Nauseating Liberal Women


Proving once again that Republican selection of women in their organization amounts to boobs over brains, except for Ann Coulter of course. No one in their right mind would want to have at her boney butt.
So who is Gina McCarthy, anyway.

Epa: McCarthy's New England roots show as she pushes states on climate, air issues -- Friday, February 22, 2013 --

If one wants an indication where U.S. EPA Assistant Administrator Gina McCarthy's priorities lie as a public servant, he or she needs only to look at the beginning of her resume.

McCarthy, who heads EPA's Office of Air and Radiation and is widely rumored to be nominated as EPA administrator in the next week, started her career as a public health agent in her hometown of Canton, Mass., working for the local board of health in nearby Stoughton.

"That's what she's about," said Seth Kaplan, vice president for policy and climate advocacy for the Conservation Law Foundation, who worked with McCarthy in Massachusetts on energy and air issues. "And let me tell you, that person is still there."

The White House has yet to confirm a nominee to succeed recently departed EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. Since arriving at EPA in 2009, McCarthy has turned heads and elicited smiles with her thick Boston accent, her wry sense of humor and straightforward discourse on tough subjects where many politicians skirt the issue.

As sources pointing to McCarthy as the next EPA administrator continue to grow, many are looking to her past as a community and state-level leader for clues.

Indeed, her job on the federal level has centered on empowering states with the independence to devise plans for cutting pollution and greenhouse gases, she said at a conference yesterday at the Georgetown Climate Center.

"We are actually doing everything we can to make it easier for the states themselves to incorporate energy efficiency and renewable energy into their state implementation plans," she said. "[We] try to bridge the gap between the energy and environmental worlds so that people can have nice electricity to turn on and they can also have heat to keep them warm, and they can also have clean air."

At the federal level, McCarthy oversaw the rulemaking for some of the agency's sweeping -- and usually controversial -- rules.

Last year, the agency released the first-ever proposal for regulating carbon dioxide from future power plants, standards for limiting volatile organic compounds from hydraulic fracturing wells, rules to limit mercury and toxic emissions from industrial boilers, updated limits for particulate matter, and two sets of fuel efficiency standards for new vehicles.

Many of those actions were based on state and local decisions over the past couple of decades.

"EPA, working with states and local communities are building, hopefully building, on the progress that you have made so far," said McCarthy, speaking to an audience representing local, state and federal entities. "Your leadership, on both the state and local level, in confronting climate change has helped people to improve their health and quality of life."

Before coming to Washington, McCarthy built her career in the Northeast. McCarthy joined the Massachusetts government in the state's Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, kicking off a two-decade career working for the state under four different governors, including recent presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

In Massachusetts, a state already known for aggressive environmental action, McCarthy helped implement strict standards to slash nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, mercury and carbon dioxide for the state's oldest and most polluting coal-fired power plants -- known as the "Filthy Five."

She also designed a plan to cut mercury from the state's air and waterways, said Cindy Luppi, the New England director for Clean Water Action.

"In this region, we are healthier and have healthier neighborhoods as a result of her work," Luppi said.

Her work with industry is characterized by openness and honesty, Kaplan said.

"Gina is someone I've really seen engage in industry," he said. "The more people are involved in making a decision, the more likely it will be a good decision."

In 2004, she headed to Connecticut to serve as the commissioner in the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, where she represented the state in the crafting of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a multi-state emissions trading scheme.

"I think she is sensitive to business concerns but recognizes the need to push companies to the next level of environmental protection," said Daniel Esty, the commissioner who succeeded McCarthy at the Connecticut DEP. "She had a reputation for being pragmatic and highly engaged on the substance of the issues."

Representatives of the utilities that owned power plants in the Northeast during McCarthy's tenure were unavailable for comment.

In Connecticut, she also led the "No Child Left Inside" campaign to encourage children to visit state parks, modernized and restructured the department, and oversaw long-range air issues that concerned high-emitting states in the Midwest and the South.

Addressing trans-jurisdictional pollution followed McCarthy at the federal EPA, where the agency finalized the Cross State Air Pollution Rule in 2011. Last year, a federal court rejected the rule and told EPA to rewrite it, adding to the next administrator's to-do list in Obama's second term.

"Gina has a world-class view of the [cross-state] air issues that are front-line center in the industry," said Ian Bowles, former secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs in Massachusetts and currently the managing director of Rhumb Line Energy LLC. "That's really where the action is at with the EPA right now. That's a lot of where the focus for the agency needs to be. She's got a really unparalleled knowledge of that."

In Washington, her potential nomination has been welcomed by Democrats pushing for climate legislation.

"I think she'd be great," said Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) last week, one day before introducing a climate bill in the Senate. "She is strong, she is knowledgeable, there'd be no transition required, and I just like Gina because she's straight from the shoulders, a good person."

Even months before the rumors, McCarthy was seen as a solid choice by some industry backers in the district.

"The first priority [of the new administrator] is to tend to the economic home fire and be reasonable on the regulatory front," said Scott Segal, director of the Electric Reliability Coordinating Council and a partner at the law firm Bracewell & Giuliani, in January. "I would look to [acting Administrator] Bob Perciasepe; I would look to Gina McCarthy."

Back home, her New England compatriots are proud to see her continue to lead, strongly but fairly.

"We miss her up here," Luppi said. "She's very well-respected and well-loved."

So, the reason you rightwing spewsters hate her is because she takes her job seriously and knows what she is doing, and that scares the shit out of you. There is a simple solution - stop spewing your filth in our environment, and you won't have anything to fear from her.
A degree in "primative anthropology" is all you need to become a Field Marshall in the Revolutionary Army of Obama..

THe appointment demonstrates conclusively that Obama is not interested in the economy. Doesn't even have the capacity to learn on the job.

But I'm torn here Flanders -- because although you got the general political picture correct -- you are wrong about the thread title and your conclusions.

Doesn't have a WHIT to do with being a woman. Van Jones, a self-professed Commie, was drummed out of his job as "Green Jobs Czar" for similiar reasons. He knew NOTHING about jobs or how a Capitalist society functions.. And didn't want to learn either.

So I'd normally congrat you on this --- but that Repub. reflex response about "liberal women" makes me want to hurl...

As a committed 3rd party guy --- the BELIEFS and dangerous agendas of the Prog revolution is the nauseating part..

I suppose the fact that I already pointed out the fact that she worked at the EPA for four years, and has been an EPA consultant and advisor for most of her career hasn't prevented you from regurgitating this nonsense. What was it Einstein said about repeating things over and over and getting the same result? Oh yeah, now I remember.

No see Oro-man -- this NEW.. You get to hear her own very acceptance speech.. Did ya watch the vid???

It is rampant leftist dementia on the rampage.. Glad it was posted. THe incompetence of this appointment will have amusing disasters for us to discuss over in the Environ. Forum for years..

As for her "qualifications" --- I'm sure there are hundreds of 20yr+ civil servants that have been at EPA for more than 4 yrs and then checking out to be a hired hitpiece..

I'm sure all those EPA lifers are JUST as THRILLED with her "qualifications" as you are..
A degree in "primative anthropology" is all you need to become a Field Marshall in the Revolutionary Army of Obama..

THe appointment demonstrates conclusively that Obama is not interested in the economy. Doesn't even have the capacity to learn on the job.

But I'm torn here Flanders -- because although you got the general political picture correct -- you are wrong about the thread title and your conclusions.

Doesn't have a WHIT to do with being a woman. Van Jones, a self-professed Commie, was drummed out of his job as "Green Jobs Czar" for similiar reasons. He knew NOTHING about jobs or how a Capitalist society functions.. And didn't want to learn either.

So I'd normally congrat you on this --- but that Repub. reflex response about "liberal women" makes me want to hurl...

As a committed 3rd party guy --- the BELIEFS and dangerous agendas of the Prog revolution is the nauseating part..

I suppose the fact that I already pointed out the fact that she worked at the EPA for four years, and has been an EPA consultant and advisor for most of her career hasn't prevented you from regurgitating this nonsense. What was it Einstein said about repeating things over and over and getting the same result? Oh yeah, now I remember.

No see Oro-man -- this NEW.. You get to hear her own very acceptance speech.. Did ya watch the vid???

I don't watch right wing propaganda. Why do you?

It is rampant leftist dementia on the rampage.. Glad it was posted. THe incompetence of this appointment will have amusing disasters for us to discuss over in the Environ. Forum for years..

As for her "qualifications" --- I'm sure there are hundreds of 20yr+ civil servants that have been at EPA for more than 4 yrs and then checking out to be a hired hitpiece..

I'm sure all those EPA lifers are JUST as THRILLED with her "qualifications" as you are..

You didn't read my post, did you? Of course you didn't.
I suppose the fact that I already pointed out the fact that she worked at the EPA for four years, and has been an EPA consultant and advisor for most of her career hasn't prevented you from regurgitating this nonsense. What was it Einstein said about repeating things over and over and getting the same result? Oh yeah, now I remember.

No see Oro-man -- this NEW.. You get to hear her own very acceptance speech.. Did ya watch the vid???

I don't watch right wing propaganda. Why do you?

It is rampant leftist dementia on the rampage.. Glad it was posted. THe incompetence of this appointment will have amusing disasters for us to discuss over in the Environ. Forum for years..

As for her "qualifications" --- I'm sure there are hundreds of 20yr+ civil servants that have been at EPA for more than 4 yrs and then checking out to be a hired hitpiece..

I'm sure all those EPA lifers are JUST as THRILLED with her "qualifications" as you are..

You didn't read my post, did you? Of course you didn't.

Didn't get to your last one before I posted that.. I'll read it soon...

But you are losing respect here quickly.. Why is her acceptance speech "right wing propaganda" ????? What kind of shilly dodge is that?

Are you that cloistered in your comfortable lefty shell? The comment doesn't even make sense. Just watch her comments and ignore the commentary. That would be the decent thing to do if you want to participate in a thread..

Go watch her in her first official action and then comment on my post above..
No see Oro-man -- this NEW.. You get to hear her own very acceptance speech.. Did ya watch the vid???

I don't watch right wing propaganda. Why do you?

It is rampant leftist dementia on the rampage.. Glad it was posted. THe incompetence of this appointment will have amusing disasters for us to discuss over in the Environ. Forum for years..

As for her "qualifications" --- I'm sure there are hundreds of 20yr+ civil servants that have been at EPA for more than 4 yrs and then checking out to be a hired hitpiece..

I'm sure all those EPA lifers are JUST as THRILLED with her "qualifications" as you are..

You didn't read my post, did you? Of course you didn't.

Didn't get to your last one before I posted that.. I'll read it soon...

But you are losing respect here quickly.. Why is her acceptance speech "right wing propaganda" ????? What kind of shilly dodge is that?

Are you that cloistered in your comfortable lefty shell? The comment doesn't even make sense. Just watch her comments and ignore the commentary. That would be the decent thing to do if you want to participate in a thread..

Go watch her in her first official action and then comment on my post above..

I will as soon as you acknowledge that she was confirmed by a good margin of the vote (59-40), and has the qualifications for the job.

Here is her address to Harvard Law school:

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Listen to the first few seconds of this video on Gina McCarthy. (Fart)

Funny as hell.

BTW, does this woman look like Cagney & Lacy or what?
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Listen to the first few seconds of this video on Gina McCarthy. (Fart)

Funny as hell.

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Address at HLS - YouTube

BTW, does this woman look like Cagney & Lacy or what?

To mudwhistle: Your video affirms what I said in another thread:

Journalism schools, film schools, etc., get tax dollars, too, and you see what they have produced. Worse still are schools for government; they are nothing but Socialist seminaries. Whenever I think of them I think of the plots in two 1964 movies; Failsafe and Dr. Strangelove. Both movies promote the Left’s favorite line of crapola. In both pictures a nuclear bomb is accidentally dropped on the USSR. In a show of good faith the American president makes a deal. The Soviets can bomb one American city in order to avert an all-out nuclear war.

My suggestion is to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s leader he can bomb Harvard to even the score.

All joking aside, Harvard is the generator of Northeast liberalism. Every destructive law, and policy, and cultural disaster, that brought this country to where it is at today was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The most despicable anti-America, UN-loving, elected officials and bureaucrats attended Harvard. Americans must break Harvard’s grip on the government if the country is to overcome the challenges it faces at home and abroad. A few more “Harvard Solutions” like the ones espoused in your video spells sure defeat for this country.
Listen to the first few seconds of this video on Gina McCarthy. (Fart)

Funny as hell.

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Address at HLS - YouTube

BTW, does this woman look like Cagney & Lacy or what?

To mudwhistle: Your video affirms what I said in another thread:

Journalism schools, film schools, etc., get tax dollars, too, and you see what they have produced. Worse still are schools for government; they are nothing but Socialist seminaries. Whenever I think of them I think of the plots in two 1964 movies; Failsafe and Dr. Strangelove. Both movies promote the Left’s favorite line of crapola. In both pictures a nuclear bomb is accidentally dropped on the USSR. In a show of good faith the American president makes a deal. The Soviets can bomb one American city in order to avert an all-out nuclear war.

My suggestion is to “accidentally” bomb the University of Tehran after Iran gets the bomb, then tell Iran’s leader he can bomb Harvard to even the score.

All joking aside, Harvard is the generator of Northeast liberalism. Every destructive law, and policy, and cultural disaster, that brought this country to where it is at today was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The most despicable anti-America, UN-loving, elected officials and bureaucrats attended Harvard. Americans must break Harvard’s grip on the government if the country is to overcome the challenges it faces at home and abroad. A few more “Harvard Solutions” like the ones espoused in your video spells sure defeat for this country.

I just think you are jealous because you flunked kindergarten. Poor dear.
Just an observation, it's not politically correct:

Why does just about every woman that Obama picks to be in his Administration look Gay?
Just an observation, it's not politically correct:

Why does just about every woman that Obama picks to be in his Administration look Gay?

Just an observation. It may not be politically correct.

Who gives a flying fuck?
Just an observation, it's not politically correct:

Why does just about every woman that Obama picks to be in his Administration look Gay?

Just an observation. It may not be politically correct.

Who gives a flying fuck?

I think everyone gives a flying fuck who he picks.

Who gives a flying fuck if they "look gay"? You do realize, of course, that the woman about which this farce of a thread is dedicated, is married with three children, right? You didn't know? Huh.
Just an observation. It may not be politically correct.

Who gives a flying fuck?

I think everyone gives a flying fuck who he picks.

Who gives a flying fuck if they "look gay"? You do realize, of course, that the woman about which this farce of a thread is dedicated, is married with three children, right? You didn't know? Huh.

Right, and no Gay ever got married and had kids.

I was just wondering if this was a fashion statement or if they really all seem to be leaning towards lesbianism.

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