Naughty Democrat House Managers: Naughty, Naughty, Naughty!!!!

Of the 78 hours of Dem impeachment testimony president Trump was denied due process in 71 of the 78 hours. No legal counsel, no opportunity to cross examine the witnesses. And that final 7 hours, yeah Pelosi had already instructed the House to draft impeachment articles so it was already too late for president Trump to defend himself.
Due process happens in the trial, not the investigation.

You know this, so does all the rest of the tRumplings.

So why do you keep lying?
Says who?

What kinda stupid question is that?
It's the premise that is stupid, not the question.
Is there even one Democrat here who thinks the closed door hearings were a lovely thing?

I see no problem with them. It is a rule made by the republicans that even made them possible.
What rule is that? When did they make it?
See Benghazi, dope.
Impeachment proceedings have only to do with the Constitution. The way it's run has nothing to do with the unfortunate-for-Hillary BengHazi self-imposed political sanfu. I salute your loyalty to your party, though. It's just that I think your managers pulled the wool over your innocent eyes.
Is there even one Democrat here who thinks the closed door hearings were a lovely thing?
Why not? Closed door meetings accomplish a number of things. For starters, it keeps testimony secret so there isn’t any coordination. It permits in depth questioning. Without the cameras, we also avoid the theatrics. The transcripts were published and the witnesses testified again in public. I fail to see the problem. This happens all the time.
Is there even one Democrat here who thinks the closed door hearings were a lovely thing?

I see no problem with them. It is a rule made by the republicans that even made them possible.

Is lying to remove a president acceptable?

If your lies and treason fail in removing the president, do you support assassination as an acceptable alternative?
Is there even one Democrat here who thinks the closed door hearings were a lovely thing?
Why not? Closed door meetings accomplish a number of things. For starters, it keeps testimony secret so there isn’t any coordination. It permits in depth questioning. Without the cameras, we also avoid the theatrics. The transcripts were published and the witnesses testified again in public. I fail to see the problem. This happens all the time.
What they accomplish is to allow dirt bags like Adolph Schiffler to conceal a lot of skullduggery. Only 4 of the 17 witnesses testified in public.

You're a sleazy piece of shit.
Its clear that most posting here did not watch all or any large segments of the Democrats, waited for the Republicans & now pass forward the denials, not repudiate the points presented by the Democrat's. understandable as minds premade up, and many spent as much time as possible out in the hall.
Jay Sekulow's Defense and Testimony

He shows that the House Managers ignored evidence in the Mueller Report that refutes their entire case against President Trump. And the House managers did it on purpose, against every tenet of American justice that there is.

Naughty, naughty.

Was it omission? Yes it was.
Was it crossing their fingers behind their backs? Hmmmm
Were they mean to the President? Yes, they were
Did they tell the truth? They told a tale, and it sounded good.
But was it the true fact of guilt? Not exactly...
You decide. Listen to what was said January 25 in the Senate Impeachment trial:

If you need to hear it again, please listen again. Thx. Now talk below about how you feel about the Democrats curbstoneing information away from their base, away from the news media, and especially away from everyone their obfuscations have hurt.

Every one of those six points were covered by the managers.
You should have watched instead of being a rube.

You obviously are discussing an event you did not see or hear. Please watch the video of the official proceedings and listen to what President Trump's case is all about as described by his lawyer's defense in his behalf. I know the media has helped with the obfuscation of the House Democrat "Get Trump" management committee, because all of their alleged "news" are actually infotainment hour for the Democrat base who cannot handle the truth that President Trump did not do wrong as President, did nothing even remotely resembling quid pro quo--all that was profusely and hastily painted with malice aforethought by Hillary Clinton's bag men, two of whom are Rep Jerold Nadler and Rep Adam Schiff. This is about what happened to an innocent man by poisoning-the-well partisans in the Democrat House of Representatives. Please see the video so that you can participate in this discussion, which is the ways and means by which the Democrats are doing a con job on even their friends, their supporters,

I guarantee I've seen more of this process than almost anyone on this board.

I watched probably 70% of the managers myself and the higlights of what I missed. Those points were made repeatedly ad nauseum.

I also watched most of the 2hrs yesterday.

I also watched all of the testimony that was televised as it happened. Trump's team is obviously ignoring all of the testimony that works against them as you are.

Trump's team has nothing but BS process complaints. They addressed none of the substance presented by the managers.

You watched that much?
Please, immediately get one of the following:

A girlfriend

A job

A life.

Thank you.
Its clear that most posting here did not watch all or any large segments of the Democrats, waited for the Republicans & now pass forward the denials, not repudiate the points presented by the Democrat's. understandable as minds premade up, and many spent as much time as possible out in the hall.

You do understand in less than 2 hours Trumps team completely destroyed everything Schiff and the dems implied using their own witnesses testimony right?
With re to the House Democrats: The facts from THEIR hearing establish that the President WAS concerned about burden-sharing, that President Trump thought Ukraine had a corruption (as did many others). Mr. Schiff claimed he wasn't concerned about any of it, which was untrue, that we can learn from our Ukranian ally. Our Ukranian ally, President Zelenski said, "We had a good phone call; it was normal, I think when you read it you realize nobody pushed me. They say you can read minds, I think you look at the words."

My take on this defense measure Jay Sekulow issued in the truth which happens to favor President Donald Trump.
My thanks are given to Jay Sekulow and his fellow defenders, who exposed the heinous omissions that would have provided the American Public with this unmistakable truth: President Donald Trump is innocent of any and all impeachable offenses that the Democrat House Managers have with malice aforethought and wrongfully provided to the American public.

What a great synopsis of this failed impeachment scam brought to you by the jealous Democrats who lost an election and have performed the worst imaginable poor sportsmanship American people try to promote in their childrens' lives.

The Democrats cannot provide you with any instance in which they engaged in good sportsmanship--not one--on their part for the last 39 months. Naughty, naughty! :cranky:

Patrick Philbin, deputy White House counsel, said it wasn’t necessary to have new information due to House errors that did not validate documents. Also, they issued subpoenas not agreed to in the House by both sides as done in past impeachments, which was unlawful in its best light. IOW, Democrats abided by no rules or precedents.

He debunked all that leftist lockstep whining in less than 5 minutes.
Its clear that most posting here did not watch all or any large segments of the Democrats, waited for the Republicans & now pass forward the denials, not repudiate the points presented by the Democrat's. understandable as minds premade up, and many spent as much time as possible out in the hall.
What's not so clear to you is that we have been listening to the Democrats for 39 months straight on how they were going to "Get Trump" and they were going to get him through Impeachment, long before he took his oath of office and was inaugurated as President of the United States.

Impeachment was at one time heard as being their "insurance policy" to depose Trump and replace him with Hillary Clinton who failed to win the presidency in the fair election that gives small states a say in government. Thank heaven for the College of Electors who prevent the large states represented by Chuck Schumer, Adam Sandler, Nancy Pelosi, and Jerold Nadler--one from megalopolis New York, and the other from California who has replaced white people with people of color including noncitizens.

President Trump is hated for bringing back American Justice, American markets, and most importantly, American jobs.

Without the Democrat House lifting a single finger to help President Trump, he has given America what it does best--to bring truth and freedom in a world that oppresses the poor, the widow, and the orphan.

God bless President Trump. May the axe fall on the same treasonous criminally insane House leaders who tried to cut down his tree of prosperity and work for everyone who is a citizen.
Is there even one Democrat here who thinks the closed door hearings were a lovely thing?
Why not? Closed door meetings accomplish a number of things. For starters, it keeps testimony secret so there isn’t any coordination. It permits in depth questioning. Without the cameras, we also avoid the theatrics. The transcripts were published and the witnesses testified again in public. I fail to see the problem. This happens all the time.
Impeachment hearings have absolutely nothing to do with secrecy. Once you impeach a man, you have to be an open book, not a conspiracy hearing in the basement of the halls of Congress. That was conducted illegally, but not to worry. We will soon have a Republican House and Senate who will get rid of the idea you can use Impeachment to coup the American people's elected officials who did not commit any high crime, misdemeanor, treason or Constitutional offense.

The sooner this impeachment lie is over the sooner we can get back to making America great again with the beloved President we elected to do just that.
Senator Graham has important points on the direction
the Impeachment may take:
Was it omission? Yes it was.
Was it crossing their fingers behind their backs? Hmmmm
Were they mean to the President? Yes, they were
Did they tell the truth? They told a tale, and it sounded good.
But was it the true fact of guilt? Not exactly...
You decide. Listen to what was said January 25 in the Senate Impeachment trial:

If you need to hear it again, please listen again. Thx. Now talk below about how you feel about the Democrats curbstoneing information away from their base, away from the news media, and especially away from everyone their obfuscations have hurt.

Every one of those six points were covered by the managers.
You should have watched instead of being a rube.

You obviously are discussing an event you did not see or hear. Please watch the video of the official proceedings and listen to what President Trump's case is all about as described by his lawyer's defense in his behalf. I know the media has helped with the obfuscation of the House Democrat "Get Trump" management committee, because all of their alleged "news" are actually infotainment hour for the Democrat base who cannot handle the truth that President Trump did not do wrong as President, did nothing even remotely resembling quid pro quo--all that was profusely and hastily painted with malice aforethought by Hillary Clinton's bag men, two of whom are Rep Jerold Nadler and Rep Adam Schiff. This is about what happened to an innocent man by poisoning-the-well partisans in the Democrat House of Representatives. Please see the video so that you can participate in this discussion, which is the ways and means by which the Democrats are doing a con job on even their friends, their supporters,

I guarantee I've seen more of this process than almost anyone on this board.

I watched probably 70% of the managers myself and the higlights of what I missed. Those points were made repeatedly ad nauseum.

I also watched most of the 2hrs yesterday.

I also watched all of the testimony that was televised as it happened. Trump's team is obviously ignoring all of the testimony that works against them as you are.

Trump's team has nothing but BS process complaints. They addressed none of the substance presented by the managers.

the entire Democrat case is based on hearsay, people's musings, and conclusions non-partcipants made, all of which fit neatly into the conspiracy theory category. The Democrat House managers are treating theories like proven facts. The resultant lie they have fomented will cause a civil war. Treason against President Trump is in full play. Most societies eliminate people who commit treason all the way up to a queen's throne.The Democrats didn't work very hard on electing their candidate, nor did she. And the false witness that omission can be is in full play here. America has been listening with disgust leftist hatemongers since before the turn of the twentieth century into the Twenty-First. People who took Communications 101 in any given University and understood the material know that the American Journalism's former reachout to truth has lost its moral compass by means of favoritism sweetened with $20,000. expenses-paid vacations to the world's ritziest destinations to cavort with occasional fallen angels of Hollyweird.

the entire Democrat case is based on hearsay,

I stopped right there.
Is there even one Democrat here who thinks the closed door hearings were a lovely thing?

I see no problem with them. It is a rule made by the republicans that even made them possible.
What rule is that? When did they make it?
See Benghazi, dope.
Closed door hearings have always been the rule for classified information, shit for brains.

Nope, dope.

Dems’ closed hearings follow rules ‘Republican majority’ put in place: Fox News legal analyst

“As frustrating as it may be to have these hearings going on behind closed doors,” Mr. Napolitano said on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” “the hearings for which Congressman [Adam] Schiff is presiding, they are consistent with the rules.”
Senator Graham has important points on the direction
the Impeachment may take:


The managers showed clearly that the EU has contributed more to Ukraine than the US. One would have to be an idiot to believe the cost sharing fallacy.
Democrats should start losing elections. When they are gone their ability to do harm is diminished.

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