Naked Trump statues glued to ground in various cities

Since I was laughing to hard to conduct a proper search to check the validity of this, I have no clue if its for real or not.
That being said, its just too funny not to share with others.
Look at the bright side, if the statue is accurate, I don't think we have to worry about Monica hiding under Donald's desk.
NUDE Donald Trump statue glued to the ground in several cities
LOLOLOLOL...the dick of a white man, finally wonder nigga's are so popular!!
I might not be porn star quality here, (although its mine and I've grown attached to it} If the package on the Trump statue is accurate for a white man,, I regret to inform people that I think someone in my past played behind the wood shed with the house negro.
How stupid are Americans? They actually think that Trump has something to do with this.

Some enterprising person should put up a few statues of mooch the cooch before her sex change surgery and see if she's blamed.
Since I was laughing to hard to conduct a proper search to check the validity of this, I have no clue if its for real or not.
That being said, its just too funny not to share with others.
Look at the bright side, if the statue is accurate, I don't think we have to worry about Monica hiding under Donald's desk.
NUDE Donald Trump statue glued to the ground in several cities
LOLOLOLOL...the dick of a white man, finally wonder nigga's are so popular!!
I might not be porn star quality here, (although its mine and I've grown attached to it} If the package on the Trump statue is accurate for a white man,, I regret to inform people that I think someone in my past played behind the wood shed with the house negro.
Huh? Somebody needs a cold shower and it ain't me, pal
How stupid are Americans? They actually think that Trump has something to do with this.

Some enterprising person should put up a few statues of mooch the cooch before her sex change surgery and see if she's blamed.
Hey, haven't you heard....Trump is now new an improved and want the whole country to know, his dick is small, his guts are saggy and his hair is plastic.
Since I was laughing to hard to conduct a proper search to check the validity of this, I have no clue if its for real or not.
That being said, its just too funny not to share with others.
Look at the bright side, if the statue is accurate, I don't think we have to worry about Monica hiding under Donald's desk.
NUDE Donald Trump statue glued to the ground in several cities
LOLOLOLOL...the dick of a white man, finally wonder nigga's are so popular!!
I might not be porn star quality here, (although its mine and I've grown attached to it} If the package on the Trump statue is accurate for a white man,, I regret to inform people that I think someone in my past played behind the wood shed with the house negro.
Huh? Somebody needs a cold shower and it ain't me, pal
comment really has nothing to do with my post.
Very good artistry in my amateur opinion.

Very embarrassing for Trump as well.

Does he deserve such treatment? No. But he did ask for it by making fun of others.

Would this fly in these cities if we had a nude Hilldebeest, even with a thong and pasties? Of course not! Would not last a day.

I am surprised Trump’s nude statue will last either.

Politics is such a dirty world, but even more so when you have the media and the courts and the lawyers and the entertainment industry on your side. Then you can get away with real lewdness and degradation.

This Clinton mural in Australia didn't last very long:

Artist gives provocative Hillary Clinton mural a burqa -

The artist's response was priceless. lol

No wonder the rest of the world laughs at America. America's most serious task of selecting and electing their leader has regressed in infantile sewer humor.

The real sad part is that a dangerously high number of the American population thinks (I use the word THINK laughingly) this kind of gutter humor is funny.
Where is this sort of criticism to those who use foul language day in and day out on here? And to those who demean others likewise?

What standard are you going by....your own?

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How stupid are Americans? They actually think that Trump has something to do with this.

Some enterprising person should put up a few statues of mooch the cooch before her sex change surgery and see if she's blamed.
Hey, haven't you heard....Trump is now new an improved and want the whole country to know, his dick is small, his guts are saggy and his hair is plastic.
According to someone.

According to others, obama is a dickless cocaine addict and his orc ho was once the pimp.

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