Myth of Arctic Meltdown!!!

You haven't answered the question. The Arctic IS going to go ice free. What do you believe the polar bears will do when it does?
Thats what guys like you said years ago,,,,,,,with 100% certainty I might add, but we now see the polar ice cap getting gigantic.

You poor deluded and very retarded nutjob (or despicable troll, as the case may be), you still have your head jammed three feet up your large intestine. Always the same story with you dingbats.

You haven't answered the question. The Arctic IS going to go ice free. What do you believe the polar bears will do when it does?
Thats what guys like you said years ago,,,,,,,with 100% certainty I might add, but we now see the polar ice cap getting gigantic.

You poor deluded and very retarded nutjob (or despicable troll, as the case may be), you still have your head jammed three feet up your large intestine. Always the same story with you dingbats.

So you got one of these that show from1900?
more graph gayness..............:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Bottom line.......the sattelite photo shows lots and lots of ice..........far FAR more than in 2012. Know what that means? It means shit is colder up there. More ice means more cold = less warming = AGW theory fAiL.:boobies::boobies::fu:

When memebers of the religion get pwned publically in this forum, one will notice is that their response is always to put up some bogus distraction graph like the one above. Dont forget though........every single one of these meatheads promised us that "the polar ice cap will be ice free by 2013!!!":blowup:

Of course, they dont want you to remember that in 2014!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies: So they go with model theory.

Bottom line? Nobody knows shit about shit.
more graph gayness..............:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Bottom line.......the sattelite photo shows lots and lots of ice..........far FAR more than in 2012. Know what that means? It means shit is colder up there. More ice means more cold = less warming = AGW theory fAiL.:boobies::boobies::fu:

When memebers of the religion get pwned publically in this forum, one will notice is that their response is always to put up some bogus distraction graph like the one above. Dont forget though........every single one of these meatheads promised us that "the polar ice cap will be ice free by 2013!!!":blowup:

Of course, they dont want you to remember that in 2014!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies: So they go with model theory.

Bottom line? Nobody knows shit about shit.

FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY 8230 Al Gore Predicted the North Pole Will Be Ice Free in 5 Years The Gateway Pundit

Do we think he was wrong about anything else? I wonder if he made any money off of the GW during that period.

I thought I remember them saying onnce the sea ice melted and permafrost started melting it would create a warming , snowball effect, ( pardon the pun) in which the dark colored ocean and earth would then absorb more heat from the sun, thus speeding up the warming effect faster and faster. Yes by now we should not be seeing any spikes in the sea ice sheet if their calculations were correct. Maybe thats why Al Gore bcame a politician and not a scientist. Maybe?
You haven't answered the question. The Arctic IS going to go ice free. What do you believe the polar bears will do when it does?
Thats what guys like you said years ago,,,,,,,with 100% certainty I might add, but we now see the polar ice cap getting gigantic.

You poor deluded and very retarded nutjob (or despicable troll, as the case may be), you still have your head jammed three feet up your large intestine. Always the same story with you dingbats.


Like all warmer wackos you are a this case, you lie by omission. The IPCC itself notes that if you were to take your chart back just 5 years, you would find much less arctic ice than the point at which your chart begins.


Here is a sat photo taken in September 1969...note all the arctic ice that isn't there...

more graph gayness..............:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Bottom line.......the sattelite photo shows lots and lots of ice..........far FAR more than in 2012. Know what that means? It means shit is colder up there. More ice means more cold = less warming = AGW theory fAiL.:boobies::boobies::fu:

When memebers of the religion get pwned publically in this forum, one will notice is that their response is always to put up some bogus distraction graph like the one above. Dont forget though........every single one of these meatheads promised us that "the polar ice cap will be ice free by 2013!!!":blowup:

Of course, they dont want you to remember that in 2014!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies: So they go with model theory.

Bottom line? Nobody knows shit about shit.

FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY 8230 Al Gore Predicted the North Pole Will Be Ice Free in 5 Years The Gateway Pundit

Do we think he was wrong about anything else? I wonder if he made any money off of the GW during that period.

I thought I remember them saying onnce the sea ice melted and permafrost started melting it would create a warming , snowball effect, ( pardon the pun) in which the dark colored ocean and earth would then absorb more heat from the sun, thus speeding up the warming effect faster and faster. Yes by now we should not be seeing any spikes in the sea ice sheet if their calculations were correct. Maybe thats why Al Gore bcame a politician and not a scientist. Maybe?

No, Gore is not a scientist. But he is an excellent presenter. And his movie was a good presentation of what the scientists are seeing.

Now you seem to think that you are a scientist. For you are making flatout statements about what we should be seeing. But no scientist would ever do that without some referance to evidence that supports those predictions. You don't seem to think that is neccessary, perhaps you have a direct line to God?

And, yes, the melting of the permafrost is creating a snowball effect;

Sunlight Boosts CO2 from Thawing Permafrost - Scientific American

And here you can see the decline in the arctic ice over the last 30 years;

Sunlight Boosts CO2 from Thawing Permafrost - Scientific American

Now I have presented some evidence, your turn. Or are you just another useless flap-yapper?
You haven't answered the question. The Arctic IS going to go ice free. What do you believe the polar bears will do when it does?
Thats what guys like you said years ago,,,,,,,with 100% certainty I might add, but we now see the polar ice cap getting gigantic.

You poor deluded and very retarded nutjob (or despicable troll, as the case may be), you still have your head jammed three feet up your large intestine. Always the same story with you dingbats.

So you got one of these that show from1900?


Above: average July through September Arctic sea ice extent 1870-2008 from the University of Illinois (Walsh & Chapman 2001 updated to 2008) with observational data from NSIDC for 2009-2011 (both in blue), with a fourth order polynomial fit (black soiid line). Black vertical dashed lines indicate the years 1938-43.
more graph gayness..............:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Bottom line.......the sattelite photo shows lots and lots of ice..........far FAR more than in 2012. Know what that means? It means shit is colder up there. More ice means more cold = less warming = AGW theory fAiL.:boobies::boobies::fu:

When memebers of the religion get pwned publically in this forum, one will notice is that their response is always to put up some bogus distraction graph like the one above. Dont forget though........every single one of these meatheads promised us that "the polar ice cap will be ice free by 2013!!!":blowup:

Of course, they dont want you to remember that in 2014!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies: So they go with model theory.

Bottom line? Nobody knows shit about shit.

FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY 8230 Al Gore Predicted the North Pole Will Be Ice Free in 5 Years The Gateway Pundit

Do we think he was wrong about anything else? I wonder if he made any money off of the GW during that period.

I thought I remember them saying onnce the sea ice melted and permafrost started melting it would create a warming , snowball effect, ( pardon the pun) in which the dark colored ocean and earth would then absorb more heat from the sun, thus speeding up the warming effect faster and faster. Yes by now we should not be seeing any spikes in the sea ice sheet if their calculations were correct. Maybe thats why Al Gore bcame a politician and not a scientist. Maybe?

No, Gore is not a scientist. But he is an excellent presenter. And his movie was a good presentation of what the scientists are seeing.

Now you seem to think that you are a scientist. For you are making flatout statements about what we should be seeing. But no scientist would ever do that without some referance to evidence that supports those predictions. You don't seem to think that is neccessary, perhaps you have a direct line to God?

And, yes, the melting of the permafrost is creating a snowball effect;

Sunlight Boosts CO2 from Thawing Permafrost - Scientific American

And here you can see the decline in the arctic ice over the last 30 years;

Sunlight Boosts CO2 from Thawing Permafrost - Scientific American

Now I have presented some evidence, your turn. Or are you just another useless flap-yapper?
more graph gayness..............:disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

Bottom line.......the sattelite photo shows lots and lots of ice..........far FAR more than in 2012. Know what that means? It means shit is colder up there. More ice means more cold = less warming = AGW theory fAiL.:boobies::boobies::fu:

When memebers of the religion get pwned publically in this forum, one will notice is that their response is always to put up some bogus distraction graph like the one above. Dont forget though........every single one of these meatheads promised us that "the polar ice cap will be ice free by 2013!!!":blowup:

Of course, they dont want you to remember that in 2014!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies: So they go with model theory.

Bottom line? Nobody knows shit about shit.

FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY 8230 Al Gore Predicted the North Pole Will Be Ice Free in 5 Years The Gateway Pundit

Do we think he was wrong about anything else? I wonder if he made any money off of the GW during that period.

I thought I remember them saying onnce the sea ice melted and permafrost started melting it would create a warming , snowball effect, ( pardon the pun) in which the dark colored ocean and earth would then absorb more heat from the sun, thus speeding up the warming effect faster and faster. Yes by now we should not be seeing any spikes in the sea ice sheet if their calculations were correct. Maybe thats why Al Gore bcame a politician and not a scientist. Maybe?

No, Gore is not a scientist. But he is an excellent presenter. And his movie was a good presentation of what the scientists are seeing.

Now you seem to think that you are a scientist. For you are making flatout statements about what we should be seeing. But no scientist would ever do that without some referance to evidence that supports those predictions. You don't seem to think that is neccessary, perhaps you have a direct line to God?

And, yes, the melting of the permafrost is creating a snowball effect;

Sunlight Boosts CO2 from Thawing Permafrost - Scientific American

And here you can see the decline in the arctic ice over the last 30 years;

Sunlight Boosts CO2 from Thawing Permafrost - Scientific American

Now I have presented some evidence, your turn. Or are you just another useless flap-yapper?

I made flat out statements based on what AL Gore said. Hes the one who said the polar Ice cap would be ICE free. based on those principles in his movie. The difference between him and us posters here, Is that people like him are creating policy. If there is a Flap Yapper, hes the one you should be more concerned about.

Now if the North pole was Ice free, you wouldnt be seeing any spikes in sea ice would you ? thats the point. Al Gore was wrong. the question is how much more wrong is he about everything else.

Speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit in 2009, former VP Gore said new computer modelling suggests there is a 75% chance of the entire polar ice cap melting during the summertime by 2014. He based this statement on a previous conversation with one climatologist, Dr Wieslav Maslowski, who had said that his latest research results give a six-year projection for the melting of 80 per cent of the ice, but he also said he expects some ice to remain beyond 2020. “I was very explicit that we were talking about near-ice-free conditions and not completely ice-free conditions in the northern ocean," Dr. Maslowski stated. A few months earlier the US National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado predicted that the ice cap may nearly vanish in the summer by 2030.

Of course, Al Gore is just a communicator of science on this issue, not an actual scientist. The obsession you denier cult dingbats have with Gore is rather humorous and a bit ridiculous. Whether or not he ever, in a few cases, made any mistakes about the scientific details has absolutely no bearing on the actual scientific research and conclusions on AGW.
What a joke......the AGW climate crusaders are nothing but clowns!!!

According to Danish Meteorological Institute, not only is the arctic cap expanding, its also getting thicker.

Gore said it would be gone by now. Just more fodder that the science is hardly settled and they still don't know shit about shit regarding what will happen in the future and why. Its that simple.

Take a gander at the space images on the polar ice cap........shit is getting huge!!!!

Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore s prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now Mail Online

These bozo's lie all the time about this stuff........and then have the gall to call it "science".


ps......this is a top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

Drudge has interesting things always.

What I find amusing is the left refuses to admit that the Ice melt over the last few decades is not unusual or outside the normal variation of the earths cycles.

Currently, according to Cryosphere Today,

we are actually above average of total ice globally. Everyone wants to hold up their little corner of the world and say were gonna fry but when taken in context its a normal cycle of the earth,

As many researchers are finding out today the 1930's were at or greater melt than today. Due to the lack of satellite we will infact never know for certain, but ships logs and passages up north were well documented.

Even NSIDC has us up by 1.7 million KL ^2
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Speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit in 2009, former VP Gore said new computer modelling suggests there is a 75% chance of the entire polar ice cap melting during the summertime by 2014. He based this statement on a previous conversation with one climatologist, Dr Wieslav Maslowski, who had said that his latest research results give a six-year projection for the melting of 80 per cent of the ice, but he also said he expects some ice to remain beyond 2020. “I was very explicit that we were talking about near-ice-free conditions and not completely ice-free conditions in the northern ocean," Dr. Maslowski stated. A few months earlier the US National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado predicted that the ice cap may nearly vanish in the summer by 2030.

Of course, Al Gore is just a communicator of science on this issue, not an actual scientist. The obsession you denier cult dingbats have with Gore is rather humorous and a bit ridiculous. Whether or not he ever, in a few cases, made any mistakes about the scientific details has absolutely no bearing on the actual scientific research and conclusions on AGW.

Of the 126 known climate models 100% have failed all statistical tests. Thus the models used, in their prediction phases have all failed and fallen outside +2 standard deviations.

Dr Roy Spencer has done an update recently... The total failure and falsification of the CAGW mem is stunning.


  • cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png
    cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png
    102.8 KB · Views: 48
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Like all warmer wackos you are a this case, you lie by omission. The IPCC itself notes that if you were to take your chart back just 5 years, you would find much less arctic ice than the point at which your chart begins.


Here is a sat photo taken in September 1969...note all the arctic ice that isn't there...


Isn't Cherry picking grand! I need to start a thread on the Null Hypothesis and the IPCC assessment and the EPA endangerment finding...
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Speaking at the Copenhagen climate change summit in 2009, former VP Gore said new computer modelling suggests there is a 75% chance of the entire polar ice cap melting during the summertime by 2014. He based this statement on a previous conversation with one climatologist, Dr Wieslav Maslowski, who had said that his latest research results give a six-year projection for the melting of 80 per cent of the ice, but he also said he expects some ice to remain beyond 2020. “I was very explicit that we were talking about near-ice-free conditions and not completely ice-free conditions in the northern ocean," Dr. Maslowski stated. A few months earlier the US National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado predicted that the ice cap may nearly vanish in the summer by 2030.

Of course, Al Gore is just a communicator of science on this issue, not an actual scientist. The obsession you denier cult dingbats have with Gore is rather humorous and a bit ridiculous. Whether or not he ever, in a few cases, made any mistakes about the scientific details has absolutely no bearing on the actual scientific research and conclusions on AGW.

why you put your trust in Washington types who have nothing in common with the average citizen is also humorous just like your term Denier. If Gore wanted people to take him seriously he would have chosen not to profit personally from his cause. A few mistakes? like naming C02 a pollutant? crippling industry ?
What a joke......the AGW climate crusaders are nothing but clowns!!!

According to Danish Meteorological Institute, not only is the arctic cap expanding, its also getting thicker.

Gore said it would be gone by now. Just more fodder that the science is hardly settled and they still don't know shit about shit regarding what will happen in the future and why. Its that simple.

Take a gander at the space images on the polar ice cap........shit is getting huge!!!!

Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore s prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now Mail Online

These bozo's lie all the time about this stuff........and then have the gall to call it "science".


ps......this is a top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

The Right Wing pays about 10% of Scientists millions and maybe Billions to be "on their team". You can simply check how much the Koch Brothers have paid Scientists in an "Anti-Global Warming Program"

2 Things. Why would it be necessary to spend money to back up a Science fact. Science is free.

And Why do 90% of Scientists say Global Warming is real?

I heard a Scientist on Fox News the other day say Global Warming isn't real. THANK GOD. I don't have to worry about our planet because I'm a bias moron that believes in MSM.
What a joke......the AGW climate crusaders are nothing but clowns!!!

According to Danish Meteorological Institute, not only is the arctic cap expanding, its also getting thicker.

Gore said it would be gone by now. Just more fodder that the science is hardly settled and they still don't know shit about shit regarding what will happen in the future and why. Its that simple.

Take a gander at the space images on the polar ice cap........shit is getting huge!!!!

Stunning satellite images show summer ice cap is thicker and covers 1.7million square kilometres MORE than 2 years ago...despite Al Gore s prediction it would be ICE-FREE by now Mail Online

These bozo's lie all the time about this stuff........and then have the gall to call it "science".


ps......this is a top story on DRUDGE right now!!!

The Right Wing pays about 10% of Scientists millions and maybe Billions to be "on their team". You can simply check how much the Koch Brothers have paid Scientists in an "Anti-Global Warming Program"

2 Things. Why would it be necessary to spend money to back up a Science fact. Science is free.

And Why do 90% of Scientists say Global Warming is real?

I heard a Scientist on Fox News the other day say Global Warming isn't real. THANK GOD. I don't have to worry about our planet because I'm a bias moron that believes in MSM.

I, for one, would love to see some actual money figures on how much funding goes out to the different sides of the global warming issue. for instance, the Heartland Institute gets mentioned a lot as a big player in the 'denial industry' but they only have a few dozen million dollars a year to disburse and the vast majority of that goes to other causes. even if it all went to skeptical science it wouldnt even balance out what is spent every year on travel expenses for AGW conferences.

and if there is so much money available for 'anti-science', why are the vast majority of prominent skeptics well past their middle years? could it be that they already have financial security and are willing to stand up for what they believe even if it causes them damage to their reputation? because being openly skeptical on this issue certainly comes at a heavy price for most scientists.
Are you talking about money going to the conduct of science or money spent to push one side of the argument or the other?

And, regarding money spent pushing the idea that action is needed to reduce AGW, would you object to money spent trying to get people to stop smoking? Get mammograms? Drive safely?
The sea ice has been balancing back and forth. No trend since 2007....

Who else agrees?

Correct.......but not to the k00ks.

I love this forum.:2up:

Look on this thread.......the AGW climate crusaders are desperately falling all over themselves to hit the re-set button on the narrative. The BS narrative. They do it all the time.......get hysterical in the present and simply hit the re-set button when the predictions blow up in their faces.

Nobody knows shit about this stuff moving forward but the religion wants you to think its climate scientists do.

It was gay 20 years ago and its still gay.:boobies::boobies::eusa_dance:

Again........the AGW crowd doesn't think there are ANY special interests surrounding the science. Its called pronounced levels of naïve.:poke:
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Are you talking about money going to the conduct of science or money spent to push one side of the argument or the other?

And, regarding money spent pushing the idea that action is needed to reduce AGW, would you object to money spent trying to get people to stop smoking? Get mammograms? Drive safely?

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