National Academy of Sciences: A bunch of fakes!!!

I think it is ok to disagree with global warming through using real science to dispute it, but to shit on all science and ask for the destruction of our entire scientific infrastructure? That is a no go.

You've posted real science somewhere?

Lot more then a scum bag like you. Anyone that fights to break our science institutions is nothing short of a traitor.

Well Moron... I have several degree's, so go screw yourself! Our science institutions are corrupted by political whores.. You and your socialist ilk are traitors of the worst kind... Take your hand out mentality with you when you leave and go to Europe where you fools have already destroyed the economies..
I think it is ok to disagree with global warming through using real science to dispute it, but to shit on all science and ask for the destruction of our entire scientific infrastructure? That is a no go.

You've posted real science somewhere?

Lot more then a scum bag like you. Anyone that fights to break our science institutions is nothing short of a traitor.

Well Moron... I have several degree's, so go screw yourself! Our science institutions are corrupted by political whores.. You and your socialist ilk are traitors of the worst kind... Take your hand out mentality with you when you leave and go to Europe where you fools have already destroyed the economies..
LOL. About 98.6 of them, on the F. scale. And that is the extent of your degrees. One can tell by the quality and referances in posts what kind of educational background the poster has.
"A recent survey of American Meteorological Society members shows meteorologists are skeptical that humans are causing a global warming crisis. The survey confirms what many scientists have been reporting for years; the politically focused bureaucratic leadership of many science organizations is severely out of touch with the scientists themselves regarding global warming issues.

According to American Meteorological Society (AMS) data, 89% of AMS meteorologists believe global warming is happening, but only a minority (30%) is very worried about global warming."

Old Crock misses the facts and promotes conjecture...
30% very worried, 42% somewhat worried.

Nice way to lie, asshole. You never bother to post your sources. I posted mine, and you did exactly what the Forbes author did, told a lie by not telling the whole truth.

I was one of those who isn't worried.. Some of those I work with are some-what worried but as you missed the point, they do not know who or what is to blame thus they can not be counted as AGW proponents. You misrepresent what they state... But you, like John Cook, dont want to admit that your not as smart as you think you are..
I think it is ok to disagree with global warming through using real science to dispute it, but to shit on all science and ask for the destruction of our entire scientific infrastructure? That is a no go.

You've posted real science somewhere?

Lot more then a scum bag like you. Anyone that fights to break our science institutions is nothing short of a traitor.

Well Moron... I have several degree's, so go screw yourself! Our science institutions are corrupted by political whores.. You and your socialist ilk are traitors of the worst kind... Take your hand out mentality with you when you leave and go to Europe where you fools have already destroyed the economies..
LOL. About 98.6 of them, on the F. scale. And that is the extent of your degrees. One can tell by the quality and referances in posts what kind of educational background the poster has.

SO yours would be SHIT! Nice to know how to rate someones intelligence by witch doctoring and seer stones..
I think it is ok to disagree with global warming through using real science to dispute it, but to shit on all science and ask for the destruction of our entire scientific infrastructure? That is a no go.

You've posted real science somewhere?

Lot more then a scum bag like you. Anyone that fights to break our science institutions is nothing short of a traitor.

Well Moron... I have several degree's, so go screw yourself! Our science institutions are corrupted by political whores.. You and your socialist ilk are traitors of the worst kind... Take your hand out mentality with you when you leave and go to Europe where you fools have already destroyed the economies..
LOL. About 98.6 of them, on the F. scale. And that is the extent of your degrees. One can tell by the quality and referances in posts what kind of educational background the poster has.

SO yours would be SHIT! Nice to know how to rate someones intelligence by witch doctoring and seer stones..

What's your plan, Mr.Losertrian? Cut and defund all of our science programs over the fact that you disagree with global warming?? Why not get your self a degree in climate science and argue your case.
Sheeeeeet..............I sure to know how to stir up a hornets nest ftw!!! When people start calling you an "Amish fuck" ( whatever the hell that is?) you kinda realize that the big one in the pooper has been delivered.( although skeptics in here have been making Matthew look like a dick for years now :boobies::desk::boobies:)

But back to topic.........who KNEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!!!???????????? All these years, the climate crusaders are tossing around the NAS as the chief go to organization proving global warming and most have little more than a diploma from high school. Any bozo could get into this club............what a sham. The level of ghey is profound if you think about it.

At the same time..........who the hell ever thought the skeptic meteorologists of the AMS would dominate the NAS in terms of expertise.

Fascinating shit............:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::coffee:
this is what you anti-science wish for America!
More infrastructure, more science, more r&d investment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Fuck you cut slash and burn fags.

cool s0n...........knock yourself out with the support. Im real proud of ya.............

No thanks for energy is expensive and ghey.

Solar and wind are the 2nd and 3rd most installed sources of energy...Coal is near the bottom.

5 years from now they will be 1st or second and fossil fuels will becoming history.
Im laughing.............have you ever seen such a complete mental meltdown of a group in your life as when the AGW climate crusaders get publically pwned??? These people get hysterical...........fall all over themselves not to look like dicks. This thread? Fucking flying!!!!!!!!:up::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner::spinner:
Hey scootsshit, name a reputable scientific organization that doesn't acknowledge global warming. Hint - The Heritage Foundation is not one of them (reputable scientific organization, that is).
More infrastructure, more science, more r&d investment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Fuck you cut slash and burn fags.

cool s0n...........knock yourself out with the support. Im real proud of ya.............

No thanks for energy is expensive and ghey.

Solar and wind are the 2nd and 3rd most installed sources of energy...Coal is near the bottom.

5 years from now they will be 1st or second and fossil fuels will becoming history.


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