Negro Jury Nullification.


Active Member
Apr 20, 2017
That's sadly correct. Magic negro , bill cosby failed to get his puddin pop wacked because of two negro jurors. You see , defense council can pretty much insure that " he dindu nuffin" by simply adulterating the jury pool with two jigs. Could this be the reason for wandering non white felons? Time for three branches of "gubmint" to separate from our three branches of government.
That's always the case, isn't it? Black celebrities can always count on getting a pass from black jurors, no matter what they've done, especially if the victim is white.
Was in an airport with a lefty associate watching CNN announce jury selection had been completed for the OJ trial. Upon hearing the makeup of the jury, I said to my companion OJ wouldn't be convicted. It'd be either an acquittal or a hung jury. He thought that was absurd and went on a rant about how juries generally come to the right decisions, yada, yada, yada. I replied at least one black juror would never vote guilty for OJ, period.

He then wanted to make a bet on it so I said OK, ten bucks. He shot back with make it a hundred, to which I agreed. We spoke a bunch of times during the trial, during which I often reminded him of our wager. He never paid up. When I left that company about a year later I left a note with his secretary reminding him and included my new snail mail address, which I figured he'd ignore but wanted to remind him he'd reneged and his credibility was thus in the dumper.

A few years after that I ran into him at an industry convention, said hello, and asked him how'd that OJ trial go? If I could have gotten a picture of the nasty look on his face at that moment it would have been worth the hundred I never got.
Maybe it's time to confine negros and their rape culture to the multi culti cities. Things have become so negrofied that "cool cos" has been noted doing a cross country "tour" speaking not only on the subject of raping White Women but also describing a how to manual to aspiring offenders of how to beat "Whitey" in court. Non white ingenuity once again focused on " muh dik" and "white wimminz azz".
That's sadly correct. Magic negro , bill cosby failed to get his puddin pop wacked because of two negro jurors. You see , defense council can pretty much insure that " he dindu nuffin" by simply adulterating the jury pool with two jigs. Could this be the reason for wandering non white felons? Time for three branches of "gubmint" to separate from our three branches of government.

That is very disappointing. I was hoping it would have been a middle aged white guy like me, who felt that Cosby was being rail roaded for political reasons.
That's sadly correct. Magic negro , bill cosby failed to get his puddin pop wacked because of two negro jurors. You see , defense council can pretty much insure that " he dindu nuffin" by simply adulterating the jury pool with two jigs. Could this be the reason for wandering non white felons? Time for three branches of "gubmint" to separate from our three branches of government.
I'm white and I didn't see any real proof that the Cos did anything. Not that he didn't, but there's no proof.
OJ managed to kill his coalburner wife and walk because of a negro jury. I remember that to this very day.

Of course he still ended up committing a crime and ending up in jail.
OJ managed to kill his coalburner wife and walk because of a negro jury. I remember that to this very day.

Of course he still ended up committing a crime and ending up in jail.

That is true.

Bill Cosby offered jobs to women in return for sex. That is not rape, and he should not have even been charged.
That's sadly correct. Magic negro , bill cosby failed to get his puddin pop wacked because of two negro jurors. You see , defense council can pretty much insure that " he dindu nuffin" by simply adulterating the jury pool with two jigs. Could this be the reason for wandering non white felons? Time for three branches of "gubmint" to separate from our three branches of government.


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