NBC News Video of Police Officer SHOOTING Ashley Babbit on Jan. 6th

One cop could have taken her down and if more rioters started to come through, his partner could have fired a warning shot and as a last resort, fired at the rioters.

I have nothing against police using force on rioters, no matter what their political motives. But it is homocide go from standing and watching to shooting in the head. I didn't even hear a verbal warning. Force needs to be proportional.

I'm sure you would agree if these were ANTIFA or BLM rioters. But for "Trumptards," summary execution is fine.
The application of the use of force never relies on 20/20 hindsight.

There’s nothing about “proportional”, the standard is reasonable.

The officer involved did try verbal warnings.
It's absurd to you because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You idiotically paint an arrow to point out a cop as though he was standing there when Ashes was shot; when in reality, she was shot almost 30 seconds later and that cop had already left and was halfway down the stairs with 5 other cops.
Why the fuck did they leave if there was such a dangerous situation in front of them that it required a no-warning headshot to an unarmed woman?
And no, Ashes wasn't shot for breaking out a window. Again, you demonstrate you're utterly clueless about what happened. In reality (you should try it sometime), she didn't break out that window. The guy with the helmet did. She was shot for trying to climb through the window frame which would have landed her past that barricade had she not been shot.
Where they could have arrested her instead of murdering her.
But back to the other cops you pretend were still there...

38:07 - the 3 cops in question are seen standing in front of the doors leading into the Speaker's Lobby

38:26 - 4 heavily armed cops are seen walking up the stairs, approaching the violent mob

38:50 - the first 3 cops, no longer standing in front of the doors, are standing against the wall to the right

38:56 - those 3 cops are seen walking towards the stairs

38:58 - a voice is heard saying, "they're being evacuated for their own safety."

39:06 - those 3 cops are seen walking down the stairs

39:10 - Benedict Babbitt is shot.

Denying what the video shows is denying reality.
So, why did the Lieutenant not call those officers back if the situation was so dangerous, or just tell them to say put? Unlike your BLM/ANTIFA heroes, the Jan 6 rioters were not doing anything to harm those police officers and they did not try to stop them from leaving.

Why would Byrd think his or anyone else's life was in danger?

Answer: he did not think that. He did not think much of anything.

He is an incompetent asshole who once left his loaded gun in a bathroom accessible to children. Then he was promoted. He shot because he was and is a complete moron. That's what happens when you staff a police force though nepotism, affirmative action and the spoils system.

My guess is that he fired accidentally, but he still had no business pointing his pistol at her head with his finger on the trigger. If the Lt is that poorly-trained, the rest of the force must be like children playing cops and robbers.
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The application of the use of force never relies on 20/20 hindsight.

There’s nothing about “proportional”, the standard is reasonable.
How is it reasonable to shoot an unarmed person in the head for climbing through a broken window?
The officer involved did try verbal warnings.
What did Byrd say to Babbit before he shot her? I hear a voice, but I can't tell if it was Byrd, nor what the voice said.
I suggest you read things before you cite them, Dragonlady! That article doesn't state that the offer wasn't made...it simply states that the people that turned down the offer was not Pelosi but rather the Sgt. at Arms of the Capital who reports to Pelosi. The offer WAS made and the offer WAS refused!
The senior Sgt of arms reports to McConnell. There are two. But both leaders have committee members handle them.
How is it reasonable to shoot an unarmed person in the head for climbing through a broken window?

What did Byrd say to Babbit before he shot her? I hear a voice, but I can't tell if it was Byrd, nor what the voice said.
Why lie? Byrd shot her in the shoulder. He did not shoot her in the head.
One cop could have taken her down and if more rioters started to come through, his partner could have fired a warning shot and as a last resort, fired at the rioters.

I have nothing against police using force on rioters, no matter what their political motives. But it is homocide go from standing and watching to shooting in the head. I didn't even hear a verbal warning. Force needs to be proportional.

I'm sure you would agree if these were ANTIFA or BLM rioters. But for "Trumptards," summary execution is fine.


Yet more you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :eusa_doh:

It's illegal to fire a warning shot.

So the cop was right and you're wrong. Suck it up

Yet more you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. :eusa_doh:

It's illegal to fire a warning shot.

So the cop was right and you're wrong. Suck it up
No, you're wrong, buttercup. It isn't illegal to fire a warning shot. Even if it were, it is also illegal to shoot an unarmed woman in the head, but that didn't stop your hero from doing it.
Why the fuck did they leave if there was such a dangerous situation in front of them that it required a no-warning headshot to an unarmed woman?

Where they could have arrested her instead of murdering her.

So, why did the Lieutenant not call those officers back if the situation was so dangerous, or just tell them to say put? Unlike your BLM/ANTIFA heroes, the Jan 6 rioters were not doing anything to harm those police officers and they did not try to stop them from leaving.

Why would Byrd think his or anyone else's life was in danger?

Answer: he did not think that. He did not think much of anything.

He is an incompetent asshole who once left his loaded gun in a bathroom accessible to children. Then he was promoted. He shot because he was and is a complete moron. That's what happens when you staff a police force though nepotism, affirmative action and the spoils system.

My guess is that he fired accidentally, but he still had no business pointing his pistol at her head with his finger on the trigger. If the Lt is that poorly-trained, the rest of the force must be like children playing cops and robbers.

Your questions are worthless. You weren't there, dealing with that violent mob. The cops were and they dealt with it. And no, it was no more an accidental shot than it was those other cops were still there, as you falsely portrayed. You really should do your homework on subjects you decide to join. You know, so you don't look so stuoid.

Regardless, you've now been shown there was only one cop with a clear shot and he took it. He deserves the Medal of Freedom for keeping lawmakers safe from Trump's violent mob.
How is it reasonable to shoot an unarmed person in the head for climbing through a broken window?
Because you need to take into account the totality of the circumstances. Not just the details you want to focus on.
What did Byrd say to Babbit before he shot her? I hear a voice, but I can't tell if it was Byrd, nor what the voice said.
Multiple officers were yelling to stay back and stand back etc.
Because you need to take into account the totality of the circumstances. Not just the details you want to focus on.
OK, describe the totality of the circumstances that made it necessary for Byrd to shoot Babbit.
Multiple officers were yelling to stay back and stand back etc.
Those are orders, not warnings.

How about a simple, "If you come through, we'll shoot?" Maybe she would have come through anyway, in which case at least Byrd could say he shot as a last resort. As it stands, it was reckless homocide by a police Lieutenant.
Your questions are worthless. You weren't there, dealing with that violent mob. The cops were and they dealt with it. And no, it was no more an accidental shot than it was those other cops were still there, as you falsely portrayed. You really should do your homework on subjects you decide to join. You know, so you don't look so stuoid.

Regardless, you've now been shown there was only one cop with a clear shot and he took it. He deserves the Medal of Freedom for keeping lawmakers safe from Trump's violent mob.
What medal does he deserve for leaving his gun in the bathroom?

I'd suggest the "Fullfillment of the Goals of Affirmative Action Medal."
OK, describe the totality of the circumstances that made it necessary for Byrd to shoot Babbit
There’s nothing you don’t already know. Capitol overwhelmed. Officers beaten by rioters. Chants of threats to violence to lawmakers. Lawmakers sheltering in adjacent room. Rioters at the doors. Rioters breaking through the doors. Rioters agitated. Rioters not following commands. Rioters outnumbering police. Rioters coming through broken window.
Those are orders, not warnings.

How about a simple, "If you come through, we'll shoot?" Maybe she would have come through anyway, in which case at least Byrd could say he shot as a last resort. As it stands, it was reckless homocide by a police Lieutenant.
“As it stands” is your opinion. It’s not up to you.
If a street cop shot and killed an unarmed black woman he would be convicted and sent to prison.... but if you lick Pelosi's ass real good you get off scot free....
No, you're wrong, buttercup. It isn't illegal to fire a warning shot. Even if it were, it is also illegal to shoot an unarmed woman in the head, but that didn't stop your hero from doing it.

Why do you ramble on about thing you know nothing about?

Yes, it's illegal...

10 CFR § 1047.7 - Use of deadly force.

Warning shots shall not be fired

Not to mention, she was warned. That barricade served as a warning to stay the fuck out. If that wasn't enough, police warned her verbally to get back. Too bad she ignored the warnings. She got her consolation prize.

Strike one!

No, Ashes Targetpractice was NOT shot in the head. She was shot in the shoulder.

Strike two!!

Yes, it's legal for a cop to shoot someone in the head if there's a reasonable belief that is necessary to prevent an assailant from committing murder or great bodily harm to another.

Strike three!!!

Yer out!
What medal does he deserve for leaving his gun in the bathroom?

I'd suggest the "Fullfillment of the Goals of Affirmative Action Medal."

Has nothing to do with his actions on Sedition Day. You shouldn't be so desperate as to try and divert just because you're losing a debate over a matter you know so little about.
I didn’t make it up. I’m just better informed than you.

And more logical.


Yeah, I can tell from all the facts and figures you post to buttress your inane, fictitious assertions.

I would say never change, but at this point I know you couldn't if you wanted to.

Waaaaay too far down the Normie rabbit hole, the brain wash is complete.
They weren't all long departed. Some were not departed at all. They were still inside the House chamber; waiting to be evacuated. And there was an unbarricaded door into the House chamber, to Ashes right, about 6 feet away from where she was shot. If Byrd hadn't stopped that mob, they were threatening to storm the chamber.

You say, with absolutely zero evidence whatsoever.

I'm beginning to notice a trend here.
They were breaking into the speakers lobby. The lawmakers were sheltering inside the adjacent room.

It was an immediate threat.
They were breaking through a doorway that led to the hallway outside of the House Chamber...how is THAT an "immediate threat"? I'd also like to point out that by the time Byrd decided to assassinate Ashli Babbitt that House Chamber had already been cleared of almost all of the lawmakers and those that remained were being ushered out. So why did Byrd see an "immediate threat"? A threat to what exactly? An empty chamber?
Why do you ramble on about thing you know nothing about?

Yes, it's illegal...

Warning shots shall not be fired
I wonder who that applies to. Let's take a look at your link to find out:


Hmmm. A "protective force officer?" What's that? Oh, that's right, you claim that this applies to the Capitol Police so that's what a "protective force officer" is, right?

Just to make sure, let's click on that link, shall we?


DOE? Department of Energy?

So . . . nothing to do with the Capitol Police. Did you try to sneak that by, or are you really that dumb?

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