NASA GISS temperature data: TOTALLY RIGGED!!!

Do remember they stated up to 2.5c variance is acceptable , in their world. Of course it is. They need that much to make the false modeling work, to prove (haha) agw is happening.
no their not. And dude/ dudette, you can post that false statement daily for all i care, but everyone else knows it isn't. So raw data is specially held at the NOAA and NASA offices.

All the raw data in the world is held prisoner by NOAA and NASA?

You understand you're living in a weirdass alternate reality, right?

There is one more office, can't remember which one, that also has it, and they all supply the graphs to the world.

Since the raw data is available online, can you inform us of the mechanism by which these 3 nefarious organizations block the rest of the world from getting it? Are they perhaps mind controlling everyone to prevent them from downloading it?

Here's just one place to get it.

V3 contains two different dataset files per each of the three elements.
"QCU" files represent the quality controlled unadjusted data, and
"QCA" files represent the quality controlled adjusted data.

Three sites, that's it for the globe? And getting raw data is impossible. There wouldn't be any court cases if that weren't true.

Given I just showed everyone one place to get the raw data, you got some 'splainin to do concerning why you're telling such a crazy lie.
I think billy has provided the raw data and it doesn't line up with the NOAA?

On many occasions i have provided the raw data. And no it does not line up with the adjusted crap NOAA has been spewing.. 1.32 deg C in upward adjustments, it is rather stunning to see how badly we have been lied too. fun is this? And how predictable?

Ever notice how the threads started by the skeptic crowd quickly go ePiC??!!!! Any time the alarmists look like dicks, they swarm in here trying in vain to refute that facts with nonsense. Numbers are numbers s0ns..........sorry!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Bogus temperature data is ghey.....sorta ruins the whole narrative doesn't it?:funnyface::funnyface::fu:

Do remember they stated up to 2.5c variance is acceptable , in their world. Of course it is. They need that much to make the false modeling work, to prove (haha) agw is happening.
no their not. And dude/ dudette, you can post that false statement daily for all i care, but everyone else knows it isn't. So raw data is specially held at the NOAA and NASA offices.

All the raw data in the world is held prisoner by NOAA and NASA?

You understand you're living in a weirdass alternate reality, right?

There is one more office, can't remember which one, that also has it, and they all supply the graphs to the world.

Since the raw data is available online, can you inform us of the mechanism by which these 3 nefarious organizations block the rest of the world from getting it? Are they perhaps mind controlling everyone to prevent them from downloading it?

Here's just one place to get it.

V3 contains two different dataset files per each of the three elements.
"QCU" files represent the quality controlled unadjusted data, and
"QCA" files represent the quality controlled adjusted data.

Three sites, that's it for the globe? And getting raw data is impossible. There wouldn't be any court cases if that weren't true.

Given I just showed everyone one place to get the raw data, you got some 'splainin to do concerning why you're telling such a crazy lie.
I think billy has provided the raw data and it doesn't line up with the NOAA?

On many occasions i have provided the raw data. And no it does not line up with the adjusted crap NOAA has been spewing.. 1.32 deg C in upward adjustments, it is rather stunning to see how badly we have been lied too.
Their thermometers are accurate to 10ths of a degree (then they claim its accurate to 100ths of degree) but data manipulations are ok out to +/-2.5 deg C.. Who else here fails to see a problem with that?
BTW.....look just at this page at the level of angst and misery from the AGW climate crusader crowd!!! Sheer mental meltdown..........because they're made to look like dicks. Rigging temperature data doesn't look good does it?

That's how every progressive limpwrister reacts when they look like a dummy backing a fools cause.........the personal vile incoherent rants prevail >>


Just look at the nutty-ass level of incoherent psychobabble meh in post #35!!! [email protected]!!
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Look at these phony methods these frauds used to pull off this hoax...................:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

  • Reducing the annual mean in the early phase.
  • Reducing the high values in the first warming phase.
  • Increasing individual values during the second warming phase.
  • Suppression of the second cooling phase starting in 1995.
  • Shortening the early decades of the datasets.
  • With the long-term datasets, even the first century was shortened.

What a joke.:2up::boobies::boobies:
"removes all doubt about the global warming pause"


New paper claims no pause in warming, but unaltered data says otherwise
RSS UAH comparison V6.JPG

I do believe that the Satellites say NO to their little lie as well... The Pause Continues....... As the Paris Power Grab nears....
That was you exact "Explanation" for this chart.

When you just openly lie about me like that, I'm going to tell you to fuck off.

So fuck off.

If you want to claim you're not lying, quote for everyone my "exact" explanation that supposedly said that completely insane thing you invented.

If you won't, everyone will understand. You were just butthurt about getting humiliated, so you lied.

I linked to your quote. Did someone hack your account to link to the 2006 model?
BTW.....look just at this page at the level of angst and misery from the AGW climate crusader crowd!!! Sheer mental meltdown..........because they're made to look like dicks. Rigging temperature data doesn't look good does it?

That's how every progressive limpwrister reacts when they look like a dummy backing a fools cause.........the personal vile incoherent rants prevail >>


Just look at the nutty-ass level of incoherent psychobabble meh in post #35!!! [email protected]!!
Skooks, I cornered him/her. He got aced. Tough to speak in fact when you're part of the hoax.
LOL. A bunch of internet kooks thinking that they have the slightest influence. The weather and climate are being recorded around the world was we post, and none of you can change that reality.
LOL. A bunch of internet kooks thinking that they have the slightest influence. The weather and climate are being recorded around the world was we post, and none of you can change that reality.

The only reality that matters in the real world >>>

The New ‘Consensus’: 97 Percent Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming


Michael Bastasch

9:46 AM 11/25/2015

Read more:

The New ‘Consensus’: 97 Percent Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming

That's sure ALOT of internet k00ks!!!:banana::banana::banana:
LOL. A bunch of internet kooks thinking that they have the slightest influence. The weather and climate are being recorded around the world was we post, and none of you can change that reality.
What you fail to understand is out posts end up in searches on the internet!
WOW!!!!!!!!! What a huge government conspiracy! NASA and the pentagon are all in on it!

lol nutters
LOL. A bunch of internet kooks thinking that they have the slightest influence. The weather and climate are being recorded around the world was we post, and none of you can change that reality.
What you fail to understand is out posts end up in searches on the internet!
Yes! Every one of your shill posts are important! Keep up the fight lol
That was you exact "Explanation" for this chart.

When you just openly lie about me like that, I'm going to tell you to fuck off.

So fuck off.

If you want to claim you're not lying, quote for everyone my "exact" explanation that supposedly said that completely insane thing you invented.

If you won't, everyone will understand. You were just butthurt about getting humiliated, so you lied.

I posted where you replied with a model from 2006 and now you went dark on us

NASA GISS temperature data: TOTALLY RIGGED!!! | Page 3 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
WOW!!!!!!!!! What a huge government conspiracy! NASA and the pentagon are all in on it!

lol nutters

NASA and the Pentagon both report to the biggest Liar on the planet who is on a personal Jihad to control the US economy through CO2

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