Needles & Population Control


Sep 23, 2010
The article about testing an anthrax vaccine on children does not say whose children will be used:

A presidential ethics panel has opened the door to testing an anthrax vaccine on children as young as infants, bringing an angry response from critics who say the children would be guinea pigs in a study that would never help them and might harm them.

The report, however, released on Tuesday by the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, said researchers would have to overcome numerous hurdles before launching an anthrax-vaccine trial in children. It now goes to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, who will decide whether to take the steps the commission recommended.

Hussein’s top baby butcher, Kathleen Sebelius, making the decision is a foregone conclusion. As a safety valve I suggest only the children and grandchildren of top Democrats and people like Bill Gates be used. See why I singled out Bill Gates in #5 permalink in this thread:

The anthrax article does not say if parents will eventually be forced to “volunteer” their children. Nevertheless, Baby Butcher Sebelius will declare the vaccine beneficial irrespective of test results. The media will swear it is for the children. After all, everything else the scum in the Democrat party does is for the children. Saving the children one more time opens the door to forced vaccinations for everybody.

Parenthetically, in light of the Tuskegee Experiment black Americans, who always vote for the Democrats, should be wary of all vaccination programs coming from government bureaucrats.

Bottom line: Forced vaccinations are a godsend to eugenicists because needles are the perfect weapon for implementing population controls. The elderly and the infirm can be killed by vaccination without too much of a fuss, while the poor people and those groups deemed undesirable can be sterilized so they die off slowly without reproducing. In that way no one will notice the government is engaging in mass murder far worse than anything mankind has seen to date.

Testing anthrax on children reminded me that the Clinton Administration forced military personnel to submit to anthrax vaccinations:

Several months earlier, the FDA had ordered that a warning be included on the vaccine's package insert stating that the vaccine can harm people with immunity disorders, can cause a host of serious long-term adverse reactions, and could already be responsible for six deaths and a number of birth defects. These warnings were based on complaints by military vaccine users since 1998 and show an injury rate that far exceeds casualty rates in combat.

The FDA warning also states that adverse reactions are expected in 5 percent to 35 percent of people who get the injection. That is an absolutely shocking danger difference from the advertised 0.2 percent rate when Clinton ordered everyone in the military to be given the vaccine.

Clinton saw in the anthrax vaccine a way to stick it to the military he "loathed," literally, while handing a pot of gold to an important political ally. It was win-win for the Clintonistas, but lose-lose for our finest servicemen and women.

Both articles cite the profit motive:

The one anthrax vaccine approved in the United States, called BioThrax, is made by Emergent BioSolutions Inc of Rockville, Maryland. The company reported $215.9 million in sales of BioThrax, its only licensed product, in 2012.

And this from Phyllis Schlafly in 2002:

About a year after BioPort contractually obligated itself to supply the anthrax for $25.7 million, the Clinton administration nearly doubled its promised payments to $49.8 million, even though the FDA repeatedly cited BioPort for quality deficiencies and BioPort failed federal inspections again and again. BioPort was even indemnified against all liability from adverse reactions to the vaccine, which Army Secretary Louis Caldera admitted was "unusually hazardous" for certain recipients.

In both cases lawsuits were prohibited:

Under a 2005 law, children in an anthrax-vaccine study would be prohibited from seeking damages through the legal system. The presidential commission, said Gutmann, "strongly recommended that a plan be in place to compensate any children" who are harmed.

A plan to compensate children is doublespeak to avoid actual lawsuits where damages would run into millions for each child harmed.

Military personnel got nothing:

BioPort was even indemnified against all liability from adverse reactions to the vaccine, which Army Secretary Louis Caldera admitted was "unusually hazardous" for certain recipients.

Finally, vaccinations are nothing more than preventative medicine. Preventative medicine is the mother lode for big pharmaceutical companies. If you doubt me take a quick look at all of the drugs advertised on television promising to prevent everything except death.

In the hands of the government and drug companies Ben Franklin’s idiom “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” became the most profitable slogan ever devised. You can be sure old Ben did not have today’s government butchers and forced vaccinations in mind when he uttered his famous words. As it turned out the success of the polio vaccine linked Ben’s idiom to medicine for all time.

Incidentally, with socialism’s culture of death in charge of medicine, I doubt if any disease will ever be cured again. The polio cure taught Socialists that the big money is in treatment not cure. Cure is too costly because it reduces socialized medicine’s customer base.

Notice that anthrax can be used as a weapon that can kill government big shots. That’s the only reason they are working on a cure in the form of vaccinations. I’d go so far as to say they are looking for an antidote for themselves.

I hope everybody reads both articles I quoted. If you only read one —— make it Schlafly’s. Her piece details transpired events and provable consequences originating in the Clinton Administration, while the consequences of using children to test anthrax are still unknown.

Test of anthrax vaccine in children gets tentative OK
By Sharon Begley
NEW YORK | Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:01am EDT

Test of anthrax vaccine in children gets tentative OK | Reuters


Phyllis Schlafly
November 6, 2002
Clinton scandals continue to surface

Clinton Scandals Continue To Surface -- Phyllis Schlafly Nov. 6, 2002 column.
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"Preventative medicine is the mother lode for big pharmaceutical companies."

Say whatever you wish, but my husband has always wished the Salk vaccines had been out a year earlier. He got polio when he was just a kid. He went to a public pool on a warm summer day to cool off. The next day, he was sick. A week later, he was still in the hospital. To this day he hates the smell of wet wool. They used hot wool compresses on the afflicted areas of his arm and hand that were partially paralyzed. He signed up for Viet Nam in the 60s, but they wouldn't take him because of his hand. They said he would be unable to fire a weapon fast enough. He went to college instead, always disappointed because he couldn't serve his country like his dad did before him.

Not every disease has a nice ending. Big pharma is not a dirty word in my home.
"Preventative medicine is the mother lode for big pharmaceutical companies."

Say whatever you wish, but my husband has always wished the Salk vaccines had been out a year earlier. He got polio when he was just a kid. He went to a public pool on a warm summer day to cool off. The next day, he was sick. A week later, he was still in the hospital. To this day he hates the smell of wet wool. They used hot wool compresses on the afflicted areas of his arm and hand that were partially paralyzed. He signed up for Viet Nam in the 60s, but they wouldn't take him because of his hand. They said he would be unable to fire a weapon fast enough. He went to college instead, always disappointed because he couldn't serve his country like his dad did before him.

Not every disease has a nice ending. Big pharma is not a dirty word in my home.

To freedombecki: The entire field of research is not the same today as it was when Salk and Sabin were trying to defeat polio. Today, Big Pharma sells you the promise of a healthy heart in television commercials, then they sell you medicine to prevent kidney damage caused by the heart medicine. That’s today’s preventative medicine.


Statins could dramatically increase kidney damage risk new research finds​

A WONDERDRUG taken daily by millions of Britons to control cholesterol could dramatically increase the risk of - kidney damage, researchers warn.

High doses of statins, prescribed to - prevent heart disease and stroke, are linked to higher rates of acute kidney injury, they say.

The risk is highest in the first 120 days of treatment and stays raised for at least two years after patients start taking the pills. Leading doctors are now warning that the drugs should only be prescribed at a low dose where possible.

Statins in new health alert: Daily pill can cause kidney damage
By: Jo Willey
Published: Wed, March 20, 2013

Statins in new health alert: Daily pill can cause kidney damage | Health | News | Daily Express
"Preventative medicine is the mother lode for big pharmaceutical companies."

Say whatever you wish, but my husband has always wished the Salk vaccines had been out a year earlier. He got polio when he was just a kid. He went to a public pool on a warm summer day to cool off. The next day, he was sick. A week later, he was still in the hospital. To this day he hates the smell of wet wool. They used hot wool compresses on the afflicted areas of his arm and hand that were partially paralyzed. He signed up for Viet Nam in the 60s, but they wouldn't take him because of his hand. They said he would be unable to fire a weapon fast enough. He went to college instead, always disappointed because he couldn't serve his country like his dad did before him.

Not every disease has a nice ending. Big pharma is not a dirty word in my home.

To freedombecki: The entire field of research is not the same today as it was when Salk and Sabin were trying to defeat polio. Today, Big Pharma sells you the promise of a healthy heart in television commercials, then they sell you medicine to prevent kidney damage caused by the heart medicine. That’s today’s preventative medicine.


Statins could dramatically increase kidney damage risk new research finds​

A WONDERDRUG taken daily by millions of Britons to control cholesterol could dramatically increase the risk of - kidney damage, researchers warn.

High doses of statins, prescribed to - prevent heart disease and stroke, are linked to higher rates of acute kidney injury, they say.

The risk is highest in the first 120 days of treatment and stays raised for at least two years after patients start taking the pills. Leading doctors are now warning that the drugs should only be prescribed at a low dose where possible.

Statins in new health alert: Daily pill can cause kidney damage
By: Jo Willey
Published: Wed, March 20, 2013

Statins in new health alert: Daily pill can cause kidney damage | Health | News | Daily Express
Well, I can appreciate some of that. My sweetie is now suffering dementia and forgot to pay our health insurance, so now we're paying for our own medicines because the last 4 trips at CVS resulted in sitting for 7 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours, and 1.5 hours, respectively. We don't go there any more.
Americans have to get permission from the government in order to sue the government.

I never thought I would drum up business for trial lawyers, but if conservative members of Congress truly want to protect the American people from Socialist/Communist butchery they must open up the courts to lawsuits in every area of “healthcare” the government is involved in. Right now, many private sector companies can’t be sued because the government is a giant HMO. Here’s an example:

After declaring a popular vaccine to prevent a sexually transmitted disease safe for girls and boys as young as 11, the federal government has now paid almost $6 million to victims of the shot – including at least two who died after receiving it.


The documents show that HHS’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP, has awarded $5,877,710 to 49 victims in claims made against the HPV vaccines. That includes payments for two claims of death caused by the vaccine.


The amount awarded to the 49 claims compensated totaled $5,877,710.87. This amounts to approximately $120,000 per claim.

VICP compensates those harmed by certain vaccines. The HHS website describes the program as a “no-fault alternative to the traditional tort system,” covering 16 types of vaccines, including HPV.

Clearly, the awards in individual lawsuits would have been in the tens of millions in each case. Why is that a good thing?

Answer: As I’ve said many times, lawyers are not much good for anything, but they are the only thing standing between the public and the butchers. Now, more than ever, lawyers must have the Right to bring lawsuits against the government in healthcare cases just as they were suing private sector entities before government butchers surrounded the butchers with a wall of protection. Check this statistic:

A few years ago, children received just a handful for vaccinations for such diseases as polio, smallpox and tetanus.

Now, the average baby gets 24 shots in 24 months.

Those vaccinations are for diphtheria and tetanus, whooping cough and measles, chickenpox and bugs that cause meningitis, pneumonia and diarrhea, and some are given a number of times.

And now, a vaccine against anthrax may be added to the mix.

I don’t know how many of those vaccinations are forced on children. Nevertheless, medical industry CEOs and executives are indifferent to the pain they cause. They do what they do for money —— especially Big Pharma. They even have justification down pat: A few suffer but millions are helped is the way it goes. When all is said and done, fear of astronomical settlements is the only thing that will keep them in line. So long as they can’t be sued the profit motive will drive up the acceptable number of sufferers.

Finally, Republicans calling for tort reform must mean MORE tort reform because Democrats all but eliminated lawsuits in the area of vaccinations. Socialized medicine will eventually prevent lawsuits throughout the healthcare industry. That will be the ultimate tort reform for both political parties.

Please read this article if you are interested in learning a little bit about the government and vaccinations:

Feds pay millions due to deadly HPV shot
Thousands of adverse reactions include seizures, paralysis, blindness, memory loss
Published: 9 hours ago

Feds pay millions due to deadly HPV shot
A few hours ago heard a guy on TV talking about a new strain of SARS. He reminded me of the swine flu scare tactic a few years ago. To me, it looked like another drug industry infomercial presented as a news story. The guy was even wearing a white lab coat for effect. I would have been less suspicious had he been wearing bathing trunks while sipping a piña colada pool side on a tropical island.

Remember when NY State healthcare workers were required to take the H1N1 vaccination or lose their jobs. That was the first step towards everybody being forced to take a swine flu vaccination.

Before going further, let me make one thing clear. Anybody that wants a vaccination is free to get one. It’s the government forcing everyone to be vaccinated that Americans must guard against:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is essential.” - From “The Nuremberg Code” Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals

Forcing people to be vaccinated did not end with NY state employees. Hussein’s ambassador to the UN, Susan “Benghazi” Rice, trotted out the pandemic scare tactic in September 2009:

The pandemic scare tactic was a prelude to worldwide forced vaccinations ordered by a United Nations agency (Think about the money involved!):

According to a Reuters report filed in Geneva last month, The U.N.‘s WHO (World Health Organization) says that the vaccines “being developed” “look” to be safe.

So, they are “being developed”—and “seem” to be safe. Great—reassures me no end.

Keep in mind that there was only one reputed death from the swine flu “outbreak” in 1976, whereas there were over two dozen deaths directly attributable to the swine flu vaccine. God knows how many people suffered non-lethal after-effects of the 1976 vaccine.

Happily, the whole pandemic thing fell apart at the time. Unhappily, nothing bad from the UN ever goes away.

Jim O’Neill’s great piece from 2009 is a perfect addition to this thread’s topic:

No Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations!
By Jim O’Neill
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

No Mandatory Swine Flu Vaccinations!
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The article about testing an anthrax vaccine on children does not say whose children will be used:

A presidential ethics panel has opened the door to testing an anthrax vaccine on children as young as infants, bringing an angry response from critics who say the children would be guinea pigs in a study that would never help them and might harm them.

The report, however, released on Tuesday by the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, said researchers would have to overcome numerous hurdles before launching an anthrax-vaccine trial in children. It now goes to Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius, who will decide whether to take the steps the commission recommended.

Hussein’s top baby butcher, Kathleen Sebelius, making the decision is a foregone conclusion. As a safety valve I suggest only the children and grandchildren of top Democrats and people like Bill Gates be used. See why I singled out Bill Gates in #5 permalink in this thread:

The anthrax article does not say if parents will eventually be forced to “volunteer” their children. Nevertheless, Baby Butcher Sebelius will declare the vaccine beneficial irrespective of test results. The media will swear it is for the children. After all, everything else the scum in the Democrat party does is for the children. Saving the children one more time opens the door to forced vaccinations for everybody.

Parenthetically, in light of the Tuskegee Experiment black Americans, who always vote for the Democrats, should be wary of all vaccination programs coming from government bureaucrats.

Bottom line: Forced vaccinations are a godsend to eugenicists because needles are the perfect weapon for implementing population controls. The elderly and the infirm can be killed by vaccination without too much of a fuss, while the poor people and those groups deemed undesirable can be sterilized so they die off slowly without reproducing. In that way no one will notice the government is engaging in mass murder far worse than anything mankind has seen to date.

Testing anthrax on children reminded me that the Clinton Administration forced military personnel to submit to anthrax vaccinations:

Both articles cite the profit motive:

And this from Phyllis Schlafly in 2002:

In both cases lawsuits were prohibited:

A plan to compensate children is doublespeak to avoid actual lawsuits where damages would run into millions for each child harmed.

Military personnel got nothing:

BioPort was even indemnified against all liability from adverse reactions to the vaccine, which Army Secretary Louis Caldera admitted was "unusually hazardous" for certain recipients.

Finally, vaccinations are nothing more than preventative medicine. Preventative medicine is the mother lode for big pharmaceutical companies. If you doubt me take a quick look at all of the drugs advertised on television promising to prevent everything except death.

In the hands of the government and drug companies Ben Franklin’s idiom “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” became the most profitable slogan ever devised. You can be sure old Ben did not have today’s government butchers and forced vaccinations in mind when he uttered his famous words. As it turned out the success of the polio vaccine linked Ben’s idiom to medicine for all time.

Incidentally, with socialism’s culture of death in charge of medicine, I doubt if any disease will ever be cured again. The polio cure taught Socialists that the big money is in treatment not cure. Cure is too costly because it reduces socialized medicine’s customer base.

Notice that anthrax can be used as a weapon that can kill government big shots. That’s the only reason they are working on a cure in the form of vaccinations. I’d go so far as to say they are looking for an antidote for themselves.

I hope everybody reads both articles I quoted. If you only read one —— make it Schlafly’s. Her piece details transpired events and provable consequences originating in the Clinton Administration, while the consequences of using children to test anthrax are still unknown.

Test of anthrax vaccine in children gets tentative OK
By Sharon Begley
NEW YORK | Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:01am EDT

Test of anthrax vaccine in children gets tentative OK | Reuters


Phyllis Schlafly
November 6, 2002
Clinton scandals continue to surface

Clinton Scandals Continue To Surface -- Phyllis Schlafly Nov. 6, 2002 column.

Maybe instead of reading a bunch of conspiracy theories, you should just read the report :cuckoo:

Safeguarding Children: Pediatric Medical Countermeasure Research | Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues
Maybe instead of reading a bunch of conspiracy theories, you should just read the report :cuckoo:

To Agit8r: Which conspiracy theories are you referring to? The one where Clinton forced military personnel to take vaccinations? Or the one where NY state healthcare workers were forced to take vaccinations? Or the one where the government forbids lawsuits in order to protect Big Pharma?

In any event you can let the government and drug companies treat you and your kids like dart boards if you so choose. My primary objective is preventing mandatory compliance.
Looks like someone went back for seconds on the 'Crazy Mo'fo' shot.

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