Myth of Arctic Meltdown!!!

Federal grant money to researchers (vice lobbyists, authors and poli-sci majors) pays for research. The $558 million spent on your side does nothing but fund propaganda: A massive disinformation campaign modeled after that used by the tobacco industry. This is an established fact.
You're a loon and you know nothing about science. Your posts are nothing but delusional drivel and crackpot conspiracy theory lunacy. You have no supporting evidence for your delusions, just a lot of hot air and BS.

Go ahead and explain to the world how ALL of these scientific organizations from countries all around the planet are in a huge conspiracy to deceive you, but how no one in any of these groups has ever broken ranks and spilled the beans about the conspiracy. C'mon dude, I need a good laugh.

Climate-change deniers versus the scientific societies of the world: Who should we listen to?
By Peter Gleick
Monday, March 15
My last post said that climate-change deniers have never produced an alternative scientific theory that adequately explains the compelling evidence of climate change from around the world.<snip - Fair Use of copyrighted material>

When I saw the lying thief was your source I almost rolled out of my chair laughing my ass off at you. Your using a lying bastard who, by deception, obtained privileged information through deception. Not going to waste my time looking up lies from Glick and his left wing hack organization.

As to your personal attack on me, who the fuck do you think you are? You might want to obtain some training in science and ethics. Your own post describes you to a T "You're a loon and you know nothing about science. Your posts are nothing but delusional drivel and crackpot conspiracy theory lunacy. You have no supporting evidence for your delusions, just a lot of hot air and BS."

Now take your ball and run home to mommy crying..

Just a friendly reminder that copying a full wall of copyrighted material violates the Fair Use Laws and can subject you to fines as well as this board.

I always find it hilarious that out of all the people bitching about global warming/lack of warming, no one wants to give you any credit for your field of expertise.

Berating one scientist that one is directly interacting with, while worshiping the papers of some unknown name... LOL
You fucking dummy........:wtf:so what:wtf:.....the research gets conducted by osmosis??

The AGW people are the most naïve mofus walking the planet. How the fuck do you miss that many memo's along the way to get to this point of being so hopelessly duped.???:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:


He is a left wing religious zealot. His beliefs are not founded on science or fact they are founded on SKS, Media Splatters, Think Progress and other half wit sites talking points. He fears the facts and the destruction of his belief system. It is precisely people like this who have no clue about science or why the earth presents itself paradoxically. You cant argue with an idiot as facts have no meaning to them. He is a troll and not worth the time to try and debate (mud wrestle) with. They view the law as something that can be trampled on without consequence and the rights of individuals can be trampled on for his "beliefs". These are the people like Glick, Mann, Hansen, Briffa, among many others that have no facts unless they make them up or lie. Climategate exposed these liars and manipulators for who they are. It exposed the corruption of the Peer review system, academia, and journals in general.

Given his zealot out put i suspect he is a paid for shill who's only purpose is to derail discussion and information. The mark of a propagandist paid for by the agenda.
As I posted before, let's see some reliable reference stating that [the stolen CRU emails were on a publicly accessible server] was the case.

If you cannot provide such a source, have the balls to admit it.
He is a left wing religious zealot. His beliefs are not founded on science or fact they are founded on SKS, Media Splatters, Think Progress and other half wit sites talking points. He fears the facts and the destruction of his belief system. It is precisely people like this who have no clue about science or why the earth presents itself paradoxically. You cant argue with an idiot as facts have no meaning to them. He is a troll and not worth the time to try and debate (mud wrestle) with. They view the law as something that can be trampled on without consequence and the rights of individuals can be trampled on for his "beliefs". These are the people like Glick, Mann, Hansen, Briffa, among many others that have no facts unless they make them up or lie. Climategate exposed these liars and manipulators for who they are. It exposed the corruption of the Peer review system, academia, and journals in general.

Given his zealot out put i suspect he is a paid for shill who's only purpose is to derail discussion and information. The mark of a propagandist paid for by the agenda.

You are a complete and total whack job.

But I'd still like to see where ever it is you got the idea that the CRU emails were stored on a publicly accessible server.
As I posted before, let's see some reliable reference stating that [the stolen CRU emails were on a publicly accessible server] was the case.

If you cannot provide such a source, have the balls to admit it.

It's clear that you would rather not discuss what they actually said...fraud is fraud and you should be glad when it is exposed....or do you really believe ignorance is bliss?
No. It is clear that I think Billy Bob is even more filled with shite than the rest of you. He has made a number of extraordinary claims and with or without prompting, has failed to provide a single shred of reference material to back them up.

Do YOU know of a reliable information source that states that the stolen CRU emails were stored on a publicly accessible server?
He is a left wing religious zealot. His beliefs are not founded on science or fact they are founded on SKS, Media Splatters, Think Progress and other half wit sites talking points. He fears the facts and the destruction of his belief system. It is precisely people like this who have no clue about science or why the earth presents itself paradoxically. You cant argue with an idiot as facts have no meaning to them. He is a troll and not worth the time to try and debate (mud wrestle) with. They view the law as something that can be trampled on without consequence and the rights of individuals can be trampled on for his "beliefs". These are the people like Glick, Mann, Hansen, Briffa, among many others that have no facts unless they make them up or lie. Climategate exposed these liars and manipulators for who they are. It exposed the corruption of the Peer review system, academia, and journals in general.

Given his zealot out put i suspect he is a paid for shill who's only purpose is to derail discussion and information. The mark of a propagandist paid for by the agenda.

You are a complete and total whack job.

But I'd still like to see where ever it is you got the idea that the CRU emails were stored on a publicly accessible server.

Dang have the ability of a handball to connect the dots.

The fortunes of the AGW religion have fallen like a stone in water since're 4 or 5 years behind the headline.:itsok: Ship has sailed might as well be standing in the northern fringes of Outer Mongolia screaming "FIRE!!!" in the middle of the mountains.:happy-1:

Still waiting for a reference - any reference - demonstrating that Billy Bob actually has some REASON to believe that the stolen CRU emails were stored on a publicly accessible server.
Still waiting for a reference - any reference - demonstrating that Billy Bob actually has some REASON to believe that the stolen CRU emails were stored on a publicly accessible server.

I guess you have a reading and comprehension problem..
You seem to have a habit of making extraordinary claims and rather than providing the extraordinary evidence such claims demand, you provide none.
You seem to have a habit of making extraordinary claims and rather than providing the extraordinary evidence such claims demand, you provide none.
You seem to demand link after link even when they have been given to you. Then when you dont like what they say, you demand another one (as if your going to get one you like soon...).
As far as I know, you haven't provided a single link to support any of your rather extraordinary claims. If you have, please give me the thread name (if it's not this one) and the post number.
LOL....the AGW k00ks are so full of shit its not even real. Now to them, Climategate was a fabrication!!!

To the rest of the world though.............:oops-28:
You have no problem using emails stolen from the CRU servers but think it somehow immoral to quote Peter Gleick? Gee, that's really consistently principled of you.

As I posted before, the file was prepared in response to a Court order and FOIA demand. It was placed on a public server. There was no theft involved. Unlike Glick who intentionally deceived people.. But Troll on

Liar! Not just a liar but a really, really retarded liar!

Those private emails between scientists were stolen or 'hacked' from a private, supposedly secure server. There were police investigations into the theft that got stymied by the international nature of the hacking, most likely from Russia.

Police end 'ClimateGate' inquiry
BBC News
Richard Black - Environment correspondent
18 July 2012
The theft and release of e-mails from the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit provoked a huge furore over the integrity of climate science. Police say the theft was "sophisticated and orchestrated", and that no-one at the university is implicated.


Climategate: was Russian secret service behind email hacking plot?
There was growing speculation on Sunday that hackers working for the Russian secret service were responsible for the theft of controversial emails in the ‘Climategate’ scandal.

The Telegraph
06 Dec 2009
Thousands of emails, from the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) were first published on a small server in the city of Tomsk in Siberia. Russia, a major oil exporter, may be trying to undermine calls to reduce carbon emissions ahead of the Copenhagen summit on global warming.


Hacked e-mails don't change scientific consensus on global warming.
December 10, 2009
In late November 2009, more than 1,000 e-mails between scientists at the Climate Research Unit of the U.K.’s University of East Anglia were stolen and made public by an as-yet-unnamed hacker. Climate skeptics are claiming that they show scientific misconduct that amounts to the complete fabrication of man-made global warming. We find that to be unfounded.


Negating "Climategate": Copenhagen Talks and Climate Science Survive Stolen E-Mail Controversy

Release of stolen messages fails to undermine climate negotiations at Copenhagen
Scientific American
Jan 20, 2010
...part of a huge body of data pointing to humanity’s effect on climate, and for most negotiators, the weight of that evidence seems to have crushed any doubt they may have felt in the wake of the 1,000-plus e-mails and computer code stolen from the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU). The theft made headlines as “Climategate” in November, and many private correspondences among scientists became public. In fact, nothing in the stolen material undermines the scientific consensus that climate change is happening and that humans are to blame. “Heat-trapping properties can be verified by any undergraduate in any lab,” notes climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe of Texas Tech University. “The detection of climate change, and its attribution to human causes, rests on numerous lines of evidence.” They include melting ice sheets, retreating glaciers, rising sea levels and earlier onset of spring, not to mention higher average global temperatures.


Scientists Respond to "Climategate" E-Mail Controversy
Stolen e-mails and computer code do nothing to change average temperature trends
Scientific American
Dec 4, 2009
With all the "hot air" surrounding climate change discussions, none has been hotter in recent weeks than that spewed over a trove of stolen e-mails and computer code from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in England. Yet, Arctic sea ice continues to dwindle—as do glaciers across the globe; average temperatures have increased by 0.7 degree Celsius in the past century and the last decade is the warmest in the instrumental record; spring has sprung forward, affecting everything from flower blossoms to animal migrations; and the concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases continue to rise, reaching 387 parts per million in 2009, a rise of 30 percent since 1750. Nor has the fundamental physics of the greenhouse effect changed: CO2 in the atmosphere continues to trap heat that would otherwise slip into space, as was established by Irish scientist John Tyndall in 1859. In fact, nothing in the stolen e-mails or computer code undermines in any way the scientific consensus—which exists among scientific publications as well as scientists—that climate change is happening and humans are the cause.

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