National Review - Jeb dropping out will destroy Trump's candicy

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
in the forrest
At first blush this sounds insane. But I think on closer inspection it has a lot to say for it.

Right now Jeb is the establishment candidate. And the republican electorate hates hates hates the establishment with a purple passion. A large portion of that is going to trump, another large portion is going to Cruz. If Bush drops out, a large part of the animus toward the establishment will drop out. People will calm down and see Trump for the mendacious blow hard that he is, and go to more studied candidates. The electorate will chill.

So there you go, Bush dropping out will save civilization!
The republicans have want from the party that fights for a stronger America to the party that hates civilization.

-Paved our highways
-Created the epa
-Created nasa
-Had a huge hand in our national parks

Look at it today...They're angry that the establishment would dare defend what the party created.
At first blush this sounds insane. But I think on closer inspection it has a lot to say for it.

Right now Jeb is the establishment candidate. And the republican electorate hates hates hates the establishment with a purple passion. A large portion of that is going to trump, another large portion is going to Cruz. If Bush drops out, a large part of the animus toward the establishment will drop out. People will calm down and see Trump for the mendacious blow hard that he is, and go to more studied candidates. The electorate will chill.

So there you go, Bush dropping out will save civilization!

grazing deer-------I do not think so---Trump has wide based support------he is the man for the man on the street-----and in the ditch----and in the saloon---and
behind the plow ----and in the rocking chair on the front porch ---- he is even
the man for the man on the GOLF COURSE
kinda makes sense . Maybe all the hate is directed at jebito but in my case the hate is directed towards ALL the rinos and especially the 'gop repub' party like 'rove' and that little bald guy [reince preibus' that is a big wig in the 'rnc' plus others that are unseen and unknown to me BDeer .
yeah , Trump is good at golf and doen't mind getting dirty in the 'wrassling' ring . ----------- Go Trump !!
so , in conclusion , I just want jebito out of there to annoy the extended 'bush ito' family .
At first blush this sounds insane. But I think on closer inspection it has a lot to say for it.

Right now Jeb is the establishment candidate. And the republican electorate hates hates hates the establishment with a purple passion. A large portion of that is going to trump, another large portion is going to Cruz. If Bush drops out, a large part of the animus toward the establishment will drop out. People will calm down and see Trump for the mendacious blow hard that he is, and go to more studied candidates. The electorate will chill.

So there you go, Bush dropping out will save civilization!

We shouod always vote for the elitist who can just override the popular vote with their "sensible" ways. Fuck democracy!
At first blush this sounds insane. But I think on closer inspection it has a lot to say for it.

Right now Jeb is the establishment candidate. And the republican electorate hates hates hates the establishment with a purple passion. A large portion of that is going to trump, another large portion is going to Cruz. If Bush drops out, a large part of the animus toward the establishment will drop out. People will calm down and see Trump for the mendacious blow hard that he is, and go to more studied candidates. The electorate will chill.

So there you go, Bush dropping out will save civilization!

Er, no.
At first blush this sounds insane. But I think on closer inspection it has a lot to say for it.

Right now Jeb is the establishment candidate. And the republican electorate hates hates hates the establishment with a purple passion. A large portion of that is going to trump, another large portion is going to Cruz. If Bush drops out, a large part of the animus toward the establishment will drop out. People will calm down and see Trump for the mendacious blow hard that he is, and go to more studied candidates. The electorate will chill.

So there you go, Bush dropping out will save civilization!

Roses be red,

and violets be blue,

Trump will get hosed,

by someone picking their nose if we listen to you, lol!

Trump and Cruz aren't going anywhere. These people have their toes, fingers, nuts, and hair tied in a knot, hoping and praying these 2 go away so they can exert their CHARMING AND DELIGHTFUL establishment rule over the parties!

When are we going to realize that they are the ones in trouble, not Trump and Cruz? We should all laugh at lefty rhetoric on the problem with our candidates. Who here thinks they are actually trying to help ANYONE but themselves with their advice to us, lol!

They have plenty of time to sit here, preach to us, along with telling each of us who/whom the wise choice is, because they have been given NO CHOICE AT ALL, lol! It is Hilly, always was Hilly, 8hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They are going to HEEEEEELPPP you with your choice of candidates, because they have gone through the process and came out with..........HILLARY, lolololol!

Why would you listen to these goofs, honestly, lol! All of these people fell for, "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." And that is why 60% of the people on the left need a shrink, as they can't even afford the deductible, to get back to their regular doctor, let alone a mental health professional, unless they are as broke as poop!

The left is pathetic, it really is; and not only will, but deserves to be defeated in 16!
Look Bush has 5% when he drops out nothing will happen. We'll still hate the GOP establishment for being the gutless big fat liars they are and the paltry 5% will get divided up between the remaining establishment candidates Christie, Rubio, and Kasich if that illegal loving traitor loser hasn't also dropped out.
At first blush this sounds insane. But I think on closer inspection it has a lot to say for it.

Right now Jeb is the establishment candidate. And the republican electorate hates hates hates the establishment with a purple passion. A large portion of that is going to trump, another large portion is going to Cruz. If Bush drops out, a large part of the animus toward the establishment will drop out. People will calm down and see Trump for the mendacious blow hard that he is, and go to more studied candidates. The electorate will chill.

So there you go, Bush dropping out will save civilization!
Centrists may prefer Trump to Cruz.
Look Bush has 5% when he drops out nothing will happen. We'll still hate the GOP establishment for being the gutless big fat liars they are and the paltry 5% will get divided up between the remaining establishment candidates Christie, Rubio, and Kasich if that illegal loving traitor loser hasn't also dropped out.

Blues Legend is 100% correct. You on the left can think you are making hay with your barbs on Trump, Cruz, or Carson; but that is who you are going to get facing Hillary; one of those 3.

Now I know you are extremely confidant, and if there was any doubt, all we have to do is look over the posts and threads everywhere on this board. So, have mercy on us-) We are on the verge of having no chance to the great limousine liberals, Mercedes Marxist bunch. Forgive us when you los.........errr I mean, while you snooze-) America wants to say hello to all of you, and guess what, we will, next November!!!!!!! Until that time, keep thinking how wonderful you are. We are thinking about you too, so we have something in common---)))
At first blush this sounds insane. But I think on closer inspection it has a lot to say for it.

Right now Jeb is the establishment candidate. And the republican electorate hates hates hates the establishment with a purple passion. A large portion of that is going to trump, another large portion is going to Cruz. If Bush drops out, a large part of the animus toward the establishment will drop out. People will calm down and see Trump for the mendacious blow hard that he is, and go to more studied candidates. The electorate will chill.

So there you go, Bush dropping out will save civilization!

Er, no.
It is a win win situation. Trump really gets most of his support from the establishment fecklessnes. People are so mad they can't see strait anymore. Get rid of what makes them so angry, people will relax.
At first blush this sounds insane. But I think on closer inspection it has a lot to say for it.

Right now Jeb is the establishment candidate. And the republican electorate hates hates hates the establishment with a purple passion. A large portion of that is going to trump, another large portion is going to Cruz. If Bush drops out, a large part of the animus toward the establishment will drop out. People will calm down and see Trump for the mendacious blow hard that he is, and go to more studied candidates. The electorate will chill.

So there you go, Bush dropping out will save civilization!

Er, no.
It is a win win situation. Trump really gets most of his support from the establishment fecklessnes. People are so mad they can't see strait anymore. Get rid of what makes them so angry, people will relax.

We won't relax until the GOP establishment AND the left are destroyed, its on now!

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