NBC/WSJ national poll: Trump is like a big boulder around the GOP's neck, Biden soars nationally

Where is the commentary on the implosion of your beloved Mrs. BJ?

If the American people elect Biden, it will merely prove once again how dumb they are.

And it'll be the last indicator I need that tells me it's time to get out...along with all the jobs leaving the country.

See ya!

It would be interesting to see how liberals fair when all the rich leave the country.
So how do you plan on paying for all those handouts with a min wage tax base?
It's like how they changed from Global Warming to Climate change and thought no one noticed.

First it's Hillary leads by 60% in her 2020 landslide election, now it's BIDEN!!

So, I would not discount the NBC/WSJ numbers as somehow "leftist". They are not.


nbc is a leftist outlet, msnbc is a far left whack house

So, you didn't actually see their performance in terms of end-polling from 2012, or did reality just drive past your door and forget to pick you up??
I wasn't talking about the poll.

nbc is a leftist outlet

No, it really isn't actually.
Yea, it actually is. Everyone knows it, even you, you just choose to lie about it.
It's like how they changed from Global Warming to Climate change and thought no one noticed.

First it's Hillary leads by 60% in her 2020 landslide election, now it's BIDEN!!


Have you been on Mars, Frankie? Climate Change is caused by Global Warming.

You might want to schedule an appointment with your Doc. and get your prescription revised. Obviously the meds are no longer working. Until you get the new meds, please find some comfort in consumption of vast amount of alcohol. The world will look much better to you!

Heck! You might even envision Mitt as President in one of your drunken stupors.
Good Lord...to think Goofy Joe or Mrs. BJ worthy of your vote, it crazy. Both are owned by the 1%, just like Big Ears.

As bad as the Rs are, they have not yet descended into the shit like the Ds have.

http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections/A_Politics/15398 NBCWSJ September Poll (2).pdf
Released 28.09.2015 - 1,001 Adults, MoE = +/-3.0

There is a HUGE amount of information within this poll, all worth noticing, including some major issues.

GOP nomination (pre-released on 27.09)

NBC/ WSJ poll, released 27.09.2015:
206 RLV, MoE = +/-6.5


Margin: Trump +1 (statistical tie) over Carson. Rubio is now in double digits. Bush is in 5th place. Cruz is in 7th.

DEM nomination:

NBC/WSJ, released 28.09.2015:
1,000 Adults, MoE = +/-3.1
of them, 256 DLV, MoE = +/-6.1


Margin: Clinton +7 (with Biden in the mix), +15 (without Biden in the mix)

Presidential matchups (D vs. R):

NBC/WSJ, released 28.09.2015:
1,000 Adults, MoE = +/-3.1
Values in parentheses = the results of the last NBC/WSJ matchup, from 06/15, where possible

Clinton 45 / Carson 46, margin = Carson +1
Clinton 44 / Fiorina 45, margin = Fiorina +1
Clinton 45 (48) / Bush 44 (40), margin = Clinton +1 (+8)
Clinton 48 / Trump 38 , margin = Clinton +10

Biden 48 (40) / Bush 40 (48), margin = Biden +8 (Bush +8)
Biden 47 / Carson 41 , margin = Biden +6
Biden 49 / Carson 41 , margin = Biden +8
Biden 56 / Trump 35 , margin = Biden +21

Sanders 52 / Trump 36 , margin = Sanders +16

FAV / UNFAV ratings:

(Positive/Negative view is how NBC words it, the same as FAV/UNFAV)

Biden FAV 40 / UNFAV 28, +12
Sanders FAV 32 / UNFAV 21, +11
Democratic Party FAV 41 / UNFAV 35, +6

Carson FAV 29 / UNFAV 21, +8
Fiorina FAV 27 / UNFAV 20, +7

Clinton FAV 39 / UNFAV 47, -8
Bush FAV 24 / UNFAV 39, -15
Republican Party FAV 29 / UNFAV 45, -16
Trump FAV 25 / UNFAV 58, -33

As of p. 20 at the link (.pdf), there are a number of hot-button issues that were polled, and they could worth a look, for instance, the possible defunding of planned parenthood or immigration reform/14th amendment:

View attachment 51048

There are more such issues to look at in the poll.

Take aways from this poll:

1.) Dr. Ben Carson's (R-MI) stock has risen greatly among Republican voters. He also has the best FAV/UNFAV values for a Republican in this poll.

2.) Vice President Biden is soaring. Seeing Democrat with a +21 winning margin over a Republican is something we have not been used to. Clinton's numbers are still suffering and her FAV/UNFAV is not good, and yet, she also handily beats Trump by +10 and is locked in statistical ties with the other three.

3.) Trump is losing ground - both at the GOP nomination level and nationally. He also has the highest negative FAV/UNFAV value of the candidates and is the only candidate whose UNFAV shoots over the 50 mark. Trump is doing so badly that even Sanders, a self-identified Democratic-Socialist, beats Donald Trump by +16 and is over the 50 mark. That says something. In fact, David Wissing, who heads up a very Right-Wing oriented polling blog, says essentially the same thing:

Trump Would Be A Disaster For GOP « The Hedgehog Report

Now, as I almost always write, this is just one poll, but NBC and WSJ, which uses HART RESEARCH ASSOCIATES/PUBLIC OPINION STRATEGIES as their double-pollster, have a pretty darned good track record and in fact, their mathematical bias from the 2012 elections is two points to the RIGHT, not to the left:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2015 and beyond: The moment of truth: how did the pollsters do?

Here a screenshot from that report, from February 4th, 2013:

View attachment 51049

So, I would not discount the NBC/WSJ numbers as somehow "leftist". They are not.


The most interesting thing I saw in that poll was Kasich moving up to 6% support from 3%. While 6% is not much, if he doubles his support one more time, he will definitely become part of the discussion.
Where is the commentary on the implosion of your beloved Mrs. BJ?

If the American people elect Biden, it will merely prove once again how dumb they are.

And it'll be the last indicator I need that tells me it's time to get out...along with all the jobs leaving the country.

See ya!

It would be interesting to see how liberals fair when all the rich leave the country.
So how do you plan on paying for all those handouts with a min wage tax base?

We will fare well, thanks, without all those trailer trash RWNJ freeloaders!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Where is the commentary on the implosion of your beloved Mrs. BJ?

If the American people elect Biden, it will merely prove once again how dumb they are.

And it'll be the last indicator I need that tells me it's time to get out...along with all the jobs leaving the country.

See ya!

It would be interesting to see how liberals fair when all the rich leave the country.
So how do you plan on paying for all those handouts with a min wage tax base?

We will fare well, thanks, without all those trailer trash RWNJ freeloaders!

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Oh really?
Than I guess I can count on you to stop crying about all the jobs leaving the country due to liberal policies.
Because it's the exact same thing.
what bums me is Fiorina is stuck at 11. And she is getting loads of unfavorable. That is news.

Rubio climbed up to 11. That is good.

Carson is doing well. Also good.

Trump is slowly deflating. That is very good.
what bums me is Fiorina is stuck at 11. And she is getting loads of unfavorable. That is news.

Rubio climbed up to 11. That is good.

Carson is doing well. Also good.

Trump is slowly deflating. That is very good.

Trump may still end up being your nominee.


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