NBC: Democrats Impeachment Report Is a Joke


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
LOL!! NBC criticizes the impeachment articles?! The MSM is crumbling....
Is there anyone on the planet that couldn't predict that the dems would totally fuck up the impeachment thing?

Riddle me this: Who would you bet on making more points during the senate trial? The GOP or the democrats?
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When you lose NBC.............

Man, what a train wreck Schifferbrains is.
Fake News subject line that you made up.

But you're a Republican and honesty isn't important to you.
This is an opinion piece from a conservative on NBCs website.
That's okay I hear they plan on dumbing it down to the Trumpubicans level soon, with lot of pictures and stuff......
Democrats have made Impeachment a joke. From the beginning, it has simply been a tool to get back at Trump for winning in ‘16. Go ahead, take him out. While you are at it, include Abolishment of The Electoral College. Republicans and Conservatives have never been united... Liberals messing with the Constitution will unite Conservatives.
The impeachment report by House Democrats is too muddled to change any minds: Impeachment is a political act that relies on making a legal case. And the lawyering in this report is atrocious.

I’m still wondering how anyone can take seriously a report that accuses the man who sets foreign policy of subverting foreign policy and firing an ambassador who works at his pleasure.
Only to the stupid you Russian bot

Did someone say, “Russia”?

The demtrash say... "THE EVIDENCE IS INSURMOUNTABLE"... ok... evidence of WHAT? WHAT'S THE CRIME? Collusion? Nope. Bribery? No. Logan Act? Sorry, no again. Obstruction? Obstruction of WHAT?

Oh that's right... you haven't PROVEN JACK SQUAT! And yes, we know WHY you haven't proven jack squat, because THERE IS NO CRIME.

What a bunch of CORRUPT ASS CLOWNS.
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The demtrash say... "THE EVIDENCE IS INSURMOUNTABLE"... ok... evidence of WHAT? WHAT'S THE CRIME? Collusion? Nope. Bribery? No. Obstruction? No again. Logan Act? Pfft... :lol:

Oh that's right... you haven't PROVEN JACK SQUAT! And yes, we know WHY you haven't proven jack squat, because THERE IS NO CRIME.

What a bunch of CORRUPT ASS CLOWNS.

The Assclowns can’t even name a law that was broken.
The impeachment report by House Democrats is too muddled to change any minds: Impeachment is a political act that relies on making a legal case. And the lawyering in this report is atrocious.

I’m still wondering how anyone can take seriously a report that accuses the man who sets foreign policy of subverting foreign policy and firing an ambassador who works at his pleasure.
Only to the stupid you Russian bot
See a shrink.
The impeachment report by House Democrats is too muddled to change any minds: Impeachment is a political act that relies on making a legal case. And the lawyering in this report is atrocious.

I’m still wondering how anyone can take seriously a report that accuses the man who sets foreign policy of subverting foreign policy and firing an ambassador who works at his pleasure.
Only to the stupid you Russian bot
How’d Russia collusion go?
The impeachment report by House Democrats is too muddled to change any minds: Impeachment is a political act that relies on making a legal case. And the lawyering in this report is atrocious.

I’m still wondering how anyone can take seriously a report that accuses the man who sets foreign policy of subverting foreign policy and firing an ambassador who works at his pleasure.

The Power of Impeachment is cheapened by such political moves
as was the process about Bill Clinton.

"They" were talking impeachment since Hillary lost.
No usual honeymoon period for the Trump presidency.
The loyal opposition has become rabid.


Across an immense, unguarded, ethereal border, Canadians,
cool and unsympathetic,

regard our America with envious eyes and slowly and surely draw their plans against us.

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