Nancy Grace must be peeing herself....Joran Van-der-Sloot suspected in second murder


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Joran Van Der Sloot, Prime Suspect in Natalee Holloway Case, Wanted for Murder in Peru - ABC News

Joran van der Sloot, the 22-year-old Dutch playboy twice arrested in the mysterious disappearance of American Natalee Holloway, has been named the prime suspect in the death of a young Peruvian woman found dead in a Lima hotel today, five days after she disappeared.

Stephany Tatiana Flores Ramirez 21, disappeared Friday and was found dead this morning at the Miraflores Hotel Tac in Lima, Peru . Flores was last seen with van der Sloot, the Dutch national who was twice arrested and released in connection with the disappearance of Holloway, an 18-year-old American student who went missing in Aruba five years ago this week.
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they say your first kill is the most thrilling..and you cant recapture later kills...

<---watches way too much criminal minds
I would love to see Van der Sloot undergo some Peruvian interrogation..

Wipe that smug look off of his face
o he's a serial killer! Ain't his protectionist daddy proud now?

Chief Suspect Van der Sloot's Dad Dies: Did Holloway Secrets Go to the Grave? - Greta Van Susteren | On The Record With Greta -

His dad died last year. On top of that this girls family is well known in Peru with connections. So it seems that poor widdle Joran will be in quite a pickle when he is caught.

CNN is reporting they have incriminating evidence against him and she was found dead in a hotel room registered to him.

There is "incriminating evidence" linking Van der Sloot to the killing of 21-year-old Stephany Flores Ramirez, who was found dead in a Lima hotel room Wednesday, Cesar Guardia Vasquez, of the criminal investigations unit said at a news conference.

Peru cops: Holloway suspect van der Sloot wanted for murder again &#8211; This Just In - Blogs
Peru Press conference rough translation:

Interview with national police:

We have decided that the murder was committed by Joran P Van der Sloot, 21 yrs.

He is in Chile

We are working with international treaties to find, capture and transfer back to Peru

Don't want to give information on theory of crime. Will give more information later.

This foreigner came to Chile on May 14.

No comment of what the father said in his press conference.

We believe she was killed betwee 5:00 and 8:45 am.
CaféAuLait;2368268 said:
Joran Van Der Sloot, Prime Suspect in Natalee Holloway Case, Wanted for Murder in Peru - ABC News

Joran van der Sloot, the 22-year-old Dutch playboy twice arrested in the mysterious disappearance of American Natalee Holloway, has been named the prime suspect in the death of a young Peruvian woma...

I blame Obama.

Obama? Good grief man get a grip-- the original crime happened on Bush's watch! Bushdid it.

Bush had the opportunity to capture and try Van der Sloot during the Natalee Holloway incident. Bush was too busy invading Iraq to give a shit about poor Natalee

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