Live by the Polls, Die by the Polls

Rallies don't mean shit. It's boosterism, nothing more nothing less.

Lots of losing teams have great rallies.
If Biden was able to get 100 people to a rally you'd be all about his popularity. He went into a convenient store recently and the people in there ignored him and just kept on shopping.
Rallies are an indication of popularity. Biden has none. No one likes him.
If Biden was able to get 100 people to a rally you'd be all about his popularity. He went into a convenient store recently and the people in there ignored him and just kept on shopping.
Rallies are an indication of popularity. Biden has none. No one likes him.
It's all about getting votes.

Biden got more votes.

the end
Here we are well into July. Getting close to where the presidential contest tightens up. Soon it's September and we'll be waiting for October surprises, if any.

But for now all we've had are the innocents and ill-informed ranting about polls. Not grasping what the polls actually are, what they do, who analyzes them and how, and who actually does the polls and is respected, trusted and valued.

and now...
"After months of brutal 2024 polls, President Biden has some cause for optimism."

The Horse Race polling so many wingnuts and Magadonians here pt so much faith in -- "according to a new Morning Consult poll, Trump has now lost his lead over his rival."

Live by them, die by them.

Here we are well into July. Getting close to where the presidential contest tightens up. Soon it's September and we'll be waiting for October surprises, if any.

But for now all we've had are the innocents and ill-informed ranting about polls. Not grasping what the polls actually are, what they do, who analyzes them and how, and who actually does the polls and is respected, trusted and valued.

and now...
"After months of brutal 2024 polls, President Biden has some cause for optimism."

Wait until Hunter's September tax crime trial, when he'll have to explain to the court where all that money came from.

Wait until Hunter's September tax crime trial, when he'll have to explain to the court where all that money came from.


You people are seriously deluded. The court case will not be anything like the congressional clown shows put on by Trump's Magadonian Mooks in Congress

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Here we are well into July. Getting close to where the presidential contest tightens up. Soon it's September and we'll be waiting for October surprises, if any.

But for now all we've had are the innocents and ill-informed ranting about polls. Not grasping what the polls actually are, what they do, who analyzes them and how, and who actually does the polls and is respected, trusted and valued.

and now...
"After months of brutal 2024 polls, President Biden has some cause for optimism."
Your first six words are all anyone needs to read. You can't even get them right.

Trump and Biden are tied in 538's new election forecast​

Trump has a slight edge in the polls, but the fundamentals favor Biden.

How we forecast​

To forecast the election, we rely primarily on polls asking voters whom they support. However, our forecast also incorporates various economic and political indicators that aren’t related to polling but can be used to make rough predictions for the election. For example, we have calculated an index of economic growth and optimism on every day since 1944, gathered historical approval ratings for every president since Franklin D. Roosevelt and derived a formula for predicting state election outcomes using these and other local factors. We also tested whether incumbent presidents do better when they run for reelection (they do) and whether all of these factors are less predictive of voters’ choices when political polarization is high (they are).

Right now, Trump leads Biden in most polls of the swing states that will decide the election, but the “fundamentals” favor Biden. The combined polls-plus-fundamentals forecast splits the difference between these two viewpoints and arrives at an essentially deadlocked race. Here’s what it looks like on the state level:

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