Zone1 natural sex?

Most of us today wouldn’t even feel obligated to do that if our brother died. I don’t exactly understand what point you guys are trying to make.

If we are not damned by God for masturbating then we shall surely be damned as a nation for not obligating men to screw the wife of their dead brother. I have actually heard of this happening zero times but if it did happen I imagine it would be viewed in a negative life. What is this thread about exactly? I’m triple confused.
It was a violation of Hebrew law, and it wasn't masturbating, it was denying his dead brother's wife a child. That's the point.
Was it celebrated as good or was it condemned?
Hunter 'celebrated' by poking his dead brother's wife and her sister. Hunter's X apparently condemned it because they got divorced over it. Joe Biden 'celebrated' Hunter's fucking his dead brothers' wife but then, Joe's a pedophile.
Hunter 'celebrated' by poking his dead brother's wife and her sister. Hunter's X apparently condemned it because they got divorced over it. Joe Biden 'celebrated' Hunter's fucking his dead brothers' wife but then, Joe's a pedophile.

It sounds negative. The average 2023 person would side with Onan and not impregnate his dead brother’s wife. So Oman’s values are consistent with the values of today which God punished Onan for. Hunter Biden is the only righteous man in this discussion because he fucked his dead brother’s wife. I’m sorry if nobody sees the absurdity of this discussion. What we think is bad, God thinks is good. That’s a very odd thing to ignore.
It sounds negative. The average 2023 person would side with Onan and not impregnate his dead brother’s wife. So Oman’s values are consistent with the values of today which God punished Onan for. Hunter Biden is the only righteous man in this discussion because he fucked his dead brother’s wife. I’m sorry if nobody sees the absurdity of this discussion. What we think is bad, God thinks is good. That’s a very odd thing to ignore.
God must really like Hunter then, after all, he fucked his dead brother's wife AND her sister!! The man is a walking sperm donor!!

Onan wasn’t masturbating. He was practicing coitus interruptus.
That’s true. But masturbation (by males) is still the “sinful soiling of the seed,” or so some religious people say.
That’s true. But masturbation (by males) is still the “sinful soiling of the seed,” or so some religious people say.
The Jewish religion is very interesting as it allows female masturbation but not male masturbation. However the act is not punishable as there is no ”explicit negative commandment forbidding it in the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible.

While women clearly can and do masturbate, the topic of masturbation in Jewish law refers exclusively to males. Female masturbation normally does not involve emission of fluids, and since that is the focus of most of the discussion in historical texts about male masturbation, so much of what follows will not mention women.

The Source of Strength​

Jews historically shared the abhorrence of male masturbation that characterized other societies. Interestingly, although the prohibition was not debated, legal writers had difficulty locating a biblical base for it, and no less an authority than Maimonides claimed that it could not be punishable by the court because there was not an explicit negative commandment forbidding it.
It sounds negative. The average 2023 person would side with Onan and not impregnate his dead brother’s wife. So Oman’s values are consistent with the values of today which God punished Onan for. Hunter Biden is the only righteous man in this discussion because he fucked his dead brother’s wife. I’m sorry if nobody sees the absurdity of this discussion. What we think is bad, God thinks is good. That’s a very odd thing to ignore. where in the Holy Bible is the advise given that concludes with doctrine being established by what soceity dictates, the Law of God is simply, "God said..........." When presenting any passage from the O.T. law its best to remember that these laws were specific to the nation that was husbanded by God, and not for any inculde any member of the Biden crime family.

Instead of gossiping about the bed room antices of this criminal you should be more concerned with the millions and millions, perhaps billions of dollars this criminal bilked from the US TAXPAYERS.

Evil is a evil does
you should be more concerned with the millions and millions, perhaps billions of dollars this criminal bilked from the US TAXPAYERS.

No doubt about it. I cry at least one hour each night in regards to all of this. Those millions of taxpayer dollars being wasted always pricks my heart. I cry a total of six hours per night but one hour just for the Biden family alone.

You don’t have to worry about me. I make sure my life is miserable because of things outside of my control. I worry about every single thing so that I can have no happiness whatsoever in my life. It causes me intense anger that some people just don’t care about these very important things. I spend my entire life either full of anger or in the depths of anguishing sorrow. I’m never happy. You don’t have to worry. I’m good for being miserable.
No doubt about it. I cry at least one hour each night in regards to all of this. Those millions of taxpayer dollars being wasted always pricks my heart. I cry a total of six hours per night but one hour just for the Biden family alone.

You don’t have to worry about me. I make sure my life is miserable because of things outside of my control. I worry about every single thing so that I can have no happiness whatsoever in my life. It causes me intense anger that some people just don’t care about these very important things. I spend my entire life either full of anger or in the depths of anguishing sorrow. I’m never happy. You don’t have to worry. I’m good for being miserable.
So you pay no taxes as do the 45%+ that votes democrat? Of course you have no problem with spending and wasting.....OPM, (other peoples money). This is all that I can conclude from your (words of wisdom). :party: with the Bidens. And of course..."crying" is what liberals/inculding the supposed libertarians do best.......always the victim. As the song asks...."Where have all the good men gone.........."? The majority of the liberals are very intouch with their feminine side and trained to walk 3 paces behind their feminazi masters on their emotional leaches.

Of course if you are so apathic that you don't can do nothing about the beds you are making to sleep in.

Can we spell?

Generation "Y".
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So you pay no taxes as do the 45%+ that votes democrat? Of course you have no problem with spending and wasting.....OPM, (other peoples money). This is all that I can conclude from your (words of wisdom). :party: with the Bidens. And of course..."crying" is what liberals/inculding the supposed libertarians do best.......always the victim. As the song asks...."Where have all the good men gone.........."? The majority of the liberals are very intouch with their feminine side and trained to walk 3 paces behind their feminazi masters on their emotional leaches.

Of course if you are so apathic that you don't can do nothing about the beds you are making to sleep in.

Can we spell?

Generation "Y".

I just think it’s horrible that government money is wasted. It ruins my life. I’ll never be happy until it stops. Then I will smile four times.

I love making me a smiley face more than anything in the world. Let’s stop this naughty naughty government spending.
I just think it’s horrible that government money is wasted. It ruins my life. I’ll never be happy until it stops. Then I will smile four times.

I love making me a smiley face more than anything in the world. Let’s stop this naughty naughty government spending.
Tanget.....lets deflect like a liberal.

Yeah.........and homosexuality is not a sin because its orginates at birth and is a "biological" condition not a mental choice? Lets stop homosexuality. Idea!:disbelief: L:et science place the theory of homosexuality as being considered a minority separate race of people that claim their civils right of humanity are being denied because they were biolgoically born a homosexual and they have no choice as who they copulate with.

Allow the best 2 Liberal Scientists and Physicans.......begin an experiment. Take 2 deceased (dead) people...of any gender, color, creed, race, does not matter, all are human beings. One body shall be a life long heterosexual.......the other a person that practiced homosexuality exclusively.......the IDs are hiden from the supposed unbaised men of science that will go into this experiment with an open mind...neither the Physician or the Scientist....know which body is which.

Have both, a complete, down to the cell autopsy and confirm which body is the homosexual and which is the heterosexual by simply examining the biological evidence. There should be something different that stands out between the 2......even do an autopsy on the brain. Show the world once and for all that homosexuals are born with homosexual biological differences than the heterosexual.
Tanget.....lets deflect like a liberal.

Yeah.........and homosexuality is not a sin because its orginates at birth and is a "biological" condition not a mental choice? Lets stop homosexuality. Idea!:disbelief: L:et science place the theory of homosexuality as being considered a minority separate race of people that claim their civils right of humanity are being denied because they were biolgoically born a homosexual and they have no choice as who they copulate with.

Allow the best 2 Liberal Scientists and Physicans.......begin an experiment. Take 2 deceased (dead) people...of any gender, color, creed, race, does not matter, all are human beings. One body shall be a life long heterosexual.......the other a person that practiced homosexuality exclusively.......the IDs are hiden from the supposed unbaised men of science that will go into this experiment with an open mind...neither the Physician or the Scientist....know which body is which.

Have both, a complete, down to the cell autopsy and confirm which body is the homosexual and which is the heterosexual by simply examining the biological evidence. There should be something different that stands out between the 2......even do an autopsy on the brain. Show the world once and for all that homosexuals are born with homosexual biological differences than the heterosexual.

That’s on you. If you want to live your own life and be happy that’s on you. The noble thing to do is be miserable.
No doubt about it. I cry at least one hour each night in regards to all of this. Those millions of taxpayer dollars being wasted always pricks my heart. I cry a total of six hours per night but one hour just for the Biden family alone.

You don’t have to worry about me. I make sure my life is miserable because of things outside of my control. I worry about every single thing so that I can have no happiness whatsoever in my life. It causes me intense anger that some people just don’t care about these very important things. I spend my entire life either full of anger or in the depths of anguishing sorrow. I’m never happy. You don’t have to worry. I’m good for being miserable.
Yeah, no one cares...meh
I'm going to Hell.
Masturbation is not the one unforgivable sin. In fact I challenge anybody to find where in the Bbile where the act of masturbation is labeled a sin.

The unpardonable/unforgivable sin or “blasphemy of the Holy Spirit” is mentioned in Mark 3:22–30 and Matthew 12:22–32. Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter” (Mark 3:28), but then He gives one exception: “Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin” (verse 29).


Jews historically shared the abhorrence of male masturbation that characterized other societies. Interestingly, although the prohibition was not debated, legal writers had difficulty locating a biblical base for it, and no less an authority than Maimonides claimed that it could not be punishable by the court because there was not an explicit negative commandment forbidding it.…emphasis added/
That’s on you. If you want to live your own life and be happy that’s on you. The noble thing to do is be miserable.
Enlighten us............why is the "noble" thing to be miserable? I thought that was a liberal thingy........I have yet to encounter a well adjusted happy liberal......they are always crying about something like someone has just urinated in their soup. Have you ever encountered a liberal that did not blame his/her life's problem on someone other than the personal free will decisions they have made for themselves.........such as God?

God has never promised to give us what we want..........but He will provide a path to grant us the things WE NEED.

God killed by parents with cancer (even though your parents brought the disease upon themselves, having exposed themselves to caustic pathagens that gestates free will decisions).......yada, yada, yada. God destroyed my home and personal life with a terrible, storm, flood, forest fire, land slide...etc.., (but it was you that decided to move into harms path, into an area with a history of such natural activities...........the only thing that can save your soul is the grace provided by our advocate that stands between our sin and the Father........Christ Jesus. In the meanwhile you are exposed to the same elements as every other soul on live and to die as nature and chance control. Control is but an illusion.

Praying for the sick...etc., Indeed, pray that God will allow you to find the most competent Physicans available and guide his/her professional hands to help heal you.........don't pray for a special miracle, the age of miracles is over, you are not special, your prayers don't make you are equal to every other Christian, all are priests that exist within a royal priesthood, yet all are guilty of sin and you lie to yourself if you claim you do not sin..........

Strange is it not..........human's have a history of making piss poor life decisions that result in someone being poor, out of work, sick......or injured in an accident, while attempting to blame God (or some political party) for His lack of compassion.......when He has revealed that He (God) has no respect of person (Romans 2:11), the rain falls on the just and the unjust, the saint and the sinner and no one in this reality is offered anything special or extra as all things natural/physical are created with an expiration date, "best if used by......." Salvation is for the soul/spirit, not the flesh.......the Christian Sabbath comes after the race called life is over, he that endures to the end finds salvation (Matthew 24:13-15) In the meanwhile All MEN are treated with equality and walk on this path called life via the free will decisions they make.

You want to talk to God and bitch, complain about living in misery? There is only one method to communicate with God, Open the Book that Jesus inspired (the N.T.) to print as God is no longer in direct communication with any single nation that He has husbanded such as He did with biblical Israel.

"God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers (ancestors) in the prophets in many portions and many ways, in these last days spoken to us through His Son (Chirst Jesus)........whom He appointed hier to all things, through whom He also made the worlds......" -- Hebrews 1:1-2
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God was not married to Mary when he impregnated her...Nor was the baby's daddy ever around.
The method of conception of the virgin Mary was not by the act of sexual encounter. An analogy you might understand would be the method of invitro Fertilization. Is the doctor putting sperm into the egg a sexual act? No. There was no stimuli with the procedure. So, without sex, it certainly is possible for Father in Heaven to put his sperm in Mary without sexual acts. The Holy Ghost was the physician for this miracle.

As far as Father in Heaven being around, he was always with Mary and Joseph. So, Jesus had two fathers, Father in Heaven and his step father, Joseph. So, what's your problem? Jealous?

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