Mysteries on Easy St.


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
1) In the area of California where I live , Armenians are buying every small business and most of the houses. Every single one of them drives a brand new car. I find it a little odd that people from the poorest country in Europe are coming to California, with some of the highest real estate prices, and living like royalty. I highly doubt these millions of people had big money when they left Armenia.

2) There was a Taco Bell down the street that went out of business. Some foreigners bought the building and completely rebuilt the face...and now they sell kabob. How does a large business with many customers need to go under, but a new business with no customers...has no problems? Seems to me the new owners have no money problems. Seems to me the new owners don't have a good business plan...and don't care.

3) At the Mexican restaurant I to go with my dad, he strikes up a conversation with the Mexican employee. Turns out...her and her husband live around the corner from my dad. They didn't buy their house 35 years ago like my dad did, the house is now worth 500k, so they must be paying somewhere between $1600 to $2500 for mortgage(IF THEY PAY FULL MORTGAGE) She earns somewhere around minimum wage, her husband worked construction for the studios before he was laid-off. Within two years after she said her husband was laid-off, they have a sign out front saying the house was converted to solar. Where did that money come from?

4) A school by my house that is a heavy Hispanic area says that 85% of the kids who attend their school are on the free-lunch program. If it's one thing the Mexicans find money's food, as a matter of fact, the left likes to tell us "Americans are the fattest people in the world". The left has officially recognized the obesity problems of the Mexican culture. Essentially , we're paying for free food to kids who over eat, the left-wing's "come to America , tax payers will pay for everything" program.

5) I worked at a job where we replaced a heater fan coil in a high rise building in Los Angeles. The guy who lived there was an Armenian who was about 28 years old, he had a job with the Los Angeles Public Library department. So basically, Los Angeles Public Library department couldn't find any Americans that needed a job, they told this guy "WE NEEDS YOU!" and had him move here from Armenia and bring his whole extended family.

6) Americans are worried about how they will afford health care. Foreigners just walk into the county hospitals and if they can't problem. Then Obama passed Obamacare to force working people to cover more people, plus profits.

7) My dad is friends with a Mexican woman who was born in Mexico. She hasn't worked in years. She had kids and collected welfare. She ended up taking care of her kid's kids ...and collected welfare. She's now worried about what she will do for money because her grandkids are almost 18. She's been paying $500 per month in reduced mortgage, while other people pay the full approx. $1500. The government came out and installed swamp coolers.

The bank wrongfully told her they're going to sell the property and kicked her out. ( I guess she won a very small settlement)

She moved in with another Mexican woman in a house, her grandkids were enrolled in a private school she doesn't pay for. The AC went out in the house so they called home warranty. They don't know who is paying for home warranty, all they know is they pay the $50 minimum and everything is taken care of for them


A) The government is taxing you heavily

B) The government tells you and your family there's a "bad economy"

C) The government is paying people to move here

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