Negro tries to break into home,met with lovely surprise!

That dog is funny. If he wanted to kill that guy, he could have. He just tears at his clothes and nips him a little. And the other two dogs, hilarious.
Any wonder kg posted in odium's (known racist shit stain) race-baiting thread?
I once owned a racist dog.

He was an afghan wolf hound. They are a very even tempered breed and rarely bark.

I lived in a basically all white suburban neighborhood and had a closed in backyard wooden fence. People would stroll along the sidewalk in front of my house. My dog couldn't see them because the fence boards were closely nailed together and their walking past the house didn't seem to bother him.

But every once in a while, the dog would start barking and throwing a fit. The dog only acted like this when a black person was walking past my house.

The dog couldn't see the person. Which makes me believe that black people give off a different vibe / scent / smell than people of other races.

True story....... :cool:
I once owned a racist dog.

He was an afghan wolf hound. They are a very even tempered breed and rarely bark.

I lived in a basically all white suburban neighborhood and had a closed in backyard wooden fence. People would stroll along the sidewalk in front of my house. My dog couldn't see them because the fence boards were closely nailed together and their walking past the house didn't seem to bother him.

But every once in a while, the dog would start barking and throwing a fit. The dog only acted like this when a black person was walking past my house.

The dog couldn't see the person. Which makes me believe that black people give off a different vibe / scent / smell than people of other races.

True story....... :cool:

So Sunni, did Muhammad ever call anyone "dogs" like Jesus did in the Bible?

Also, would it be OK to ask why you declined my invite to participate on this thread related to Islam:

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