Nancy Pelosi Is A Terrible Leader For A Capitalist's Country!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Nancy Pelosi appearance on CNN's Jake Tapper program this morning really highlighted how she is a terrible leader for America and for the constituents of the Democrat Party. On the program she gave this whole litany how Washington has to be there for the American workers, first responders and other groups of individuals and that is certainly true , the government's ultimate job is to work for the American people essentially no one questions that, and she went on about how us Democrats in the CARES One and CARES Two bills fought for these groups and the Republicans forgot about these groups and then Ms. Pelosi turned and went on this whole diatribe against America business how at this crucial time when the country of America's standard of living is at stake, it is under an existential threat, Ms. Pelosi at the top of her mind she holds as her top priority to see that U.S. businesses don't use any relief money for stock buy backs, dividends and big salaries and big bonuses for America's.

What a depraved leader, the Speaker of the House shouldn't be demonizing American business leading the American people to believe that American business is the problem their the enemy which we must defeat. The Speaker should be leading the American People and especially the rank and file Democrats that American business are our allies we need them more than words can say because when we get through this Corona-virus tunnel American business is going to provide the jobs and the income to return and further our people to a good standard of living, the public sector cannot do it there isn't enough money in the public coiffeurs to accomplish this! America is far way from the end of this crisis, Republican leaders that want to throw American workers out of the boat are just as bad as Democrat leaders that want to throw American businesses out of the boat. Both victim groups are going to need additional life lines thrown to them before this crisis is over if they are to survive largely in good shape. In this once in a century crisis America needs leaders in Washington that have a good, in a moral and fair sense, vision of what the country should look like when the pandemic is over, that is, in terms of how businesses and individual workers should prosper at that time so that the widespread hope throughout the country of the American dream can again and even more so be realized in America!
We can't hope to start cleaning out the dead wood like Nancy Pelosi until a polarizing figure
like Donald Trump leaves office. That hopefully will be another four years.
Pelosi has greatly used her office to enrich herself and she has been the driving force behind the impeachment and the Russian collusion hoax.
The progressives intensely dislike her.

However the partisan insanity is strong in the democrat House and electing a more moderate leader among
the party of socialism and open borders won't be easy.
The democrat party just doesn't accept moderates anymore and haven't for some time.

Maybe there will be no reconciliation until a new generation takes power.
When she is out in January newly re-elected Trump should offer her the Ambassador job to North Korea.Perfect fit.
Nancy Pelosi appearance on CNN's Jake Tapper program this morning really highlighted how she is a terrible leader for America and for the constituents of the Democrat Party. On the program she gave this whole litany how Washington has to be there for the American workers, first responders and other groups of individuals and that is certainly true , the government's ultimate job is to work for the American people essentially no one questions that, and she went on about how us Democrats in the CARES One and CARES Two bills fought for these groups and the Republicans forgot about these groups and then Ms. Pelosi turned and went on this whole diatribe against America business how at this crucial time when the country of America's standard of living is at stake, it is under an existential threat, Ms. Pelosi at the top of her mind she holds as her top priority to see that U.S. businesses don't use any relief money for stock buy backs, dividends and big salaries and big bonuses for America's.

What a depraved leader, the Speaker of the House shouldn't be demonizing American business leading the American people to believe that American business is the problem their the enemy which we must defeat. The Speaker should be leading the American People and especially the rank and file Democrats that American business are our allies we need them more than words can say because when we get through this Corona-virus tunnel American business is going to provide the jobs and the income to return and further our people to a good standard of living, the public sector cannot do it there isn't enough money in the public coiffeurs to accomplish this! America is far way from the end of this crisis, Republican leaders that want to throw American workers out of the boat are just as bad as Democrat leaders that want to throw American businesses out of the boat. Both victim groups are going to need additional life lines thrown to them before this crisis is over if they are to survive largely in good shape. In this once in a century crisis America needs leaders in Washington that have a good, in a moral and fair sense, vision of what the country should look like when the pandemic is over, that is, in terms of how businesses and individual workers should prosper at that time so that the widespread hope throughout the country of the American dream can again and even more so be realized in America!
She'd be a terrible leader for a commie country....In fact, someone who had brought as much embarrassment upon The State as she has, in a place like China or Cuba, would have had a "terrible accident" or disappeared outright by now.
Ms. Pelosi at the top of her mind she holds as her top priority to see that U.S. businesses don't use any relief money for stock buy backs, dividends and big salaries and big bonuses for America's.
Over the past few decades some major corporations have used as much as 90% their profits for stock buybacks. Pelosi has made it clear she's a capitalist (her net worth makes that clear), but she could be right about funneling more money to the richest one percent under our current economic crisis.
Nancy Pelosi appearance on CNN's Jake Tapper program this morning really highlighted how she is a terrible leader for America and for the constituents of the Democrat Party. On the program she gave this whole litany how Washington has to be there for the American workers, first responders and other groups of individuals and that is certainly true , the government's ultimate job is to work for the American people essentially no one questions that, and she went on about how us Democrats in the CARES One and CARES Two bills fought for these groups and the Republicans forgot about these groups and then Ms. Pelosi turned and went on this whole diatribe against America business how at this crucial time when the country of America's standard of living is at stake, it is under an existential threat, Ms. Pelosi at the top of her mind she holds as her top priority to see that U.S. businesses don't use any relief money for stock buy backs, dividends and big salaries and big bonuses for America's.

What a depraved leader, the Speaker of the House shouldn't be demonizing American business leading the American people to believe that American business is the problem their the enemy which we must defeat. The Speaker should be leading the American People and especially the rank and file Democrats that American business are our allies we need them more than words can say because when we get through this Corona-virus tunnel American business is going to provide the jobs and the income to return and further our people to a good standard of living, the public sector cannot do it there isn't enough money in the public coiffeurs to accomplish this! America is far way from the end of this crisis, Republican leaders that want to throw American workers out of the boat are just as bad as Democrat leaders that want to throw American businesses out of the boat. Both victim groups are going to need additional life lines thrown to them before this crisis is over if they are to survive largely in good shape. In this once in a century crisis America needs leaders in Washington that have a good, in a moral and fair sense, vision of what the country should look like when the pandemic is over, that is, in terms of how businesses and individual workers should prosper at that time so that the widespread hope throughout the country of the American dream can again and even more so be realized in America!
Understand your support for American business and industry. Also understand the short term needs of the American needs, I have no big problem with helping business with short term needs due to the disaster, but stock buy back, huge executive salaries and bonuses are not part of it and do not make the businesses that would like that kind of largess any better than funding pension plans of the states. Not particularly worried whether either of those groups take on more long term debt to get past this emergency. If government decides to lend money to be repaid, that's different. Businesses and states have and will take a hit, but free money to shell out $500,000 Plus salaries, huge bonuses and stock buybacks should not be part of it. This thing is costing and is going to cost us all a lot, whether we like it or not.

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