminous and multifarious. My hearing aids are also tied to this cellphone."

He can switch that over in about 15 minutes at a Verizon store with a new phone. 30 if he's got slow wi-fi.

Wouldn't you? How long does it take to go through a phone, download all the content which is private and none of your business and give it back?
The KGB won't even give Barron Trump his toys back and still hanging onto Melania's underwear and shoes. It's a power play, they are keeping private property because they can.


  • lindell-v-us-warrant(1).pdf
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I never said you did. That is why I asked.

Don't be so sensitive.
Not sensitive.

You implied my response didn't matter, as the Declaration of Independence has no official legal standing over American laws.

Which, obviously revealed your ignorance into the difference between edicts & regulations of the state, and the tenets of natural law.

I'm just telling you that you are divorced from reality. If unaccountable bureaucrats continue to violate de facto norms of the American people, there will, eventually be trouble.

Now, of course, it won't happen if they only do it to one small partisan group. However, once it becomes clear that it is not restricted to just one populist identity, but is being done to protect the interests of the ruling elites from all lower, and lower middle class Americans, no matter what their political identification? There will, inevitably be trouble. This sort of thing is blatantly unconstitutional, no matter how the establishment press desires to spin it.

This was a blanket seizure of the guy's entire life.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Sues Merrick Garland with Help of Alan Dershowitz in Bid to Get Cell Phone Back​

So what you're saying is that the lawfully issued and served warrant prevents Lindel from accessing the data on another phone?

Here's the warrant:

Where does it say that?
It doesn't have to say anything. We have an out of control agency. They didn't want the phone. There is nothing about plastic and circuitry that is alleged to be the fruits of a crime. They wanted the information on that phone. They intended to keep Lindell from accessing that information perhaps to contact others who also hold disagreeable opinions. Yes, the first thing they would do is get an order preventing the phone company from transferring information.
Not sensitive.

You implied my response didn't matter, as the Declaration of Independence has no official legal standing over American laws.

Which, obviously revealed your ignorance into the difference between edicts & regulations of the state, and the tenets of natural law.

I'm just telling you that you are divorced from reality. If unaccountable bureaucrats continue to violate de facto norms of the American people, there will, eventually be trouble.

Now, of course, it won't happen if they only do it to one small partisan group. However, once it becomes clear that it is not restricted to just one populist identity, but is being done to protect the interests of the ruling elites from all lower, and lower middle class Americans, no matter what their political identification? There will, inevitably be trouble. This sort of thing is blatantly unconstitutional, no matter how the establishment press desires to spin it.

This was a blanket seizure of the guy's entire life.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Sues Merrick Garland with Help of Alan Dershowitz in Bid to Get Cell Phone Back​

I'm unclear on what 'natural law' has to do with a lawfully served warrant for a cell phone at a Hardee's.

I mean, I like Carl's Jr as much as the next person, but I wouldn''t call what goes on there a violation of 'natural law'.
I just bought some more sheets and two large pillows and three pairs of slippers for Christmas gifts....
My Pillow rocks....
I've never heard him rail against porn.... what does the lib media tell you tards?....
Their obsession with porn just reinforces the fact that no member of the opposite sex will voluntarily be seen with these people. Between this and the whistleblowers, the FBI has some big problems coming their way.
Not sensitive.

You implied my response didn't matter, as the Declaration of Independence has no official legal standing over American laws.

I agree.

Which, obviously revealed your ignorance into the difference between edicts & regulations of the state, and the tenets of natural law.

I made a specific distinction in my earlier post that the DoI has no legal weight.

I'm just telling you that you are divorced from reality. If unaccountable bureaucrats continue to violate de facto norms of the American people, there will, eventually be trouble.

That isn't what happened. A legally acquired warrant was served.

Now, of course, it won't happen if they only do it to one small partisan group. However, once it becomes clear that it is not restricted to just one populist identity, but is being done to protect the interests of the ruling elites from all lower, and lower middle class Americans, no matter what their political identification? There will, inevitably be trouble. This sort of thing is blatantly unconstitutional, no matter how the establishment press desires to spin it.

Their is nothing unconstitutional about a legally obtained warrant.

This was a blanket seizure of the guy's entire life.

Good thing they had a legally obtained warrant.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Sues Merrick Garland with Help of Alan Dershowitz in Bid to Get Cell Phone Back​

The lawsuit means nothing am will go nowhere. It is a publicity stunt.

Send your money now.
I'm unclear on what 'natural law' has to do with a lawfully served warrant for a cell phone at a Hardee's.

I mean, I like Carl's Jr as much as the next person, but I wouldn''t call what goes on there a violation of 'natural law'.
Nice to see someone call it Carl's Jr instead of Hardee's. I am partial to the six dollar burger personally.
Kinda like a thug robbing you on the street, except when the government does it, they say "it's legal," whether it really is or not, usually not, then you have to spend years and thousands of dollars suing them to get justice.

So you're equating the serving of a lawful warrant as a 'thug robbing you on the street'?

Ladies and Gentlemen....I give you the "Law and Order" party.
Nice to see someone call it Carl's Jr instead of Hardee's. I am partial to the six dollar burger personally.
I know, right!? Its so delicious! The FBI would totally catch me in a sting if they left a trail of them to the warrant.
It doesn't have to say anything. We have an out of control agency. They didn't want the phone. There is nothing about plastic and circuitry that is alleged to be the fruits of a crime. They wanted the information on that phone. They intended to keep Lindell from accessing that information perhaps to contact others who also hold disagreeable opinions. Yes, the first thing they would do is get an order preventing the phone company from transferring information.

So your source that Lindell is prevented from transferring the data to a new phone

Do you at least work for Verizon or something?

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