Nancy Grace Absolutely Obliterates Darren Wilson And Prosecutor

On Wednesday, Grace appeared on CNN with Brooke Baldwin to discuss the grand jury decision. Grace didn’t hold back, and she thoroughly ripped Darren Wilson, his testimony, the grand jury, and the prosecutor a new one.

Addicting Info 8211 Nancy Grace Absolutely Obliterates Darren Wilson And Prosecutor Robert McCulloch On CNN VIDEO

She is free to have her own opinion, she was not in the Grand Jury room and she has no idea what really went on in Ferguson.

I would surmise that very few know exactly what happened. But there are, what, 40 witness who say that Brown was more than 100 feet away from Wilson as he was shot. There is even video to attest to this. But the one single solitary witness who says the opposite, the witness who is the author of a virulently racist blog, is believed by the grand jury. Alice in Wonderland, and Wonderland is Ferguson. Take your pick.
Genius....We're not discussing this any longer. It's OVER....

40 witnesses to an assassination. Dayam, on a residential street at noon no less.

Yep, the cop was out looking to kill a black man argument makes tons of freaking sense!

Sad to see a woman lost her grip on reality at such a tender age.

We should pity - not scorn.
I'm a little late to this love fest between the looney leftists and the rabid righty's, but here's my two cents. Nancy Grace is paid to stir people up (the few who watch her network). However she does have one point here that I agree with - I think the prosecutor used the grand jury process to get Wilson off instead of taking the responsibility for dropping the charges himself.

Do I think there is a problem with police officers? Yes, police have moved from "protect and serve" to "them versus us" (where "them" is anyone not wearing a police uniform). The militarization of police is a huge problem. No knock warrants, SWAT teams used for what should be benign encounters, and shooting kids with toy guns are all connected to the increasing militarization of police.

However, between 2003 and 2012, the vast majority (90%) of black men who are murdered are murdered by other black men. Only 2% of black men who were killed suffered death via police. The much, much, much bigger problem is the "thug life" which Michael Brown was OBVIOUSLY a part of.

Did Wilson need to shoot him, or shoot him 6-7 times? I dunno, you dunno, and we never will. It's a damn shame that this 18 year old kid won't have the chance to grow up and STOP his thug life.

I can answer that...

If you draw your weapon, you have cause to fire it. Cops are not supposed to brandish a weapon if they are not ready to use it.

If you require 6 shots to put down someone intent on doing you bodily harm, you're not competent as a police officer. If you're being charged from 30 feet away and you haven't seen a weapon, you have choices; shoot the leg or something.

Was taking the life justified? Yes. That is what happens when you hit a cop.
Was taking the life necessary? From the testimony given by the officer, no.

You aren't qualified to speak on what is an acceptable amount of shots fired in any incident.
Sure I am. Every shot has the capability of causing death of the person you aim at AS WELL AS consequences if you miss.

Expending more shots than necessary is a risk to society and it's a good thing that his career as a peace officer is over.

And the idea that you think a leg shot wont kill is pathetic.
There's this thing called the femoral artery.....

The human calf is several inches in diameter. At most, the femeral may be an inch thick. Scoring a hit on the femoral would take a precise shot. On a moving target it would be a very hard shot to make.

So let me get this straight. You think that firing at a moving calve is going to require less rounds fired?'re stupid.
And the whole idea of hitting the leg in your mind is to reduce damage.
Lets say the officer got lucky after emptying a 14 round mag and actually manages to hit one time. You do realize the damage is not limited to the diameter of the bullet,a solid hit on the calve anywhere is liable to damage the femoral artery.And I have to ask,where did the other 13 rounds go?
I'm a little late to this love fest between the looney leftists and the rabid righty's, but here's my two cents. Nancy Grace is paid to stir people up (the few who watch her network). However she does have one point here that I agree with - I think the prosecutor used the grand jury process to get Wilson off instead of taking the responsibility for dropping the charges himself.

Do I think there is a problem with police officers? Yes, police have moved from "protect and serve" to "them versus us" (where "them" is anyone not wearing a police uniform). The militarization of police is a huge problem. No knock warrants, SWAT teams used for what should be benign encounters, and shooting kids with toy guns are all connected to the increasing militarization of police.

However, between 2003 and 2012, the vast majority (90%) of black men who are murdered are murdered by other black men. Only 2% of black men who were killed suffered death via police. The much, much, much bigger problem is the "thug life" which Michael Brown was OBVIOUSLY a part of.

Did Wilson need to shoot him, or shoot him 6-7 times? I dunno, you dunno, and we never will. It's a damn shame that this 18 year old kid won't have the chance to grow up and STOP his thug life.

I can answer that...

If you draw your weapon, you have cause to fire it. Cops are not supposed to brandish a weapon if they are not ready to use it.

If you require 6 shots to put down someone intent on doing you bodily harm, you're not competent as a police officer. If you're being charged from 30 feet away and you haven't seen a weapon, you have choices; shoot the leg or something.

Was taking the life justified? Yes. That is what happens when you hit a cop.
Was taking the life necessary? From the testimony given by the officer, no.

You aren't qualified to speak on what is an acceptable amount of shots fired in any incident.
Sure I am. Every shot has the capability of causing death of the person you aim at AS WELL AS consequences if you miss.

Expending more shots than necessary is a risk to society and it's a good thing that his career as a peace officer is over.

And the idea that you think a leg shot wont kill is pathetic.
There's this thing called the femoral artery.....

The human calf is several inches in diameter. At most, the femeral may be an inch thick. Scoring a hit on the femoral would take a precise shot. On a moving target it would be a very hard shot to make.

So let me get this straight. You think that firing at a moving calve is going to require less rounds fired?
It should unless the officer is just intent on emptying the gun on someone. See putz, if i shoot you in the calf, you're not going to keep running at me. For some reason, this officer kept shooting his assailant in the upper body.

Keep this in mind, the cop has every reason to kill his assailant--that is what you get when you assault a cop. Sorry but that is the way this works. I doubt he really had to kill Brown though from his testimony and what he said to ABC News.'re stupid.
Far from it. Just willing to admit that while I think the cop was justified, he used poor judgment. I know the conservative mind doesn't operate in shades of gray where blacks are concerned but the shades of gray are all around us.

And the whole idea of hitting the leg in your mind is to reduce damage.'s non lethal force

Lets say the officer got lucky after emptying a 14 round mag and actually manages to hit one time. You do realize the damage is not limited to the diameter of the bullet,a solid hit on the calve anywhere is liable to damage the femoral artery.And I have to ask,where did the other 13 rounds go?

If you're going to get into hypotheticals...why not just say he had two guns, or two bazookas, or 2 TOW missiles????

Again, Brown may have bled out from a wound to the periphery. Maybe not.
I'm a little late to this love fest between the looney leftists and the rabid righty's, but here's my two cents. Nancy Grace is paid to stir people up (the few who watch her network). However she does have one point here that I agree with - I think the prosecutor used the grand jury process to get Wilson off instead of taking the responsibility for dropping the charges himself.

Do I think there is a problem with police officers? Yes, police have moved from "protect and serve" to "them versus us" (where "them" is anyone not wearing a police uniform). The militarization of police is a huge problem. No knock warrants, SWAT teams used for what should be benign encounters, and shooting kids with toy guns are all connected to the increasing militarization of police.

However, between 2003 and 2012, the vast majority (90%) of black men who are murdered are murdered by other black men. Only 2% of black men who were killed suffered death via police. The much, much, much bigger problem is the "thug life" which Michael Brown was OBVIOUSLY a part of.

Did Wilson need to shoot him, or shoot him 6-7 times? I dunno, you dunno, and we never will. It's a damn shame that this 18 year old kid won't have the chance to grow up and STOP his thug life.

I can answer that...

If you draw your weapon, you have cause to fire it. Cops are not supposed to brandish a weapon if they are not ready to use it.

If you require 6 shots to put down someone intent on doing you bodily harm, you're not competent as a police officer. If you're being charged from 30 feet away and you haven't seen a weapon, you have choices; shoot the leg or something.

Was taking the life justified? Yes. That is what happens when you hit a cop.
Was taking the life necessary? From the testimony given by the officer, no.
I have been in law enforcement for twenty six years of my life. You really think anyone can hit a moving target easily much less a moving leg? You watch too many movies. Most gun fights are fought from ten feet or less and it is still hard to hit a target that is moving. In a bad situation where your life is on the line you do what is needed. Old saying, "I would rather be tried by twelve than carried by six."
I'm a little late to this love fest between the looney leftists and the rabid righty's, but here's my two cents. Nancy Grace is paid to stir people up (the few who watch her network). However she does have one point here that I agree with - I think the prosecutor used the grand jury process to get Wilson off instead of taking the responsibility for dropping the charges himself.

Do I think there is a problem with police officers? Yes, police have moved from "protect and serve" to "them versus us" (where "them" is anyone not wearing a police uniform). The militarization of police is a huge problem. No knock warrants, SWAT teams used for what should be benign encounters, and shooting kids with toy guns are all connected to the increasing militarization of police.

However, between 2003 and 2012, the vast majority (90%) of black men who are murdered are murdered by other black men. Only 2% of black men who were killed suffered death via police. The much, much, much bigger problem is the "thug life" which Michael Brown was OBVIOUSLY a part of.

Did Wilson need to shoot him, or shoot him 6-7 times? I dunno, you dunno, and we never will. It's a damn shame that this 18 year old kid won't have the chance to grow up and STOP his thug life.

I can answer that...

If you draw your weapon, you have cause to fire it. Cops are not supposed to brandish a weapon if they are not ready to use it.

If you require 6 shots to put down someone intent on doing you bodily harm, you're not competent as a police officer. If you're being charged from 30 feet away and you haven't seen a weapon, you have choices; shoot the leg or something.

Was taking the life justified? Yes. That is what happens when you hit a cop.
Was taking the life necessary? From the testimony given by the officer, no.
I have been in law enforcement for twenty six years of my life. You really think anyone can hit a moving target easily much less a moving leg? You watch too many movies. Most gun fights are fought from ten feet or less and it is still hard to hit a target that is moving. In a bad situation where your life is on the line you do what is needed. Old saying, "I would rather be tried by twelve than carried by six."

She doesnt understand the difficulty of a shot like that. You'd be lucky to hit one out of 14.

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