NBC calls PA race for Dem

With the almost unbroken string of democratic wins since Trump took office. Maybe it's time to claim the Russians are now hacking the elections for the democrats. ;)
Well Congrats to the Dims. You are one more vote towards impeachment.

Welcome President Pence!


Be careful what you wish for Dims.
As much as I dislike Pence, I at least think he is capable

Trump is mentally and intelectually unsuited for the job

No thank you!

I would rather have it where you have Pelosi\Reid\Bush type of nonsense which mean Pelosi\Shumer\Trump.

Trump is a Democrat faking the GOP game and doing poorly...
Democrat Conor Lamb apparent winner in PA vote: NBC

How embarrassing....trump runs up there...drops the SOB word and tells everyone how great he is.....and THE GOP STILL LOSES!
Did we lose?

You elected a supposed Democrat who is...

Pro life
Pro fracking
Pro guns
Pro tariffs
Pro tax cuts
Anti Pelosi
Pro Trump (sort of as he refused to criticize him)

Tell me again how we lost & you won?

His position on tariffs is more nuanced. He says we should go after China because they are the ones dumping steel.
He supports the tax cuts for the middle class but opposes the giveaways to the rich of which there were several.
He did not make Trump a issue but that does not make him pro-Trump.
So he's an uninformed politician too? Most of our steel doesn't come from China...

Trump thinks the same way. I guess he's an uninformed politician.
Coyote has given the key to the Dems' future: the far left has to throw away the Pelosis and accept the Lambs.

My opinion all along. We need the Conor Lambs and moderates who are for the worker.

Unions went all out in this and members came back home.

With the WV Teachers Union. We handed Kasich his head 8 years ago when he attacked Public Unions. I have never see such an angry bunch of opin their pick up trucks with huge signs plastered all over them. Then on to the Ballot box.

Couple of years ago Republicans wanted to pass a Right To Work law. Leaders told them,” Kasich would never sign it!”

Unfortunately most of this country hates the unions. We shall see, but within 20 years there will be no more unions. And those that will be hurt the most will cheer the loudest.

You wish. Conor proved you wrong last night. Union members,87,000 votes.

Hey putz, I am a union member and proud of it. But reading the landscape over the last 35 or so yrs tells you most people are against them.

I do not read polls. Have watched Union hate all my life while members fought for decent wages and benefits.

Putz,I am retired but remember the generation that gave us middle class.

I also still pay Union dues, voluntarily!

And the Union came back strong for Conor.

Good, and as a union member you should know that the unions have been under attack for at least the last 35 years. I don't like.it but that is the reality.
Coyote has given the key to the Dems' future: the far left has to throw away the Pelosis and accept the Lambs.

My opinion all along. We need the Conor Lambs and moderates who are for the worker.

Unions went all out in this and members came back home.

With the WV Teachers Union. We handed Kasich his head 8 years ago when he attacked Public Unions. I have never see such an angry bunch of opin their pick up trucks with huge signs plastered all over them. Then on to the Ballot box.

Couple of years ago Republicans wanted to pass a Right To Work law. Leaders told them,” Kasich would never sign it!”

Unfortunately most of this country hates the unions. We shall see, but within 20 years there will be no more unions. And those that will be hurt the most will cheer the loudest.

You wish. Conor proved you wrong last night. Union members,87,000 votes.

Hey putz, I am a union member and proud of it. But reading the landscape over the last 35 or so yrs tells you most people are against them.

This is why,

Yet they got to keep their jobs. Unions have a nasty habit of rewarding bad behavior. Anyone else gets cought smoking dope on the job and they are fired. Union members also drive Amtrak trains. Nuff said. The unions time has come and gone.

Buddy, I am drug tested for every job I go to. As many as 17 times in 1 year. I would never be aloud on a job if I tested positive. I would never be aloud to stay on a job if positive for a random. Our president and congressperson should have to test as much.
Dems are one step closer to taking back the house and the idiot deplorables keep asking WHAT DID WE WIN?
My opinion all along. We need the Conor Lambs and moderates who are for the worker.

Unions went all out in this and members came back home.

With the WV Teachers Union. We handed Kasich his head 8 years ago when he attacked Public Unions. I have never see such an angry bunch of opin their pick up trucks with huge signs plastered all over them. Then on to the Ballot box.

Couple of years ago Republicans wanted to pass a Right To Work law. Leaders told them,” Kasich would never sign it!”

Unfortunately most of this country hates the unions. We shall see, but within 20 years there will be no more unions. And those that will be hurt the most will cheer the loudest.

You wish. Conor proved you wrong last night. Union members,87,000 votes.

Hey putz, I am a union member and proud of it. But reading the landscape over the last 35 or so yrs tells you most people are against them.

This is why,

Yet they got to keep their jobs. Unions have a nasty habit of rewarding bad behavior. Anyone else gets cought smoking dope on the job and they are fired. Union members also drive Amtrak trains. Nuff said. The unions time has come and gone.

Buddy, I am drug tested for every job I go to. As many as 17 times in 1 year. I would never be aloud on a job if I tested positive. I would never be aloud to stay on a job if positive for a random. Our president and congressperson should have to test as much.

Trump has mental illness not a drug problem.
Pot might help the asshole.
Does the radical left really support a pro-life pro-2nd Amendment relatively conservative new democrat or do they hate the President so much that nothing makes sense anymore?
Just remember trump whores you supported a child molester and a candidate that billed himself as “ Trump before Trump” and lost both times.
Many more to come.
This president is toxic in this country and around the world.
Once Mueller hands down indictments to this corrupt president the spineless GOP HOUSE will do nothing.
That’s why we need a Democratic House to hold this prez accountable.
We'll see if the Democrat delivers. I'm good with what he's saying. But i'm admittedly skeptical. Pelosi and the Communist Elite of the Party will try to break him. We'll see if stands up to them.
I like what i'm hearing from this Democrat. It's refreshing. But will he be broken by Pelosi and the Communist Elite of the Party? I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
Unfortunately most of this country hates the unions. We shall see, but within 20 years there will be no more unions. And those that will be hurt the most will cheer the loudest.

You wish. Conor proved you wrong last night. Union members,87,000 votes.

Hey putz, I am a union member and proud of it. But reading the landscape over the last 35 or so yrs tells you most people are against them.

This is why,

Yet they got to keep their jobs. Unions have a nasty habit of rewarding bad behavior. Anyone else gets cought smoking dope on the job and they are fired. Union members also drive Amtrak trains. Nuff said. The unions time has come and gone.

Buddy, I am drug tested for every job I go to. As many as 17 times in 1 year. I would never be aloud on a job if I tested positive. I would never be aloud to stay on a job if positive for a random. Our president and congressperson should have to test as much.

Trump has mental illness not a drug problem.
Pot might help the asshole.

Mm, send him some Brownies!
My opinion all along. We need the Conor Lambs and moderates who are for the worker.

Unions went all out in this and members came back home.

With the WV Teachers Union. We handed Kasich his head 8 years ago when he attacked Public Unions. I have never see such an angry bunch of opin their pick up trucks with huge signs plastered all over them. Then on to the Ballot box.

Couple of years ago Republicans wanted to pass a Right To Work law. Leaders told them,” Kasich would never sign it!”

Unfortunately most of this country hates the unions. We shall see, but within 20 years there will be no more unions. And those that will be hurt the most will cheer the loudest.

You wish. Conor proved you wrong last night. Union members,87,000 votes.

Hey putz, I am a union member and proud of it. But reading the landscape over the last 35 or so yrs tells you most people are against them.

This is why,

Yet they got to keep their jobs. Unions have a nasty habit of rewarding bad behavior. Anyone else gets cought smoking dope on the job and they are fired. Union members also drive Amtrak trains. Nuff said. The unions time has come and gone.

Buddy, I am drug tested for every job I go to. As many as 17 times in 1 year. I would never be aloud on a job if I tested positive. I would never be aloud to stay on a job if positive for a random. Our president and congressperson should have to test as much.

Yeeeeeeeup! But not for them guys Union. UAW I think. As a rule, any new union member (in ours) that makes it past 90 days can not be fired.

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