National guard under fire in Texas.

Tracer bullets from the border but the news is dragging it out no word yet. I hate when the news does this! So I guess it's nothing major! OKAY they finally got to it. Drug cartels having a war the national guard observation post had some rounds come close. Those cartels are well armed.
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There was a short video of tracers coming from the Mexican side but nothing in depth. There also was a clip of 3 armed cartel members at the border taunting Guard troops.

Shouldn't someone wake up President Biden and tell him about this?

I know he's probably dreaming about little girls and ice cream, but he really needs to know.
There was a short video of tracers coming from the Mexican side but nothing in depth. There also was a clip of 3 armed cartel members at the border taunting Guard troops.
With the numbnuts scum we have in the Oval Office (TV set), it won't surprise me if they begin shooting our troops. IF they do, it's time to feckin' create a 1000 yd minefield across the entire border.
It wasn't the guard, it was a CBP observation team, cartel fired at their position, but over heads, I do not know if it was a heavy machine gun, or an assault weapon(s), they have become very brazen, and clearly they are supported by Biden administration, which refuses to honor its constitutionally mandated obligations to defend the border and enforce American law! If Americans do not immediately arm selves, and congregate by the thousands along that border, and enforce it with lethal force, the United States will fall this winter, or spring!

What is now occurring is that south American and central American shitholes are draining their prisons of their worst animals, and allowing them to depart to the United States, and obviously as we all see, Biden/Obama are actively aiding them in this endeavor! You are not getting the whole story from either Breitbart or FNC, its way more than a couple hundred thousand a month, its most likely running at this time around a half million a month, that accounts for the hundreds of thousands you never hear about because nobody sees them enter! Just do the fucking math, that is shaking out to some six million a year!

We must wield lethal force along that border, and god help any rino or democrat who dares interfere!
People always shoot across the US/Mexican border. It's a way of saying "Hey! Fuck you!"

Nobody ever hits anyone.

It's a tradition that spans centuries.
Any one with any news on it? Just saw a blurb they are under fire. Not sure what going on yet.

Texas National Guard Under Fire: Discrimination and Corruption In Texas Guard.

Let me guess, not what you wanted to read right?
Tracer bullets from the border but the news is dragging it out no word yet. I hate when the news does this! So I guess it's nothing major! OKAY they finally got to it. Drug cartels having a war the national guard observation post had some rounds come close. Those cartels are well armed.
I would call that a declaration of war.

If Mexico does not want the Texas Guard to invade, they better get those cartels under control.

This, of course, could all be resolved peacefully and with absolute victory. Legalize all drugs. BOOM. Cartels are now worthless.

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