Myths about ObamaCare


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
"You have to pass the bill to see what's inside" - Nancy Pelosi

"We know the public doesn't like it, the question is whether or not the Congress can do it" -ObamaCare architect on CSPAN

*) Everyone in the U.S. will be covered by health care.
Those who do not purchase health care or receive free coverage from the government will not have access to all services.

*) Everyone will pay their fair share.
50% of total health care costs are incurred by 5% of the population.
Illegal aliens will not be required to purchase health insurance.
Walfare recipients will not be required to pay , ...or pay low amounts

*) Having my medical records centralized will be geatly beneficial for me.
The health care industry will determine what proceedure you need and every doctor you see will have the same information.
The days of getting a second opinion are over.

*) Health care premiums will go down
According to the current program you can be charged up to 9.5% of your income, which would be a significant increase for most Americans, and percentage rates can be raised at any time.
The health care industry will be able to bill any and all expenses to the public.

*) RomneyCare is different from ObamaCare.
According to a Massachusetts ObamaCare architect, RomneyCare was the state prototype and trial-run for ObamaCare

*) When i'm on ObamaCare all of my expenses will be covered.
There is nothing in the bill that says they can not raise your premiums(up to 9.5% of your income).

*) When i'm on ObamaCare all my needed proceedures will be covered.
The validity of your proceedures will be determined by the IPAB "death panels", who answer to no one, and have the sole purpose of slashing costs.

*) ObamaCare saves the country money.
Obama has already stated that the cost will be double what it was originally projected (900billion x 2)
Currently the plan is stealing from the Medicare fund.

*) The ObamaCare Mandate is Constitutional.
Whether or not our corrupt Supreme Court makes the right ruling , which it probably won't , the government is drawing the power from a Supreme Court ruling from the 40's where a farmer was ordered not to plant crops on the idea it harmed the intire market.
No one present at the creation of the Constituion would approve of the ObamaCare mandate.

*) Big business Health Insurance companies don't like the plan.
Health Insurance companies sent out notices that they were going to raise rates by 300% in an effort to scare the public into dropping opposition to the bill.
Health Insurance companies will receive 40 million new customers because of the mandate.

*) No one can be turned down for health care coverage,especially for pre-existing problems.
Everyone will be welcome to pay for insurance.
Whether or not you get the care you think you need is a different story.
The validity of your procedures will be determined by the IPAB "death panels", who answer to no one, and have the sole purpose of slashing costs.

*) The rich will pay their fair share for the nation.
Just like Social Security, businesses will be capped at certain amounts so they DON'T pay their fair share.

*) Doctors will like this new system.
The government and the health care industries will be more heavily involved with wages that doctors are paid.
Doctors that handle customers that earn the median wages are already scheduled to take a large pay decrease.
Doctors will be forced to aim for health care guidelines instead of suggested treatments.

*) Obama said i can keep the current plan if i want to.
Your current plan will be viewed as a luxury.
Companies will be seeking government minimums to keep costs at the lowest rates.
There will be complete changes to the system.

*) ObamaCare is a Socialist system.
Because the system is not fully run by the government it is not Socialist Communist , but instead it forced the country to patron big business, and therefor would be "Socialist Capitalist"

"You have to pass the bill to see what's inside" - Nancy Pelosi


Funny how you begin this "mythbusting" post with an out of context quote, didn't read the rest.
*) Everyone in the U.S. will be covered by health care.
Those who do not purchase health care or receive free coverage from the government will not have access to all services.
True but now around 35million more people will have health care
*) Everyone will pay their fair share.

*) Having my medical records centralized will be geatly beneficial for me.
The health care industry will determine what proceedure you need and every doctor you see will have the same information.
The days of getting a second opinion are over.
Um the health care industry is already like that. Obamacare actually makes it harder for non doctors to determine your health care because it limits insurances ability to determine what treatments you get

*) Health care premiums will go down
According to the current program you can be charged up to 9.5% of your income, which would be a significant increase for most Americans, and percentage rates can be raised at any time.
The health care industry will be able to bill any and all expenses to the public.
That has nothing to do with premiums.
All estimates show premiums will significantly go down by thousands of dollars and around 15%
HHS: Health care reform is already working - J. Lester Feder -
*) RomneyCare is different from ObamaCare.
According to a Massachusetts ObamaCare architect, RomneyCare was the state prototype and trial-run for ObamaCare
Actually RomneyCare had no cost contains measures and didn't eliminate any wasteful spending. Obamacare slashes wasteful spending so much that even though 35million people will now have health care total costs are estimated to be lower.
Ezra Klein - The five most promising cost controls in the health-care bill
The Impact of Health Reform on Health System Spending

*) When i'm on ObamaCare all my needed proceedures will be covered.
The validity of your proceedures will be determined by the IPAB "death panels", who answer to no one, and have the sole purpose of slashing costs. [/quote[
It's actually called the IMBD board of which it is made of doctors and experts whose main goal is to determine which treatments are the most effective and to make sure you get those treatments

*) ObamaCare saves the country money.
Obama has already stated that the cost will be double what it was originally projected (900billion x 2)
Currently the plan is stealing from the Medicare fund.
Nope all projections show Obamacare lowering total spending (i already source one study now Ill source two more)
Ezra Klein - Does health-care reform bend the cost curve up?

*) The ObamaCare Mandate is Constitutional.
Whether or not our corrupt Supreme Court makes the right ruling , which it probably won't , the government is drawing the power from a Supreme Court ruling from the 40's where a farmer was ordered not to plant crops on the idea it harmed the intire market.
No one present at the creation of the Constituion would approve of the ObamaCare mandate.
All the mandate does is put a tax on people who dont buy insurance. If that makes Obamacare unconstitutional then all of government is unconstitutional

*) The rich will pay their fair share for the nation.
Just like Social Security, businesses will be capped at certain amounts so they DON'T pay their fair share.
Actually the riches taxes get slightly increased due to Obamacare.

*) Doctors will like this new system.
The government and the health care industries will be more heavily involved with wages that doctors are paid.
Doctors that handle customers that earn the median wages are already scheduled to take a large pay decrease.
Doctors will be forced to aim for health care guidelines instead of suggested treatments.
Due to Obamacares bundled payment system doctors already seeing their wages increase because the bundled payment system results in health care becoming 5% more efficient

*) Obama said i can keep the current plan if i want to.
Your current plan will be viewed as a luxury.
Companies will be seeking government minimums to keep costs at the lowest rates.
There will be complete changes to the system.
You are correct you might not be able to keep your current plan because you might be getting a better plan.
Well how about this Myth: 50 million "uninsured"???
10 million are NOT citizens!
14 million said they were not insured but covered by Medicaid!
The BIGGEST f..king myth..
18 million under age 34 earning over $50,000 WANT health insurance! LIE!
Yet these people who could afford employer co-pays turned down because:
a) They had no NEED! They were healthy!
b) any needs they had they paid out of pocket!
So for the FACT that there are truly 8 million who want and need insurance NOT 50 million Obamacare is destroying health care!
In other words Obama care has another agenda and to hell with the country!
The Supreme Court will safely knock it down. You can comment on that here. Nevertheless, there is no reason to beleive the claims made by the government are anything but false as they were for medicaid and medicare. It should come as no big surprize that ObamaCare will not only fail in acheiving its desired ends but will cost more than triple/quadrouple the origional quote when it is all said and done. Thats if the Supreme Court doesent take it out first.
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Well how about this Myth: 50 million "uninsured"???
10 million are NOT citizens!
14 million said they were not insured but covered by Medicaid!
The BIGGEST f..king myth..
18 million under age 34 earning over $50,000 WANT health insurance! LIE!
Yet these people who could afford employer co-pays turned down because:
a) They had no NEED! They were healthy!
b) any needs they had they paid out of pocket!
So for the FACT that there are truly 8 million who want and need insurance NOT 50 million Obamacare is destroying health care!
In other words Obama care has another agenda and to hell with the country!

Total BULLSHYTTE from the Pub propaganda machine. Most are poor workers.
*) Everyone in the U.S. will be covered by health care.
Those who do not purchase health care or receive free coverage from the government will not have access to all services.
True but now around 35million more people will have health care
*) Everyone will pay their fair share.

Um the health care industry is already like that. Obamacare actually makes it harder for non doctors to determine your health care because it limits insurances ability to determine what treatments you get

That has nothing to do with premiums.
All estimates show premiums will significantly go down by thousands of dollars and around 15%
HHS: Health care reform is already working - J. Lester Feder -

Actually RomneyCare had no cost contains measures and didn't eliminate any wasteful spending. Obamacare slashes wasteful spending so much that even though 35million people will now have health care total costs are estimated to be lower.
Ezra Klein - The five most promising cost controls in the health-care bill
The Impact of Health Reform on Health System Spending

*) When i'm on ObamaCare all my needed proceedures will be covered.
The validity of your proceedures will be determined by the IPAB "death panels", who answer to no one, and have the sole purpose of slashing costs. [/quote[
It's actually called the IMBD board of which it is made of doctors and experts whose main goal is to determine which treatments are the most effective and to make sure you get those treatments

Nope all projections show Obamacare lowering total spending (i already source one study now Ill source two more)
Ezra Klein - Does health-care reform bend the cost curve up?

All the mandate does is put a tax on people who dont buy insurance. If that makes Obamacare unconstitutional then all of government is unconstitutional

Actually the riches taxes get slightly increased due to Obamacare.

Due to Obamacares bundled payment system doctors already seeing their wages increase because the bundled payment system results in health care becoming 5% more efficient

You are correct you might not be able to keep your current plan because you might be getting a better plan.

FALSE!!True but now around 35million more people will have health care
THERE never WERE 35 million that wanted or needed health insurance!
10 million of the supposedly 50 million were NOT citizens!
14 million were covered by Medicaid already!
18 million NEVER wanted even though they could afford and were under 34 yrs OLD!
YET they were counted as UNINSURED YES while they WERE THEY WERE NEVER wanting to have a solution...!!
SO the very premise of health insurance "single-payer" doesn't work!
YOU are totally ignorant about Medicare! I am not! I am an expert and I'm telling you any time any organization like Medicare is OK with a 6,000% markup over costs THAT's A MAJOR problem!
AGAIN I know these things and you evidently don't!

EVER hear of MedPAR?Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MEDPAR)
A download file of ALL Medicare providers statistics and you HAVE no idea what I'm describing!
But MOST hospitals Markup the cost of their services an average of 500% for the claims they send Medicare. I KNOW because I've seen the data!
WHY does Medicare allow this?
BECAUSE of the 1986 Law known as EMTALA!!!
THAT started the ballooning cost of health care.
THAT and another FACT YOU obviously have NO knowledge called "Defensive Medicine"!
90% of physicians ADMIT the practice "defensive medicine" WHICH MEANS
$600 BILLION A YEAR in duplicate tests, specialists referrals... AND WHO PAYS??
Medicare/private insurance!

WAS NOT addressed in ObamaCare... OH yea Obamacare really socked it to the
TANNING salons with a 10% tax which YOU obviously have no knowledge about!
SO Obamacare said tanning caused cancer so let's tax tanning booths!

The $100 billion in lawyers' fees caused $600 billion defensive medicine!
WHY not tax the lawyers and use that $10 billion to pay for the 8 million "uninsured"??
BECAUSE Obama the lawyer and all other politicians that are lawyers were given $300 million in 2008 alone by LAWYERS!!!

WHERE is that FACT known by you ignorant people?
Well how about this Myth: 50 million "uninsured"???
10 million are NOT citizens!
14 million said they were not insured but covered by Medicaid!
The BIGGEST f..king myth..
18 million under age 34 earning over $50,000 WANT health insurance! LIE!
Yet these people who could afford employer co-pays turned down because:
a) They had no NEED! They were healthy!
b) any needs they had they paid out of pocket!
So for the FACT that there are truly 8 million who want and need insurance NOT 50 million Obamacare is destroying health care!
In other words Obama care has another agenda and to hell with the country!

Total BULLSHYTTE from the Pub propaganda machine. Most are poor workers.

AND you are a f..kiing IDIOT!
The Census bureau ADMITS 10 million counted as UNINSURED were not citizens!
In 2003, a BlueCross BlueShield Association study estimated that about 14 million of the uninsured were eligible for Medicaid and SCHIP
When all of these factors are put together, the 2003 BlueCross BlueShield study determined that 8.2 million Americans are actually without coverage for the long haul, because they are too poor to purchase health care but earn too much to qualify for government assistance.
The American Spectator : The Myth of the 46 Million

IDIOTS like YOU have NO idea how insurance works MUCH less simple arithmetic!
Subtract from frequently myth number 50 million uninsured:
10 million not citizens.. 14 million covered by Medicaid 18 million who could afford but
DON"T WANT health insurance crammed down their throats and you have
8 million that truly need health insurance NOT 50 million!

BUT idiots like you who have NO idea about big numbers much less math haven't figured that out! Dum.. di..K!
How about companies that contribute to their employees
health insurance decide not to do that anymore because it will
be cheaper for them to pay the fine.Then they tell the employees
to contact the exchanges that Obamacare set up.

So much for these lies.
If you already have health care you don't have to do anything.
You will still get to see your own doctor....

How bout this bit of info Lefties...?
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*) Everyone in the U.S. will be covered by health care.

No one has claimed that. Presumably that's impossible under a predominantly privatized system, which is what we have and will continue to have.

What you'll have, however, is a great many more people with access to health services.

*) Having my medical records centralized will be geatly beneficial for me.

"Centralized" doesn't make sense here. Do you mean something like "digitized"? That's the HITECH Act, not the ACA. Though the two do go hand-in-hand, in many respects.

*) Health care premiums will go down

There isn't going to be deflation in the health sector. But you follow that up with a reference to income-based limits on premiums individuals or families can be charged, which suggests a bit of confusion in your mind as to what's going on here.

*) When i'm on ObamaCare all my needed proceedures will be covered.

There's no such thing as being "on ObamaCare." What the fuck are you talking about?

*) ObamaCare saves the country money.
Obama has already stated that the cost will be double what it was originally projected (900billion x 2)

That seems to be the rightwing talking point of the month, presumably because they haven't read or understood the estimates being discussed.
Pelosi meant implemented. Obviously most people have no clue, thanks to a tidal wave of Pubcrappe and a cowardly media.

Why, was the bill magically going to change after it was implemented?

I do know what has changed since the bill was passed; the CBOs numbers showing it to be worse than anyone thought, the administrations admittance that some parts of the bill simply can't work, and hopefully soon the supposed constitutionality of the bill.
Neither of your direct quotes seem at all correct. One is understood not to be paraphrasing when one uses quotation marks.
Neither of your direct quotes seem at all correct. One is understood not to be paraphrasing when one uses quotation marks.

I hear that line all the time, but the quote doesn't get any better or relevant even if you read the whole thing. I specifically remember being floored that Pelosi would say such a thing, so I searched to find the whole quote to assure its context, and the quote really is as bad as it sounds.
Neither of your direct quotes seem at all correct. One is understood not to be paraphrasing when one uses quotation marks.

I hear that line all the time, but the quote doesn't get any better or relevant even if you read the whole thing. I specifically remember being floored that Pelosi would say such a thing, so I searched to find the whole quote to assure its context, and the quote really is as bad as it sounds.

The line does not exist. It appears to be based Pelosi's (Pelosi: Pass Health Reform So You Can Find Out What)

Congress "[has] to pass the bill so you can find out what's in it, away from the fog of controversy."

The "quote" in the original post changes the subject from Congress to "you". The implication of the original quote is that Pelosi is saying that Congress itself did not know what was in the bill when it voted. In fact she was saying that 2010 Legislative Conference for the National Association of Counties had heard significant distortions that would not be entirely cleared up until the bill was implemented. It was a gaffe to be sure, but it has been widely and deliberately distorted.
"I could also solve homelessness by forcing everyone to buy a house!" - Obama. (Sen Obama's negative comment about HillaryCare Democrat primary debate)
Pelosi meant implemented. Obviously most people have no clue, thanks to a tidal wave of Pubcrappe and a cowardly media.

So you know exactly what Pelosi was thinking?
It doesn't obviously meant the same thing she said. She said it needed to pass so we could "see what's in it". That had to be ONE of her STUPIDEST comments ever!!! How often do you pay for something without reading the fine print? You know, that fine print that tells you that you're getting screwed, but most people don't read that part and they know it? Lol! Obviously YOU have no clue! :lol:

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