Live by the Polls, Die by the Polls

Here we are well into July. Getting close to where the presidential contest tightens up. Soon it's September and we'll be waiting for October surprises, if any.

But for now all we've had are the innocents and ill-informed ranting about polls. Not grasping what the polls actually are, what they do, who analyzes them and how, and who actually does the polls and is respected, trusted and valued.

and now...
"After months of brutal 2024 polls, President Biden has some cause for optimism."

yanna krupnikov
This is an incredibly complicated question because it gets into questions of causality essentially, what causes what. And I think we can have two stories, and both of them are going to be plausible in this particular case. One is, is that, basically, this decision to either follow mainstream news sources or to get your news via social media or YouTube or Google is something that has just been happening.

And it just so then happens that if that’s what you’re doing, if that’s how you’re getting your news, the information you’re getting is pushing you toward Trump. So that is the story that the causal chain is from the information to your voting decision, or to your supporting decision.

But I think there’s another story that I think is also actually equally plausible, and that is that your decision to not follow mainstream news and your decision to support Donald Trump are actually part and parcel of the same phenomenon, the same psychology, which is that the same forces that are leading you not to trust mainstream news are actually also leading you to support Donald Trump. Or maybe you kind of supported Donald Trump, and so that’s why you aren’t following mainstream news. You’re going to these other sources.

This idea of which way this direction is going is actually quite thorny. So we can tell that there is this co-occurrence between people who aren’t going to places like newspapers, like digital news sources, and instead are getting their news from these other places. They’re often termed the “news finds me” people, essentially, and that there is the support for Donald Trump. But I think it’s questionable how we got here and whether it’s basically just a general distrust of the establishment that has led to both outcomes in that sense.

Here we are well into July. Getting close to where the presidential contest tightens up. Soon it's September and we'll be waiting for October surprises, if any.

But for now all we've had are the innocents and ill-informed ranting about polls. Not grasping what the polls actually are, what they do, who analyzes them and how, and who actually does the polls and is respected, trusted and valued.

and now...
"After months of brutal 2024 polls, President Biden has some cause for optimism."
polling June 25 2024 NYT.png
a previous post rewritten:

National polls are not totally useless. But the way people view them is. As you should know, this far out they are about what is commonly referred to as the horse race.

The popular vote?

Are people ignoring exit polling?

In many states, issues are put on the ballot in order to drive people to the polls. The GOP has done it for all of my lifetime, in particular states. The issues were usually god, gays, or guns, or any combination of. The ballot shit was not really ever about winning on an issue. It was almost always about driving particular voters to the polls.

Now it's about MAGA and Victimhood and Trump and Victimhood and...
polls nyt june 25 2024.png
Here we are well into July. Getting close to where the presidential contest tightens up. Soon it's September and we'll be waiting for October surprises, if any.

But for now all we've had are the innocents and ill-informed ranting about polls. Not grasping what the polls actually are, what they do, who analyzes them and how, and who actually does the polls and is respected, trusted and valued.

and now...
"After months of brutal 2024 polls, President Biden has some cause for optimism."

More News on Trump and Shell Companies and DJT Stock

Shares of Trump Media, which owns the Truth Social media platform, fell 4.3% in premarket trading to $34.78 after finishing 8.5% higher on Tuesday. The stock has gained for three consecutive days, though trading has swung wildly since the company merged with a shell company in March that allowed shares to start trading publicly. The share price has climbed as high as $66 since then, and fallen as low as $22.

News DJT stock
Here we are well into July. Getting close to where the presidential contest tightens up. Soon it's September and we'll be waiting for October surprises, if any.

But for now all we've had are the innocents and ill-informed ranting about polls. Not grasping what the polls actually are, what they do, who analyzes them and how, and who actually does the polls and is respected, trusted and valued.

and now...
"After months of brutal 2024 polls, President Biden has some cause for optimism."

July 1, 2024

FiveThirtyEight-Ipsos poll of debate-watchers found little impact on votes​

The poll by FiveThirtyEight and Ipsos was conducted (using Ipsos’s KnowledgePanel) among likely voters before and after the debate. Biden clearly lost the debate, according to their responses, but there wasn’t much of an impact on their potential votes:

Yes and no. It depends on the poll and what it is looking to do. Reports on a poll can also be shit. Again, it depends on the poll and what the reports are looking to do.

People who analyze polls are not on the same game as many reporters..

Is that real Gobbledygook ?
Depends also shit
not on same game

After such a clear exposition I feel ready for ---- what?
But then I guess it already depends -----
See you here lashing out with neg reps.

good for you

hope it makes you feel better

have a nice day

But you are supposed to post in English .
Your Gobbledygook has not yet been passed into law .
Though naturally we all live in anticipation.

Btw . I never lash out when just increasing pressure does the job very nicely and you have the pleasure of watching your victim slowly choke .
So hurry up . I have other more pressing ( !) things to do .
But you are supposed to post in English .
Your Gobbledygook has not yet been passed into law .
Though naturally we all live in anticipation.

Btw . I never lash out when just increasing pressure does the job very nicely and you have the pleasure of watching your victim slowly choke .
So hurry up . I have other more pressing ( !) things to do .

Your text just got larger. What's next all upper case rants?



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