NBC Censors Dixie Chicks Ad

Well damn! There goes the thread. Now what will we talk about?

I really like that the local business here in Lubbock are still telling the radio stations that they will pull advertising if the airplay happens.

Capitalism in action. Gotta Love it. :banana:
Well damn! There goes the thread. Now what will we talk about?

I really like that the local business here in Lubbock are still telling the radio stations that they will pull advertising if the airplay happens.

Capitalism in action. Gotta Love it. :banana:

How about we talk about this......

I heard the movie is bombing out......;)
How about we talk about this......

I heard the movie is bombing out......;)

It just keeps getting better. I dunno ifn I kin stanz it. (I was in the service instead of college, JFKerry dun set me strait)
Well, I'm with Jillian on this one. (Not that she needs it.) The REASON NBC rejected the ad, which they deem disrespectful to the so-called president, is because NBC is scared shitless that Bush and his minions will kick the shit out of them in retribution if they DO accept this ad and others like it. The media is so fucking frightened of being Karl Rove'd, they put their tail between their legs and run away at the slightest provocation. There has never been a more vindictive administration in American history. Only a fool, or a patriot, dares stand in opposition to The Bushwacker in today's America. :blowup:
Well, I'm with Jillian on this one. (Not that she needs it.) The REASON NBC rejected the ad, which they deem disrespectful to the so-called president, is because NBC is scared shitless that Bush and his minions will kick the shit out of them in retribution if they DO accept this ad and others like it. The media is so fucking frightened of being Karl Rove'd, they put their tail between their legs and run away at the slightest provocation. There has never been a more vindictive administration in American history. Only a fool, or a patriot, dares stand in opposition to The Bushwacker in today's America. :blowup:

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to MGB again.

The REASON NBC rejected the ad, which they deem disrespectful to the so-called president, is because NBC is scared shitless that Bush and his minions will kick the shit out of them in retribution if they DO accept this ad and others like it. Source? Oh, and haven't they run the ad?

The media is so fucking frightened of being Karl Rove'd, they put their tail between their legs and run away at the slightest provocation. Source? Guess you don't watch GMA and uh the four biddies, I mean, The View. How about Oberman on MSNBC?

There has never been a more vindictive administration in American history.
Source? Does this include the presidents that allowed racially oriented concentration camps?

Only a fool, or a patriot, dares stand in opposition to The Bushwacker in today's America. :blowup: I'd say that so far the fools are ahead on points. Starting with the cackling wenches.

Four examples that freedom of speech, opposition, and stupidity are alive an well in America.




Well, I'm with Jillian on this one. (Not that she needs it.) The REASON NBC rejected the ad, which they deem disrespectful to the so-called president, is because NBC is scared shitless that Bush and his minions will kick the shit out of them in retribution if they DO accept this ad and others like it. The media is so fucking frightened of being Karl Rove'd, they put their tail between their legs and run away at the slightest provocation. There has never been a more vindictive administration in American history. Only a fool, or a patriot, dares stand in opposition to The Bushwacker in today's America. :blowup:


If NBC got "scared shitless" it is because they saw how the Dixie Chicks' statements have alienated them from a LARGE segment of the American consumers. This is economics, dufus. NBC wants to protect its market share and its earnings, that is all.

Try pulling your head out of your arse and then stick it into a book on introductory business administration.

BTW, I'm not one to use the frellin' smilies, but just for you...
You mean like their album... which was very firmly esconsed in the number one spot despite the radical right?

The Number One spot for WHAT? Best album released by dessenting, politically retarded nimrods?

I don't care WHERE you get that number, it is suspect in my book. WHO exactly is buying it? Most country fans are conservative and refuse to buy it. So, what genre are they selling to, and if it isn't the country folk, then calling it a #1 country album is just more smoke and mirrors from you lefties.

And being a Bush-hating weenie determined to support the Dixie Chicks and show support for anyone who hates the President is not a musical genre.
Well, I'm with Jillian on this one. (Not that she needs it.) The REASON NBC rejected the ad, which they deem disrespectful to the so-called president, is because NBC is scared shitless that Bush and his minions will kick the shit out of them in retribution if they DO accept this ad and others like it. The media is so fucking frightened of being Karl Rove'd, they put their tail between their legs and run away at the slightest provocation. There has never been a more vindictive administration in American history. Only a fool, or a patriot, dares stand in opposition to The Bushwacker in today's America. :blowup:

Can't imagine why anyone would label YOU a liberal.:rolleyes:
Posted by MGB:
Well, I'm with Jillian on this one. (Not that she needs it.) The REASON NBC rejected the ad, which they deem disrespectful to the so-called president, is because NBC is scared shitless that Bush and his minions will kick the shit out of them in retribution if they DO accept this ad and others like it. The media is so fucking frightened of being Karl Rove'd, they put their tail between their legs and run away at the slightest provocation. There has never been a more vindictive administration in American history. Only a fool, or a patriot, dares stand in opposition to The Bushwacker in today's America.

"So called President", here's a little wake up call for you MG, GWB IS the President.

The AD IS disrespectful of the PRESIDENT.

NBC isn't scared shit-less of our government, maybe they've figured it out, the administration is right, and the broke dick liberal movement, that is stuck in reverse, is WRONG.

The only ones providing "provocation" is the chicks, and they are receiving just what they asked for.

I don't give a shit for NBC, but they sure have the right, and the DUTY to protect their stock holders.

Seems like the perfect ad to run at CBS, OR maybe Air America.:blowup:
I think people who say NBC is scared are absolutely right.

NBC is probably scared poop-less of running that ad.

But to say that they are scared of the President is laughable. NBC, CBS, and others have done nothing for the past years but run negative story after negative story about this President. They have latenight comedians who mock the President unmercifully, news reporters who pointedly refuse to report anything positive and yet you think the Dixie Chicks ad is going to set the President over the edge? Give me a friggin' break.

NBC is scared of the public reaction to yet another minute of our lives being taken up by the idiotic Dixie Chicks and their opinions about ANYTHING. NBC's decision-makers are intelligent enough to recognize that this nation is full of people (myself whole-heartedly included) who will fight to the death to maintain the right of the moronic Dixie Chicks to whine about whatever they want....yet will also scream bloody murder if they have to sit through listening to them do it.

NBC looked at the ad and said, "wow...even if we agreed with that...the amount of shit we would have to put up with from people saying that the last thing on earth they ever want to hear again as long as they live is Natalie Maines opinion on ANYTHING!!!" makes it illogical and most importantly, (and dont forget this) UNPROFITABLE to run this ad.

NBC made the choice that was best for their pocketbook. The only thing they were worried about was losing money when people who watch NBC decided that not hearing the Dixie Chicks was worth switching to CBS or ABC.

The imaginary threat of a big-bad Bush administration that has put up with being mocked, teased, insulted, and demeaned by all the major channels for six years but is somehow going to be pushed over the edge by a Dixie Chicks ad and is going to start chucking NBC employees into Gitmo is laughable...and more than a little bit pathetic.
I think people who say NBC is scared are absolutely right.

NBC is probably scared poop-less of running that ad.

But to say that they are scared of the President is laughable. NBC, CBS, and others have done nothing for the past years but run negative story after negative story about this President. They have latenight comedians who mock the President unmercifully, news reporters who pointedly refuse to report anything positive and yet you think the Dixie Chicks ad is going to set the President over the edge? Give me a friggin' break.

NBC is scared of the public reaction to yet another minute of our lives being taken up by the idiotic Dixie Chicks and their opinions about ANYTHING. NBC's decision-makers are intelligent enough to recognize that this nation is full of people (myself whole-heartedly included) who will fight to the death to maintain the right of the moronic Dixie Chicks to whine about whatever they want....yet will also scream bloody murder if they have to sit through listening to them do it.

NBC looked at the ad and said, "wow...even if we agreed with that...the amount of shit we would have to put up with from people saying that the last thing on earth they ever want to hear again as long as they live is Natalie Maines opinion on ANYTHING!!!" makes it illogical and most importantly, (and dont forget this) UNPROFITABLE to run this ad.

NBC made the choice that was best for their pocketbook. The only thing they were worried about was losing money when people who watch NBC decided that not hearing the Dixie Chicks was worth switching to CBS or ABC.

The imaginary threat of a big-bad Bush administration that has put up with being mocked, teased, insulted, and demeaned by all the major channels for six years but is somehow going to be pushed over the edge by a Dixie Chicks ad and is going to start chucking NBC employees into Gitmo is laughable...and more than a little bit pathetic.

I think people who say NBC is scared are absolutely right.

NBC is probably scared poop-less of running that ad.

But to say that they are scared of the President is laughable. NBC, CBS, and others have done nothing for the past years but run negative story after negative story about this President. They have latenight comedians who mock the President unmercifully, news reporters who pointedly refuse to report anything positive and yet you think the Dixie Chicks ad is going to set the President over the edge? Give me a friggin' break.

NBC is scared of the public reaction to yet another minute of our lives being taken up by the idiotic Dixie Chicks and their opinions about ANYTHING. NBC's decision-makers are intelligent enough to recognize that this nation is full of people (myself whole-heartedly included) who will fight to the death to maintain the right of the moronic Dixie Chicks to whine about whatever they want....yet will also scream bloody murder if they have to sit through listening to them do it.

NBC looked at the ad and said, "wow...even if we agreed with that...the amount of shit we would have to put up with from people saying that the last thing on earth they ever want to hear again as long as they live is Natalie Maines opinion on ANYTHING!!!" makes it illogical and most importantly, (and dont forget this) UNPROFITABLE to run this ad.

NBC made the choice that was best for their pocketbook. The only thing they were worried about was losing money when people who watch NBC decided that not hearing the Dixie Chicks was worth switching to CBS or ABC.

The imaginary threat of a big-bad Bush administration that has put up with being mocked, teased, insulted, and demeaned by all the major channels for six years but is somehow going to be pushed over the edge by a Dixie Chicks ad and is going to start chucking NBC employees into Gitmo is laughable...and more than a little bit pathetic.

The lefties just don't want to accept the fact that the Dixie Chicks' political stance; which, they embrace, doesn't sell.
The lefties just don't want to accept the fact that the Dixie Chicks' political stance; which, they embrace, doesn't sell.

only among the most extreme bushies... the rest of us either don't care or say "good on 'em!".

Psssssssssssssstttttttttttt.... number one CD... weeks, and weeks, and weeks, and.....
only among the most extreme bushies... the rest of us either don't care or say "good on 'em!".

Psssssssssssssstttttttttttt.... number one CD... weeks, and weeks, and weeks, and.....

If the Chicks would shut up and sing they could follow Greendays example with little troubles. But they are not that smart are they?

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