name a famous russian

I thought the title said "Name a Famous Raisin".

So I googled "singing raisins" and this came up:


Caption underneath: To recap, the California Raisins have won an Emmy. Jason Alexander has not. Let that sink in.

Tolstoy was a very strict vegetarian and refused to serve meat in his home. He was having a dinner party where his aunt demanded to be served meat. When she arrived, she found a chicken tied to her chair. Nephew Leo told her that she would have to kill, clean and prepare the chicken herself. That night, she ate vegetarian.

The chicken was a pet and accustomed to being in the house.

He and his wife were sexually active almost until his death at the age of 82. They had a reputation for being quite vocal when in the throes of passion and had special nicknames for various acts.
Алексе́й Леони́дович Па́житнов (Alexey Leonidovich Pajitnov) :thup:


Launched into space on November 3rd, 1957, she lived for about 5-7 hours before being cooked alive. She was never meant to live as this was nothing more than a publicity stunt in hopes of embarrassing the US. A lot like Putin's pretend war now.

Laika's "coffin" circled the Earth 2,570 times and burned up in the Earth's atmosphere on April 4, 1958.

Launched into space on November 3rd, 1957, she lived for about 5-7 hours before being cooked alive. She was never meant to live as this was nothing more than a publicity stunt in hopes of embarrassing the US. A lot like Putin's pretend war now.

Laika's "coffin" circled the Earth 2,570 times and burned up in the Earth's atmosphere on April 4, 1958.

That poor dog. Fucking nasty Russians.

Living in Alaska I've always been wary of Russians. Especially back during the Cold War, we were always nervous because we were too close to them.

My Dad always used to ask my Mom, if the Russians came storming into the village and they gave you a choice, they would either kill your husband or your children, what would you choose?

And my Mom would always say she would choose for her children to live because they had their whole lives in front of them. My Dad would then act all wounded and say, "So you'd just let them drag me off and shoot me!?" :eek: And my Mom would be like, well...if I HAD to choose!!! :(

Meanwhile, we children would be listening and were mightily relieved to know that our Mom would save us from the freaking Russians. LOL
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