Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!


Some of these Nader voters now work for the Democratic Party — and deeply regret their 2000 vote.

Chris Savage had had enough of Bill Clinton and his shenanigans by the time the 2000 election rolled around, and he wasn’t thrilled about putting his vice president, Al Gore, back in the White House for another four years. But as a Democrat, there was no way the 36-year-old Michigan resident was going to vote for George W. Bush either.

Then, he found Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

“He was pretty convincing in terms of the things he was advocating for. And he did have some very progressive positions and ideas, so those appealed to me,” Savage recounted.

He soon put a Nader sign in his yard, became politically active and was all in to send a message to the establishment.

But this cycle, Savage isn’t even considering voting third party. He’s now an outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and literally works for the establishment as Democratic Party chair of Washtenaw County in Michigan.

And he wants to make sure that disaffected voters know exactly what they’re doing in this election before they go pull the lever for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

“I was somewhat uninformed and felt like there wasn’t that big a difference between Gore and Bush, believe it or not,” he said. “Obviously, in retrospect, it was a moronic way to look at things.”

More: Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!

Amen! The Nader disciples gave us Bush instead of Gore. I'm thankful some of them have evolved.
Ross Perot gave us Clinton instead of Bush - really there is no difference between the two, both lowlife career politicians.
Quit your bitching you fucking lemming

Some of these Nader voters now work for the Democratic Party — and deeply regret their 2000 vote.

Chris Savage had had enough of Bill Clinton and his shenanigans by the time the 2000 election rolled around, and he wasn’t thrilled about putting his vice president, Al Gore, back in the White House for another four years. But as a Democrat, there was no way the 36-year-old Michigan resident was going to vote for George W. Bush either.

Then, he found Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

“He was pretty convincing in terms of the things he was advocating for. And he did have some very progressive positions and ideas, so those appealed to me,” Savage recounted.

He soon put a Nader sign in his yard, became politically active and was all in to send a message to the establishment.

But this cycle, Savage isn’t even considering voting third party. He’s now an outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and literally works for the establishment as Democratic Party chair of Washtenaw County in Michigan.

And he wants to make sure that disaffected voters know exactly what they’re doing in this election before they go pull the lever for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

“I was somewhat uninformed and felt like there wasn’t that big a difference between Gore and Bush, believe it or not,” he said. “Obviously, in retrospect, it was a moronic way to look at things.”

More: Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!

Amen! The Nader disciples gave us Bush instead of Gore. I'm thankful some of them have evolved.
I will never vote for your war mongering, wall street representing candidate. If the democrats want my vote they are going to have to put up a candidate worth voting for. Fuk 'em. If you get Trump it's on you not me.

Here, allow Nader to explain it to you.


Some of these Nader voters now work for the Democratic Party — and deeply regret their 2000 vote.

Chris Savage had had enough of Bill Clinton and his shenanigans by the time the 2000 election rolled around, and he wasn’t thrilled about putting his vice president, Al Gore, back in the White House for another four years. But as a Democrat, there was no way the 36-year-old Michigan resident was going to vote for George W. Bush either.

Then, he found Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

“He was pretty convincing in terms of the things he was advocating for. And he did have some very progressive positions and ideas, so those appealed to me,” Savage recounted.

He soon put a Nader sign in his yard, became politically active and was all in to send a message to the establishment.

But this cycle, Savage isn’t even considering voting third party. He’s now an outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and literally works for the establishment as Democratic Party chair of Washtenaw County in Michigan.

And he wants to make sure that disaffected voters know exactly what they’re doing in this election before they go pull the lever for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

“I was somewhat uninformed and felt like there wasn’t that big a difference between Gore and Bush, believe it or not,” he said. “Obviously, in retrospect, it was a moronic way to look at things.”

More: Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!

Amen! The Nader disciples gave us Bush instead of Gore. I'm thankful some of them have evolved.
I will never vote for your war mongering, wall street representing candidate. If the democrats want my vote they are going to have to put up a candidate worth voting for. Fuk 'em. If you get Trump it's on you not me.

Here, allow Nader to explain it to you.

Funny. I watched Nader's bullshit. I've watched and listened to his bullshit many times over the years - as he tries to rationalize how he had nothing to do with putting Bush in the White House. It's all bullshit. He fucked Al Gore. He fucked America. And - Gary Johnson is even much, much dumber than Nader.

Some of these Nader voters now work for the Democratic Party — and deeply regret their 2000 vote.

Chris Savage had had enough of Bill Clinton and his shenanigans by the time the 2000 election rolled around, and he wasn’t thrilled about putting his vice president, Al Gore, back in the White House for another four years. But as a Democrat, there was no way the 36-year-old Michigan resident was going to vote for George W. Bush either.

Then, he found Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

“He was pretty convincing in terms of the things he was advocating for. And he did have some very progressive positions and ideas, so those appealed to me,” Savage recounted.

He soon put a Nader sign in his yard, became politically active and was all in to send a message to the establishment.

But this cycle, Savage isn’t even considering voting third party. He’s now an outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and literally works for the establishment as Democratic Party chair of Washtenaw County in Michigan.

And he wants to make sure that disaffected voters know exactly what they’re doing in this election before they go pull the lever for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

“I was somewhat uninformed and felt like there wasn’t that big a difference between Gore and Bush, believe it or not,” he said. “Obviously, in retrospect, it was a moronic way to look at things.”

More: Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!

Amen! The Nader disciples gave us Bush instead of Gore. I'm thankful some of them have evolved.
hopefully they have evolved to rejecting both trump and hillary....
Haven't we learned enough to see the danger of a vacuum that would be created by rejecting both major candidates?
havent we learned enough by now of what happens when you elect people that are bottom of the barrel people?.....

Some of these Nader voters now work for the Democratic Party — and deeply regret their 2000 vote.

Chris Savage had had enough of Bill Clinton and his shenanigans by the time the 2000 election rolled around, and he wasn’t thrilled about putting his vice president, Al Gore, back in the White House for another four years. But as a Democrat, there was no way the 36-year-old Michigan resident was going to vote for George W. Bush either.

Then, he found Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

“He was pretty convincing in terms of the things he was advocating for. And he did have some very progressive positions and ideas, so those appealed to me,” Savage recounted.

He soon put a Nader sign in his yard, became politically active and was all in to send a message to the establishment.

But this cycle, Savage isn’t even considering voting third party. He’s now an outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and literally works for the establishment as Democratic Party chair of Washtenaw County in Michigan.

And he wants to make sure that disaffected voters know exactly what they’re doing in this election before they go pull the lever for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

“I was somewhat uninformed and felt like there wasn’t that big a difference between Gore and Bush, believe it or not,” he said. “Obviously, in retrospect, it was a moronic way to look at things.”

More: Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!

Amen! The Nader disciples gave us Bush instead of Gore. I'm thankful some of them have evolved.
hopefully they have evolved to rejecting both trump and hillary....
Haven't we learned enough to see the danger of a vacuum that would be created by rejecting both major candidates?

I agree! Voting for the lesser of two evils is better than just throwing your vote away - and Hillary is by far the lesser of two evils. In fact, she may be one of our greatest presidents. Voting for Gary Johnson does not help anything.
and here lies the many are saying that both of these people are half-assed, and yet here they are,and we get that stupid voting for the lessor of 2 evils bullshit.....and how can hillary maybe be one of our greatest presidents?.....half the fucking country cant stand her,so im sure she will get lots of support....

Some of these Nader voters now work for the Democratic Party — and deeply regret their 2000 vote.

Chris Savage had had enough of Bill Clinton and his shenanigans by the time the 2000 election rolled around, and he wasn’t thrilled about putting his vice president, Al Gore, back in the White House for another four years. But as a Democrat, there was no way the 36-year-old Michigan resident was going to vote for George W. Bush either.

Then, he found Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

“He was pretty convincing in terms of the things he was advocating for. And he did have some very progressive positions and ideas, so those appealed to me,” Savage recounted.

He soon put a Nader sign in his yard, became politically active and was all in to send a message to the establishment.

But this cycle, Savage isn’t even considering voting third party. He’s now an outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and literally works for the establishment as Democratic Party chair of Washtenaw County in Michigan.

And he wants to make sure that disaffected voters know exactly what they’re doing in this election before they go pull the lever for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

“I was somewhat uninformed and felt like there wasn’t that big a difference between Gore and Bush, believe it or not,” he said. “Obviously, in retrospect, it was a moronic way to look at things.”

More: Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!

Amen! The Nader disciples gave us Bush instead of Gore. I'm thankful some of them have evolved.

More proof that the far left does not understand how elections work in the US..

Some of these Nader voters now work for the Democratic Party — and deeply regret their 2000 vote.

Chris Savage had had enough of Bill Clinton and his shenanigans by the time the 2000 election rolled around, and he wasn’t thrilled about putting his vice president, Al Gore, back in the White House for another four years. But as a Democrat, there was no way the 36-year-old Michigan resident was going to vote for George W. Bush either.

Then, he found Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

“He was pretty convincing in terms of the things he was advocating for. And he did have some very progressive positions and ideas, so those appealed to me,” Savage recounted.

He soon put a Nader sign in his yard, became politically active and was all in to send a message to the establishment.

But this cycle, Savage isn’t even considering voting third party. He’s now an outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and literally works for the establishment as Democratic Party chair of Washtenaw County in Michigan.

And he wants to make sure that disaffected voters know exactly what they’re doing in this election before they go pull the lever for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

“I was somewhat uninformed and felt like there wasn’t that big a difference between Gore and Bush, believe it or not,” he said. “Obviously, in retrospect, it was a moronic way to look at things.”

More: Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!

Amen! The Nader disciples gave us Bush instead of Gore. I'm thankful some of them have evolved.

Like they all need your advice to hold your nose and do as you're told and pull the RIGHT lever in the voting booth. .Your parties are dying as people watch their country being destroyed by packs of poo-flinging monkeys intent on removing the last vestige of respect for government. Major issues crashing around you. 10s of MILLs of people getting O-Care cancellation notices, SocSec bankrupt -- 8 to 10 years ahead of schedule and all you got is dragging former Miss Universes thru the mud for the sake of your two arrogant power whores that were picked to lead this country.

By the time this election is over -- your gigue will be up. Because the number of politically homeless and 3rd party supporters and FED UP will be BIGGER than both of your sorry ass parties. We are now 43% -- soon to be over 50%. And your "name brands" are gonna be CONSTANTLY challenged by other saner, more rational choices.
Dear Bernie supporters, understand that a vote for Hillary will make the next Bernie's job that much more impossible. It will simply clamp the lid down tighter.

Some of these Nader voters now work for the Democratic Party — and deeply regret their 2000 vote.

Chris Savage had had enough of Bill Clinton and his shenanigans by the time the 2000 election rolled around, and he wasn’t thrilled about putting his vice president, Al Gore, back in the White House for another four years. But as a Democrat, there was no way the 36-year-old Michigan resident was going to vote for George W. Bush either.

Then, he found Green Party candidate Ralph Nader.

“He was pretty convincing in terms of the things he was advocating for. And he did have some very progressive positions and ideas, so those appealed to me,” Savage recounted.

He soon put a Nader sign in his yard, became politically active and was all in to send a message to the establishment.

But this cycle, Savage isn’t even considering voting third party. He’s now an outspoken Hillary Clinton supporter and literally works for the establishment as Democratic Party chair of Washtenaw County in Michigan.

And he wants to make sure that disaffected voters know exactly what they’re doing in this election before they go pull the lever for a third-party candidate like Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party.

“I was somewhat uninformed and felt like there wasn’t that big a difference between Gore and Bush, believe it or not,” he said. “Obviously, in retrospect, it was a moronic way to look at things.”

More: Nader Supporters Warn Third-Party Voters: Don’t Make The Same Mistake!

Amen! The Nader disciples gave us Bush instead of Gore. I'm thankful some of them have evolved.

Although I would not ever directly blame them, Nader supporters must be aware that the carnage in Iraq is partially due to their support of Nader which gave us the catastrophe of Cheney,,,,,and his sidekick, GWB.
Why should Bernie supporters vote for Hillary after she stole the Democratic nomination from them? That's like asking a kid to vote for you for Student Body President after you've finished beating him up and taking his lunch money.

Really? How did Hillary "steal" the nomination from Bernie? Please provide "credible" proof from sources that can be verified as being factual. Why did Bernie endorse Hillary and now actively campaigning for her?
And now you're going to explain why the 'Ramen Noodle Head' had to resign in disgrace right?
Debbie and the DNC are/were in the bag for Hillary from day one.
The FACT that the old bitch couldn't easily put away an old Communist and had to be helped by Debbie and the DNC speaks volumes.

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