Neanderthal type as a factor of slavery system in Europe.


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
Big lungs of neanderthal determine oxidative type of musculs - slow musculs. Ancient warior was fast anaerobic type, as olympic athletes.. Neanderthals could not able to resist to slaveowners, they were forced to subordinate and collaborate, then they were just used by slaveowners as labor and war force in mass.
Big lungs of neanderthal determine oxidative type of musculs - slow musculs. Ancient warior was fast anaerobic type, as olympic athletes.. Neanderthals could not able to resist to slaveowners, they were forced to subordinate and collaborate, then they were just used by slaveowners as labor and war force in mass.
I doubt that tribes of humans could support neanderthal slaves. Without more advanced technology, hunting and gathering was not an easy task, particularly before the bow and arrow was invented. Feeding slaves would not be high on their list of priorities.

Neanderthal slaves would not live very long in the tribes of early man.
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Big lungs of neanderthal determine oxidative type of musculs - slow musculs. Ancient warior was fast anaerobic type, as olympic athletes.. Neanderthals could not able to resist to slaveowners, they were forced to subordinate and collaborate, then they were just used by slaveowners as labor and war force in mass.

Neanderthals became extinct 40,000 years ago. Humans were still in the 'Hunter/Gatherer' stage. They did not have slaves.
Big lungs of neanderthal determine oxidative type of musculs - slow musculs. Ancient warior was fast anaerobic type, as olympic athletes.. Neanderthals could not able to resist to slaveowners, they were forced to subordinate and collaborate, then they were just used by slaveowners as labor and war force in mass.

What a nonsense. Which labor? Which war? From which US-American slave holder industry do you speak now?
Neanderthals became extinct 40,000 years ago.

More correct: We are also descendants from Neanderthals. Meanwhile I heard together about 70% of the Neanderthal genes still exist in the Euro-Asian population. Btw: The first time when I on my own said it could be some people have some Neanderthal genes I was called from everyone an idiot. "Everyone" is the wrong word now. From "believers in science" is was called an idiot - what they still today do - on other reasons. Science and belief in science are very different things.
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Neanderthals became extinct 40,000 years ago. Humans were still in the 'Hunter/Gatherer' stage. They did not have slaves.
Information about a much younger time of history what shows another modell than always only a violent way:

After the last big ice time ended about 11.500 years ago the hunters and gatherers came back from the southern parts of Europe to Middle Europe and North Europe. Nearly the same time left early farmers (agriculturists) their birth territories and came slowly over Anatolia (8200 BC) along the Mediterranian sea and along the Danube region to Middle Europe. About 7500 years ago they arrived in Middle Europe. From 5500 BC - 3000 BC (7500-5000 years ago) hunters and gatherers and farmers lived parallel.The so called neolithization was a long and complex process.

Short German text from the source: Klaus Bachmann, Die Eroberung Europas, in GEO Ausgabe 04 2023.

... Für Orschied stellt sich die Neolithisierung, der Einzug der Landwirtschaft, daher komplexer dar als klassisch gedacht. Es war kein Durchmarsch, bei dem die Bauern das Territorrium alteingesessener Wildbeuter einnahmen, die Männer aus dem Weg räumten, deren Frauen nahmen und dem nomadisierendem Lebensstil ein Ende setzten. "Der ganze Prozess dauerte viel länger, als wir uns das vorgestellt haben", sagt der Prähistoriker. Von 5500 bis mindestens 3000 BC koexistierten die Lebensweiseen viele Generationen lang. Wo fruchtbare Regionen und wildreiche Gebiete aufeinander trafen, etwa am Rand der Mittelgebirge, begegneten sich die Menschen. Sie tauschten Kulturelles und Nahrhaftes, etwa eine Hirschkeule gegen eine Schale Getreide. Paare fanden sich. Orschiedt kann sich auch gut vorstellen, dass der eine. die andeindividuell entschied. Ich habe keine Lust auf Feldarbeit, ich gehe lieber sammeln, jagen, fischen. Und sich den Wildbeutern anschloß. Oder umgekehrt. Im Licht der aktuellen Erkenntnisse wird das klassische Verhältnis obsolet, dass eine Kultur ein Territorium flächendeckend dominiert und alle anderen Lebensweisen verdrämgt. Koexistenz ist ein Option.
Langfristig setzte sich das Bauerntum doch durch. Eines aber ist von den Wildbeutern geblieben: Viele Europäer tragen heute noch eine Portion ihrer Genen in den Zellen. ...


... For Orschied, Neolithisation, the arrival of agriculture, is therefore more complex than traditionally thought. It was not a march through, in which the farmers took over the territories of the old-established gamekeepers, cleared the men out of the way, took their wives and put an end to the nomadic lifestyle. "The whole process took much longer than we had imagined," says the prehistorian. From 5500 to at least 3000 BC, the lifestyles coexisted for many generations. Where fertile regions and areas rich in game met, for example on the edge of the low mountain ranges, people came together. They exchanged cultural and food items, such as a leg of venison for a bowl of grain. Couples found each other. Orschiedt can also well imagine that one or the other decided individually. I don't fancy working in the fields, I'd rather go collecting, hunting or fishing. And joined the game hunters. Or vice versa. In the light of current findings, the classic relationship that one culture dominates a territory and suppresses all other ways of life is becoming obsolete. Coexistence is an option.
In the long term, farming did prevail. However, one thing has remained of the savage hunters: Many Europeans still carry a portion of their genes in their cells. ...
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Information about a much younger time of history what shows another modell than always only a violent way:

After the last big ice time ended about 11.500 years ago the hunters and gatherers came back from the southern parts of Europe to Middle Europe and North Europe. Nearly the same time left early farmers (agriculturists) their birth territories and came slowly over Anatolia (8200 BC) along the Mediterranian sea and along the Danube region to Middle Europe. About 7500 years ago they arrived in Middle Europe. From 5500 BC - 3000 BC (7500-5000 years ago) hunters and gatherers and farmers lived parallel.The so called neolithization was a long and complex process.

Short German text from the source: Klaus Bachmann, Die Eroberung Europas, in GEO Ausgabe 04 2023.

... Für Orschied stellt sich die Neolithisierung, der Einzug der Landwirtschaft, daher komplexer dar als klassisch gedacht. Es war kein Durchmarsch, bei dem die Bauern das Territorrium alteingesessener Wildbeuter einnahmen, die Männer aus dem Weg räumten, deren Frauen nahmen und dem nomadisierendem Lebensstil ein Ende setzten. "Der ganze Prozess dauerte viel länger, als wir uns das vorgestellt haben", sagt der Prähistoriker. Von 5500 bis mindestens 3000 BC koexistierten die Lebensweiseen viele Generationen lang. Wo fruchtbare Regionen und wildreiche Gebiete aufeinander trafen, etwa am Rand der Mittelgebirge, begegneten sich die Menschen. Sie tauschten Kulturelles und Nahrhaftes, etwa eine Hirschkeule gegen eine Schale Getreide. Paare fanden sich. Orschiedt kann sich auch gut vorstellen, dass der eine. die andeindividuell entschied. Ich habe keine Lust auf Feldarbeit, ich gehe lieber sammeln, jagen, fischen. Und sich den Wildbeutern anschloß. Oder umgekehrt. Im Licht der aktuellen Erkenntnisse wird das klassische Verhältnis obsolet, dass eine Kultur ein Territorium flächendeckend dominiert und alle anderen Lebensweisen verdrämgt. Koexistenz ist ein Option.
Langfristig setzte sich das Bauerntum doch durch. Eines aber ist von den Wildbeutern geblieben: Viele Europäer tragen heute noch eine Portion ihrer Genen in den Zellen. ...


... For Orschied, Neolithisation, the arrival of agriculture, is therefore more complex than traditionally thought. It was not a march through, in which the farmers took over the territories of the old-established gamekeepers, cleared the men out of the way, took their wives and put an end to the nomadic lifestyle. "The whole process took much longer than we had imagined," says the prehistorian. From 5500 to at least 3000 BC, the lifestyles coexisted for many generations. Where fertile regions and areas rich in game met, for example on the edge of the low mountain ranges, people came together. They exchanged cultural and food items, such as a leg of venison for a bowl of grain. Couples found each other. Orschiedt can also well imagine that one or the other decided individually. I don't fancy working in the fields, I'd rather go collecting, hunting or fishing. And joined the game hunters. Or vice versa. In the light of current findings, the classic relationship that one culture dominates a territory and suppresses all other ways of life is becoming obsolete. Coexistence is an option.
In the long term, farming did prevail. However, one thing has remained of the savage hunters: Many Europeans still carry a portion of their genes in their cells. ...
This is a lie. Low race of europeans lived there before indo-aryans came 1500 BC. Europeans was desendants of neanderthals. Then they hide in forests and swamps, part in balkan mountains. Later they have form plebeian peoples in Rome.
Neanderthals became extinct 40,000 years ago. Humans were still in the 'Hunter/Gatherer' stage. They did not have slaves..
We think. We don't know for sure

Siberian peoples of Beringia to move southward into modern Canada and settle the rest of the Americas some 16,500 years ago.

The implications of this natural experiment are dizzying when we consider it together with discoveries made on the island of Crete in 2009. The stone tools found there were dated to be at least 130,000 years old.

This means we have no reason to assume complex societies can only be found after the last ice age. Rather, they may have been with us for a very long time—perhaps from our very beginning.

Comparing us to Neanderthals, with their larger teeth and brains, and more robust skeletons, it is hard to escape the conclusion that we are the domesticated rather than the wild variant of mankind. Recent genetic studies lend further evidence to this conclusion.

Recent digs in the forest steppes of Russia have found a large circular structure built over 25,000 years ago
This is a lie. Low race of europeans lived there before indo-aryans came 1500 BC. Europeans was desendants of neanderthals. Then they hide in forests and swamps, part in balkan mountains. Later they have form plebeian peoples in Rome.

Your "pictures" of history which you told me up to now are for sure nice for everyone else in your psychiatric clinic Russia.
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If there's even a bit of truth to this where can I apply for my Neanderthal Reparations?
If there's even a bit of truth to this where can I apply for my Neanderthal Reparations?

I guess "no". To understand how the people thought and why they acted in which ways decades of thousands of years ago is nearly impossible. I was for example very astonished when I spoke once with someone from Azerbaijan and I used the argument "Did you think about what this means for the children?" He was perplexed what made me perplex. For me is essential the directive "children and women first" - but for him was such a directive not existing. Later I read in a book about Afghanistan that the directive of some people their had been "First the fighters and the future fighters then the bearers of the future fighters and the future bearers of the future fighters" = (1) men, (2) boys, (3) women and (4) girls. I know that I do not like to live in such a world although I am a privilged man in such a world. But why it is so I do not know. So how to know what to do 40,000 and more years ago in contact with another human species?

The US-American history is by the way also for the western world atypical. Your form of slavery did not exist in Europe - also not in England. And currently your weapon fetishism and fascination in all forms of violence is also atypical; while you try to educate the whole world to be "American" - in the only possible way how human beings are able to live. If you remember: In ancient Greece every polis (=city, district, state) had another form of governmental system.
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These are strict facts only
You spoke to me a very long time about many "themes" - what are only the same theme for you independent how many thousand years are between this moments - better to say 'fantasy moments' - of history. Everything what you spoke to me was nothing else than bullshit. So why do you like to continue with this nonsense?
Non-european Halshtad and la Tene cultures

In an European map non European cultures? Halshtad is by the way written "Hallstatt" - if you take a look at your own card you can see this on your own. "Hallstatt" is in Austria. And "La Tène" is in Switzerland (Helvetia). Well known are this cultures under the name "Celts". The Celts had for example been ancestors of the Germanics.
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You spoke to me a very long time about many "themes" - what are only the same theme for you independent how many thousand years are between this moments - better to say 'fantasy moments' - of history. Everything what you spoke to me was nothing else than bullshit. So why do you like to continue with this nonsense?
Fantasy is official german history. Germans always believed in lies. Not so far they believe in god create earth in 7 days, before spring of nation liberated them from slavery in 1861
In an European map non European cultures? Halshtad is by the way written "Hallstatt" - if you take a look at your own card you can see this on your own. "Hallstatt" is in Austria. And "La Tène" is in Switzerland. Well known are this cultures under the name "Celts". The Celts had for example been ancestors of the Germanics.
This are celtic cultures. Celts are from Asia

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