National Black Chamber of Commerce CEO: I can’t believe I voted for this Marxist

It tells me which party panders to the black race hustlers. The American people are getting a good look at what's behind the curtain and it's not pretty. It's corrupt and it stinks like Marism. It's un-American. We need to cut it out and kill it before it spreads and kills us.

Kill who and what?

You sound insane to me

The race hustlers are in your gang. Jesse Jackson and his son, Sharpton, Obama, on and on. We need to kill their Marxist agenda. They're all race hustlers and use race to promote their agenda. That is racism.

you only see black people as racists huh?

thank you for proving my point about the right NEVER see anything as racism on their side.

There only answer is "racecard".

That one worked for a momment in history but is really old and tired now that your party keeps using it no matter how blatent the racism gets.

Just one more reason people of color rarely vote republican.
@ jack

You should look up the definition of racism. It doesn't mean what you think it does.
Kill who and what?

You sound insane to me

The race hustlers are in your gang. Jesse Jackson and his son, Sharpton, Obama, on and on. We need to kill their Marxist agenda. They're all race hustlers and use race to promote their agenda. That is racism.

you only see black people as racists huh?

thank you for proving my point about the right NEVER see anything as racism on their side.

There only answer is "racecard".

That one worked for a momment in history but is really old and tired now that your party keeps using it no matter how blatent the racism gets.

Just one more reason people of color rarely vote republican.

Still waiting to hear about the Republican Racist.

What was the name of this mythical beast?

What EXACTLY did he do?

Was he like Robert Byrd, a member of the KKK?


Either put up, or shut up, because THE TRUTH MATTERS!!
I guess America's school system is racist too, because blacks and Hispanic have such high dropout rates.
Marilyn Davenport - Tea Party Community Organizer OC County Republican who sent out the Obama Chimpanze Pics and who also defended another Republican who sent out the Watermelons in front of the White House "joke"
George Allen - Macaca

This is the best example of Repub Racism you have?


Does anyone even know what a Macaca is?

Hardly comparable to Ex-KKK leader or The Governor that made famous:

In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever
no matter what you show them they will just deny it means anything.

It may convince their current adherents but it will never grow the party.
George Allen - Macaca

This is the best example of Repub Racism you have?


Does anyone even know what a Macaca is?

Hardly comparable to Ex-KKK leader or The Governor that made famous:

In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever

and what you fail to recognize is he was taken to task by the party for it.

He had to denounce his past to make it in the dem party.

What the right does is deny anything their members do or say is racist.

They simply scream racecard

every time
Marilyn Davenport - Tea Party Community Organizer OC County Republican who sent out the Obama Chimpanze Pics and who also defended another Republican who sent out the Watermelons in front of the White House "joke"

And she suffered the wrath of the Repub Party

Marilyn Davenport, a Tea Party activist and member of the Orange County Republican Party's central committee, is drawing fire from people in her own party after circulating a racist email depicting President Barack Obama and his parents as chimpanzees.

Robert Byrd, on the other hand, never got a Democratic Party Beat-Down
George Allen - Macaca

This is the best example of Repub Racism you have?


Does anyone even know what a Macaca is?

Hardly comparable to Ex-KKK leader or The Governor that made famous:

In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever

and what you fail to recognize is he was taken to task by the party for it.

He had to denounce his past to make it in the dem party.

Haley Barbour - Claiming Racism in Mississippi wasnt "that bad" and Praised the White Citizens Council which was white supremisist organization.
Haley Barbour - Claiming Racism in Mississippi wasnt "that bad" and Praised the White Citizens Council which was white supremisist organization.

A. Babbling away without a source for your quotes is why I ignore 95% of your posts
B. How is this racist?
This is the best example of Repub Racism you have?


Does anyone even know what a Macaca is?

Hardly comparable to Ex-KKK leader or The Governor that made famous:

and what you fail to recognize is he was taken to task by the party for it.

He had to denounce his past to make it in the dem party.


George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Yes everyone knows the dem party was the party of racists in these days.

Then the parties flip flopped after the dem party became the party of integrations and affrimative action.

For Byrd to get anywhere in that new party he had to denounce what he had done.
Marilyn Davenport - Tea Party Community Organizer OC County Republican who sent out the Obama Chimpanze Pics and who also defended another Republican who sent out the Watermelons in front of the White House "joke"

And she suffered the wrath of the Repub Party

Marilyn Davenport, a Tea Party activist and member of the Orange County Republican Party's central committee, is drawing fire from people in her own party after circulating a racist email depicting President Barack Obama and his parents as chimpanzees.

Robert Byrd, on the other hand, never got a Democratic Party Beat-Down

Actually she receives much more support than heat from her party. Just like when she defended the watermelon "joke".
and what you fail to recognize is he was taken to task by the party for it.

He had to denounce his past to make it in the dem party.


George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




Did you even read your own source:

Wallace was elected governor in a landslide victory in November 1962. He took the oath of office on January 14, 1963, standing on the gold star marking the spot where, 102 years earlier, Jefferson Davis was sworn in as President of the Confederate States of America. In his inaugural speech, he used the line for which he is best known:

“ In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.[15][16] ”

You Lie.

You Lieing Liar.

Pants on Fire.

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