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You people are crazy with the total lies you fabricate

First it was dead people voted, which was proven a lie
Then it was Dominion changed votes, which was proven a lie
Then it was some poll worker lady in GA dumped illegal votes, which was proven to be a total lie (and Giuliani is in big trouble for saying it).
Then it was about 50 other totally fabricated lies and Bullshit, which were all proven to be total lies.
Then Trump lost every court case in all states.

AT what point do you dumb fucks stop believing the lies??
You people are disgracefully dumb, stupid AF.

Al the GOP Deep State has to do is feed you any lie they concoct and you believe them all. Talk about being a gullible sucka...
Totally. No election rigging happened at all, anywhere.



More ballots counted or returned than even existed.
Basing your argument on some rando's screen goof is not how you win....well anything actually.

It also doesn't seem to have anything to do with whatever the hell the topic is.
If that were remotely true, seem pretty easy to prove in court. How did that work out?
That’s well before so much more had been revealed to the courts.
In this present moment and forward you guys are going to need far, far more than-
Orange man bad
Basing your argument on some rando's screen goof is not how you win....well anything actually.

It also doesn't seem to have anything to do with whatever the hell the topic is.
Oh my yes a lib loon staple-you are seeing it wrong
Wilkie Nelson deflections won’t soothe your ruffled safe space
Guess what is not in Willies Nelson song about Georgia?

“So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more ....... Because we won the state.”

He insisted: “There’s no way I lost Georgia. There’s no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes.”
So... you can't. Thanks for admitting it right away.
I stated. You asked for more citings . I’m not here to perform for you. You got something to offer as a rebuttal, bring it. Otherwise continue being a deflective pussyfoot
90,000 ballots sent out and 130,000 returned snd we are reading it wrong.
Lib 101
OK. Let the debunking begin. The fraud was massive. This was and is election changing results,

In a jaw-dropping revelation, Election Systems & Software (ES&S) has been caught red-handed in an audacious scheme to prevent public access to vital public records related to the administration of elections. The bombshell report suggests that the company is trying to cloak their actions in secrecy and hide critical information from the American public.
The hidden treasure trove of data and evidence held hostage by ES&S and their co-conspirators is nothing short of a GAME-CHANGER. It is the ultimate vindication for President Donald J. Trump, providing undeniable evidence that the 2020 and 2022 elections were RIGGED and FRAUDULENT!
The information that ES&S is seeking to hide from public disclosure, contains the data and evidence that vindicate President Donald J. Trump and prove with absolute certainty that the 2020 and 2022 elections were significantly and materially impacted by massive election fraud via compromised electronic voting systems on a nationwide basis.

ES&S, the shadowy giant behind the nation's voting systems, has unleashed a disturbing edict this week, instructing all municipalities to HIDE critical public records, data and reports related to government agency-run local, state and federal elections.

Lots of information and what many consider the proof needed to expose the real truth. Before this is moved it needs to be debunked. But if you wish to move it to the elections forums I am cool with that.
Can't wait to watch this on the 6:30 news tonight. LOL
I stated. You asked for more citings . I’m not here to perform for you. You got something to offer as a rebuttal, bring it. Otherwise continue being a deflective pussyfoot
No. you didn't cite any cases that won.
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