Zone1 natural sex?

An ( God ) was actually married and had a Wife when he created Adam and Lilith, but over time humanity had to rid God wife because then Women would think they are also divine.

You have to be married or you are living in sun according to Christianity.
I think you mean sin not sun.

However the Apostle Paul doesn’t insist you should be married.


First, Paul tells married couples to stop denying each other, except by mutual consent for periods of time. (1 Corinthians 7:2-7)

Next, he tells the unmarried, “It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion” (1 Corinthians 7:8-9).

Then he tells married believers not to divorce their spouses (1 Corinthians 7:10-16).

After speaking a bit on other subjects, Paul returns to marriage and sexuality. “Now about virgins [essentially, young Christian singles]: I have no command from the Lord, but I give a judgment as one who by the Lord’s mercy is trustworthy” (1 Corinthians 7:25). Here, he freely acknowledges that the following is his opinion, not a directive from God.

However, even now, when only giving his opinion, Paul doesn’t condemn marriage: “I think that it is good for a man to remain as he is. Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this” (1 Corinthians 7:26-28).

Paul preferred his single lifestyle, and he goes on to point out that being single can help a person focus their attention fully on God, without worrying about pleasing a spouse (1 Corinthians 7:32-35). However, Paul emphasizes over and over that it is not bad to marry.
not abiding by the law and impregnating his dead brothers wife.

Now if you want to go there................

I have never impregnated my dead brother’s wife. I don’t know if I have ever shot my semen directly on the ground. I have been too afraid to try either one of these. I’m just gonna play it safe from here on out. I don’t want to awaken the curse of Onan.
I have never impregnated my dead brother’s wife. I don’t know if I have ever shot my semen directly on the ground. I have been too afraid to try either one of these. I’m just gonna play it safe from here on out. I don’t want to awaken the curse of Onan

Hunter Biden may have tried to impregnated his dead brother’s wife but I don’t believe he is Jewish.

Thie bible story of Onan appears be one of the most misunderstood events in the Bible.

From :

The Rational Bible: Deuteronomy: God, Blessings, and Curses Kindle Edition​

By Dennis Prager. Page 533

Onan sinned before God in failing to complete intercourse with Tamar, thereby depriving her of the chance to become a mother and depriving his late brother of the chance to have his name (and property through inheritance) perpetuated. As explained in the commentary to Genesis 38:9, Onan’s sin was not, as many believe, the “spilling of his seed,” or masturbation; it was his refusal to complete the sexual act (coitus interruptus), thereby denying his late brother what he was obligated to provide—the possibility of a child—and, though it does not explicitly say so in Genesis, also depriving his late brother’s widow of that possibility. 6. While common practice, this was not a universally applicable law. According to some scholars, the first words in verse 5, “dwell together,” mean the law applied only in situations where the two brothers had literally been living under the same roof. Peter Craigie writes: “The law applied only in certain conditions. First, the two brothers must have been living together for the law to be applicable; they would thus be part of a large family unit, and both would already be sharing certain responsibilities.” Rabbinic law held a contrary view: “Dwell together” did not imply geography or household, but time: The brothers lived at the same time. Therefore, in Jewish tradition, even if the brother-in-law lived a great distance away (less likely in the ancient world), he was required to fulfill this Torah command, so as to leave a direct heir to his brother.
Hunter Biden may have tried to impregnated his dead brother’s wife but I don’t believe he is Jewish.

Thie bible story of Onan appears be one of the most misunderstood events in the Bible.

From :

The Rational Bible: Deuteronomy: God, Blessings, and Curses Kindle Edition​

By Dennis Prager. Page 533

Onan sinned before God in failing to complete intercourse with Tamar, thereby depriving her of the chance to become a mother and depriving his late brother of the chance to have his name (and property through inheritance) perpetuated. As explained in the commentary to Genesis 38:9, Onan’s sin was not, as many believe, the “spilling of his seed,” or masturbation; it was his refusal to complete the sexual act (coitus interruptus), thereby denying his late brother what he was obligated to provide—the possibility of a child—and, though it does not explicitly say so in Genesis, also depriving his late brother’s widow of that possibility. 6. While common practice, this was not a universally applicable law. According to some scholars, the first words in verse 5, “dwell together,” mean the law applied only in situations where the two brothers had literally been living under the same roof. Peter Craigie writes: “The law applied only in certain conditions. First, the two brothers must have been living together for the law to be applicable; they would thus be part of a large family unit, and both would already be sharing certain responsibilities.” Rabbinic law held a contrary view: “Dwell together” did not imply geography or household, but time: The brothers lived at the same time. Therefore, in Jewish tradition, even if the brother-in-law lived a great distance away (less likely in the ancient world), he was required to fulfill this Torah command, so as to leave a direct heir to his brother.

I’m not screwing my brother’s wife even if he dies. I’m with Onan on this one. God can strike me dead because fuck that. I’m not doing it.
This board definitely needed a thread in masturbation. Definitely.

I think so too. It’s a topic that most people avoid. I still don’t get it. Why do so many people refuse to discuss a topic that impacts almost every single human being with very few exceptions.
Like the secret location of the map that leads to the pirate treasures of old?

Why do you think there needs to be a masturbation thread? I honestly wasn’t 100% sure what you were attempting to say.
Wow. I was using a little tool of the trade we call “sarcasm.”

Onan's sin was refusing to provide his brother's widow a child.

Most of us today wouldn’t even feel obligated to do that if our brother died. I don’t exactly understand what point you guys are trying to make.

If we are not damned by God for masturbating then we shall surely be damned as a nation for not obligating men to screw the wife of their dead brother. I have actually heard of this happening zero times but if it did happen I imagine it would be viewed in a negative life. What is this thread about exactly? I’m triple confused.
So sex is only for procreation?
One of the definitions says sex is a penis penetrating a vagina and ejaculating sperm to penetrate an egg which is really the way humans procreate. But sex has come to mean emulating that act in many ways such as masturbation, oral stimulation, and a myriad of other gland stimulating activities that do not result in procreation but, could be a precursor (fore play) to that procreational act between males and females.
Most of us today wouldn’t even feel obligated to do that if our brother died. I don’t exactly understand what point you guys are trying to make.

If we are not damned by God for masturbating then we shall surely be damned as a nation for not obligating men to screw the wife of their dead brother. I have actually heard of this happening zero times but if it did happen I imagine it would be viewed in a negative life. What is this thread about exactly? I’m triple confused.
That's what Hunter Biden did....

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