NBC: Wondering how far they will sink.

Williams is such an idiot....he's showing it off more and more every day.
What a great response: "You told me you weren't available." I laughed at that.
Yeah that was a good comeback for Mitt. He actually does have a great sense of humor, and despite his proper and reserved demeanor, it comes through if you're really paying attention.

Reminds me in a way of Bob Dole during his hey day in the Senate. He also came across much different on camera than how he really was. He came up with some great one liners and he was a very sharp, very quick on his feet, very funny man. But few people ever saw that side of him.

Anyhow, I'll give Williams a pass on this one. I think he saw the absurdity of it and he asked the question in a light hearted spirit and Mitt took it that way.

That is not to suggest that there isn't a HUGE double standard in how the MSM vetted Obama (or actually didn't vet Obama) and how they are vetting Mitt.

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