Nationwide Cellular Network Connects Election Equipment And Gives Federal Government Access To Election Systems At The Precinct Level


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
A huge story.

More proof of fraud.

And how will they be stopped in 2024?


A growing majority of Americans know the 2020 election was fraudulent. Many analysts who have been studying election integrity have concluded that there had to be a two-way connection between local election electronics (electronic poll pads, tabulators, election management systems, voter databases, etc.) and a centralized data collection system responsible for monitoring and manipulating the election. Fingers have rightly been pointed at all-inclusive election management software, the Albert Sensor system, Scytl and Edison, and the Election Infrastructure Information Sharing and Analysis Center (EI-ISAC).​
This incestuous collaboration between the Department of Homeland Security, the Election Assistance Commission, leftist/globalist funding, foreign companies, and their private partners, allowed for the real-time monitoring of all election data, and more importantly, the ability to change the results.​
While experts could understand the functional capabilities of how these programs manipulate elections at the county and state levels, one area of mystery remained. Experts could not fully explain how systems within individual precincts which are supposedly “air-gapped” were adding votes in real-time – such as KnowInk poll pads in Texas that added hundreds of votes to the 2022 midterm election after the polls had closed. To accomplish election fraud at individual polling places, it is necessary to have an air-interface with the supposedly “air-gapped” equipment networked at the polling place.​
A year-long research project led by an election integrity investigator from Utah, Sophie Anderson, and communications engineer, Dr. Charles Bernardin, has uncovered the mechanism that is being used to connect our election equipment at polling places across the nation. Anderson and Bernardin met while working together in several overlapping election integrity efforts. After submitting a countless number of public documents requests from multiple federal, state, and local governments, and working with other grassroots researchers, the team realized that the federal government has indeed created a nationwide network that is capable of collecting and changing real-time voting data at polling places across the country from a central location. The private network tool is called FirstNet, and like so many things that have proven detrimental to American liberty – it was sold as a tool to ensure public safety.

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The most disgusting part is it was as recent as 2019 when Democrat Senators like Elizabeth Warren were pointing out that electronic voting machines lack integrity.

Unfortunately, once they saw their chance with COVID to change the way national elections are conducted in this country, they undoubtedly proved they lack it too.
Not from me. I get it. I will continue to vote, but I definitely get where you're coming I'm not about to try to convince you to vote again. That decision is totally up to you.

No, it wasn't you.........but I'd been wrestling with that idea for several years (elections). Even if I do vote in 24, I won't have much faith in it actually being counted.
Voting by machine is the ruling party's wet dream. They'll never lose another election as long as they play their cards right. What was so wrong with paper ballots anyway?

If you saw the ATL video room#604 that is the problem with "paper ballots". Even "paper Ballots" can be misused. Not sure what they were doing NOV03-04 late night but they pulled out some stashed ballots to run w/o observation. Were they TEST BALLOTs? Were they Biden only ballots stashed away for an emergency?

They even appeared to re-run the same stack up to 3 times?

The problem is human counters in this case. I would rather have a machine count...but verifiable by paper count.
Not from me. I get it. I will continue to vote, but I definitely get where you're coming I'm not about to try to convince you to vote again. That decision is totally up to you.
Why would you vote in a rigged election?

Stand in line and get snickered at by Democrats who wonder why you vote in the first place a bunch of political cuckolds.

Trumpers should stay home and not give Democrats the satisfaction.
Why would you vote in a rigged election?

Stand in line and get snickered at by Democrats who wonder why you vote in the first place a bunch of political cuckolds.

Trumpers should stay home and not give Democrats the satisfaction.
Lol. That was pretty funny.
Why would you vote in a rigged election?

Stand in line and get snickered at by Democrats who wonder why you vote in the first place a bunch of political cuckolds.

Trumpers should stay home and not give Democrats the satisfaction.

but, but, 16 you thought it was rigged against your sweet Hillary and that Trump stole that election......remember????
Voting by machine is the ruling party's wet dream. They'll never lose another election as long as they play their cards right. What was so wrong with paper ballots anyway?
We've got the paper ballots still, with absentee voting.... They are 100% paper ballots!?
Feel free to do a search on this site for me making those claims.

Until you can, it is pointless to debate a known liar.

Good luck!

Of course I can' weren't here then. Doesn't mean you didn't

What is your political affiliation btw?

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