Neil deGrasse Tyson accused of drugging, raping student. Media blackout follows

Up to this point, the circumstantial evidence, and various statements, seem to show Moore has some serious character issues. But it would be a good thing for the truth to come out before the election. We already have enough swine in office — from both parties.

Once on the ballot, it's not about Moore. It's about what he'll do in government vs. his Democrat opponent. Better a swine than an enemy in office, the lessor of two evils. Moore is accused of nothing but creepy behavior 40 years ago. His Democrat opponent would help faggots molest boys, today.
But if Moore is truly a child molester do we really want to put him in a position of power. Wouldn't that just convince him that he can continue to molest even more children, and NOT fear any consequences because so many republicans are fully supporting him?
Seems a lot of GOPer's are trying to find, or even manufacturing stories, on anyone they see as 'liberal' in order to take the heat off of Moore. Not going to work. Tyson is not running for any office. Nor is either of the Clinton's. Nothing that someone else has done or is accused of doing absolves the slime of Moore. There are people from the women he accosted as teenagers while he was in his thirties, to mall workers and police that state he was a known predator of teen girls. This may have cost Moore the race, and certainly will taint all too many Republicans in races in 2018.
She first made the claim 3 years ago. Read the op, idiot.
Well, sexual abuse is rampant — and this is true, regardless of political persuasion — so the women should be given the benefit of the doubt UNTIL proof is produced to show, conclusively, what is true.

You mean ACCUSATIONS of abuse are rampant. Most of them are just lies to get money.
But if Moore is truly a child molester do we really want to put him in a position of power. Wouldn't that just convince him that he can continue to molest even more children, and NOT fear any consequences because so many republicans are fully supporting him?

Produce your evidence that moore molested children.
I never liked Tyson he's a smug bastard. I pefer Michio Kaku as long as he stays in his lane.

I hate both but Kaku is a genuine physicist while tyson is an affirmative action fraud who got his degree by special treatment. All he can do is write silly "physics for poets" books. Not a real physicist.
I don't have an issue with Tyson's science it's the smug way he comes across. I also do not have an issue with an obviously smart person getting extra help to realise their potential. There are very smart kids of every race who would end up
Tyson is a clown, the only reason he is famous is because he is black science guy.

A clown and a fraud. Like obama and ben carson, it's doubtful he can even add a column of numbers.
Ben Carson a fraud ?
I would say that you are closest to an ignorant dumb ass. LOL What we have is working very well, and, in spite of occasional asses like Trump, we eventually straighten things out. Before 2028, we will have universal single payer health care, and will have legislated Citizens United out of existence.
Better hope they take our guns first..because you wont be theiving from us without push back.
Oh my, another fucking tough keyboard warrior. LOL Well, you don't pay your taxes, you end up with no property. Which serves you right.
I would say that you are closest to an ignorant dumb ass. LOL What we have is working very well, and, in spite of occasional asses like Trump, we eventually straighten things out. Before 2028, we will have universal single payer health care, and will have legislated Citizens United out of existence.
Better hope they take our guns first..because you wont be theiving from us without push back.
Oh my, another fucking tough keyboard warrior. LOL Well, you don't pay your taxes, you end up with no property. Which serves you right.
You really are stupid, you know that right?
But if Moore is truly a child molester do we really want to put him in a position of power. Wouldn't that just convince him that he can continue to molest even more children, and NOT fear any consequences because so many republicans are fully supporting him?

Produce your evidence that moore molested children.
Evidence is for a court. This is an election. Nine women who don't know each other all accusing Moore of improprieties. One accusation when the woman was a girl of 14. Mall workers that tell of being told to watch out for him because of his predation on teenagers. Police officers that tell of having to watch out for the teenage cheer leaders at football games because of Moore. At a time when he was an officer of the court. That is enough that anyone with a brain can see that Moore is a perverted asshole.
But if Moore is truly a child molester do we really want to put him in a position of power. Wouldn't that just convince him that he can continue to molest even more children, and NOT fear any consequences because so many republicans are fully supporting him?

Produce your evidence that moore molested children.
Evidence is for a court. This is an election. Nine women who don't know each other all accusing Moore of improprieties. One accusation when the woman was a girl of 14. Mall workers that tell of being told to watch out for him because of his predation on teenagers. Police officers that tell of having to watch out for the teenage cheer leaders at football games because of Moore. At a time when he was an officer of the court. That is enough that anyone with a brain can see that Moore is a perverted asshole.
LOL Love the bigotry displayed by the 'Conservatives'. Then they get all bent when their racism is pointed out. LOL
I'm not conservative...I am neo-reactionary and a propertarian.
So you own property?
Several properties, yes. But that's not the entirety of the propertarian ideology.
Do you need leases and subletting contracts to make it an entirety of propertarianism??
Here, this will help.

What is Propertarianism?
LOL What a load of flap yap shit. Anyone who would fall for this fucked up philosophy has to have a sub-room temperature IQ. LOL
Neil is an atheist, so in his mind, if she was passed out and not aware and he did not give her an STD or get her pregnant. why not to it?

It's not like there will ever be anyone to answer to about it.

Problem is, the girl figured out she was messed with.

Even at that, what harm was done? Just a little embarrassment is all.
That's exactly why people will never vote for an atheist to be president. They cannot be trusted because there is no objective right or wrong to these weirdos.

Considering how much they lie, I'm not sure it matters
Atheism is a lie, so why expect anything but liars who adhere to the belief?
Non-belief in a deity is a lie? LOL
Up to this point, the circumstantial evidence, and various statements, seem to show Moore has some serious character issues. But it would be a good thing for the truth to come out before the election. We already have enough swine in office — from both parties.

Once on the ballot, it's not about Moore. It's about what he'll do in government vs. his Democrat opponent. Better a swine than an enemy in office, the lessor of two evils. Moore is accused of nothing but creepy behavior 40 years ago. His Democrat opponent would help faggots molest boys, today.
And there you have why in 2018, the GOP is going to be branded the party of Grand Old Perverts. It matters not now whether Moore wins or loses.
Well, sexual abuse is rampant — and this is true, regardless of political persuasion — so the women should be given the benefit of the doubt UNTIL proof is produced to show, conclusively, what is true.

You mean ACCUSATIONS of abuse are rampant. Most of them are just lies to get money.
I'm sure you can provide some kind of proof for such a vile statement, eh?
Neil is an atheist, so in his mind, if she was passed out and not aware and he did not give her an STD or get her pregnant. why not to it?

It's not like there will ever be anyone to answer to about it.

Problem is, the girl figured out she was messed with.

Even at that, what harm was done? Just a little embarrassment is all.
That's exactly why people will never vote for an atheist to be president. They cannot be trusted because there is no objective right or wrong to these weirdos.

Considering how much they lie, I'm not sure it matters
Atheism is a lie, so why expect anything but liars who adhere to the belief?
Non-belief in a deity is a lie? LOL
Yes, it is based on a lie. God exists.
But if Moore is truly a child molester do we really want to put him in a position of power. Wouldn't that just convince him that he can continue to molest even more children, and NOT fear any consequences because so many republicans are fully supporting him?

Produce your evidence that moore molested children.
Produce some evidence you can read, and that you can comprehend what you read.

I said "IF" Moore is a molester. Understand now?

Or do you need a first grader to explain it to you.
Up to this point, the circumstantial evidence, and various statements, seem to show Moore has some serious character issues. But it would be a good thing for the truth to come out before the election. We already have enough swine in office — from both parties.

Once on the ballot, it's not about Moore. It's about what he'll do in government vs. his Democrat opponent. Better a swine than an enemy in office, the lessor of two evils. Moore is accused of nothing but creepy behavior 40 years ago. His Democrat opponent would help faggots molest boys, today.
You keep making wild, inflamatory accusations, but you never offer any proof.

Research? Links? Anything?

We'll wait...
Well, sexual abuse is rampant — and this is true, regardless of political persuasion — so the women should be given the benefit of the doubt UNTIL proof is produced to show, conclusively, what is true.

You mean ACCUSATIONS of abuse are rampant. Most of them are just lies to get money.
I'm sure you can provide some kind of proof for such a vile statement, eh?
There are stories about women getting busted falsely accusing men of rape in the news quite frequently, which is why a lot of people are becoming more skeptical of rape claims from women lately. Feminazism made people less likely to believe women, good job libtards.

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