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personal disdain for him drove you to post this thread.

AGAIN TK, as above, the symbolism of "Nero fiddling" while the stock market takes its biggest dive in history is one that cannot be ignored.

Is it not real? Did he not pose for that pic? Because if it's not real we have a different problem. But if it is, why would you want public knowledge of that symbol --- which was already put out TO the public --- suppressed?
you may want to back that up to hard drive because I think it'll be disappearing pretty soon
I'm not into predictions or spreading gossip, but reading govt predictions from UK and Germany, and what I heard this am about PA's public health .... that pic may be the fat fucks political epitaph. Jesus we fucked this up. It's gonna go nuclear in the next seven days. Even our TVs tell us that. How bad may be the shocker.
I definitely want a LINK
I'm not repeating rumors. But Politico has a piece on how CMS literally took out HHS's IT three weeks ago with a "test." (hey looking at a pandemic - why not test the email system) Last week there was a report that CDC wouldn't even let an FDA doctor onto its premises. And there's another piece today 'It’s going to get worse': Health officials warn of coronavirus escalation about how Wash and NY's public health systems have just decided Trump's HHS will never get its act together, so they are on their own in what is now officially a global pandemic.

and from Vox "Once you have a cluster in a certain city, there's a risk, in light of the facts here, that you might have many more undiagnosed cases than we are aware of and there is a risk that those undiagnosed cases will in turn infect other people," Kaplan noted.
About three-fourths of the 50 U.S. states have now reported infections. The slow pace of rolling out kits and testing capabilities means that policymakers will have little concrete evidence about the extent of the U.S. outbreak ahead of next week's meeting.
"The amount of extra information that they'll have in the next few days, until these tests are widely available, is going to be minimal," said Mac Hyman, a professor of mathematics at Tulane University, who is an expert in epidemic modeling.
Only with more widespread testing to identify cases can experts more accurately track the disease's likely spread, he said.
A bit late for the Feds to turn to epidemiologists, btw. But it shouldn't take a scientist to when there are a bunch of cases, rather than just a couple, it's pretty impossible to track their steps and put contacts in quarantine or even test them.

And there's this: Italy’s coronavirus crisis could be America’s
I thought that impossible, but given that we now have 1000 cases and the US govt has done absolutely nothing, not even standardized a test, and the best tests it seems are not fool proof.

And because we know we have 1000 cases, and have no idea how many we've actually tested beyond "maybe" 5000, there's no doubt we have under reporting.

That's essentially what I heard.
Vox? VOX???

good lord you just destroyed any attempt at credibility you could have mustered. VOX is nothing but a screaming pile of LOOK AT ME dogshit pimping their dogshit for a buck.
AGAIN TK, as above, the symbolism of "Nero fiddling" while the stock market takes its biggest dive in history is one that cannot be ignored.

Yeah, with proper self discipline, it can. We call it being mature. Seeing as you think Trump is vastly puerile and immature, be what he is not. Threads like these only reek of immaturity.

I'm not in the position he is, am I.

In the positions I am in, I give my best. But part of that includes not enabling insanity. What actually reeks of immaturity is sitting up all night on one's throne sending angry tweets because one's worship intake fell short. What reeks of insanity is ass-uming one can simply create one's own reality in spite of actual events in a vast pseudoconsciousness of self-delusion. The Bronx cannot be moved to Germany regardless how many times one taps one's shoes together and mutters "there's no place like home".

Reality is not a negotiable point, never was, never will be.
Again ---- and I've been pointing this out CONTINUOUSLY for five years now ---- nothing in my issues with Rump has anything whatsoever to do with policy. He doesn't have any.

That's a cop out.

In politics, both personal character and policy are two key considerations to make about anyone. I will point out your judgements about the man are lazy and half baked. No offense. Not once have I seen you praise any of his policies. I have repeatedly seen you condemn him, no matter what he has done for the betterment of our country.

And I'm not choosing to speak of politics, I'm speaking of personal character. I just got done pointing that out, for the umpteenth time. As you quoted below.

You appear to be continuing to try to shift the commentary into something it isn't, never was and never will be. Why is that exactly?

Lemme hip you to a simple reality ---- I'm not interested in petty partisan politics, other than in a historical angle. I'm here to oppose the Cult of Ignorance. To quote LBJ, my father fought them many long years ago and I have fought them all my life. Of course he was talking about the Klan but it's just as insidious, for if we allow some deranged demagogue to simply cancel Reality and invent his own, AND GO ALONG WITH IT, then we are, in the clinical term, "fucked". Reality. IS NOT. Negotiable.

It's entirely, as in 100%, about personal character

Curious, do you judge every other politician's personal character in the same way you do Trump's? Or did these impossibly high standards of yours suddenly flicker into being the moment Trump announced he was running?

I don't know of ANY comparator to Rump on this basis. Alex John Brinkley Jones? Lush Rimjob? They have the same assholic bents (which is what they can get), but they can't hold a narcissism candle to Rump. Plenty of people running around this world crowin "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME?" but I know only one that stays up all night firing off juvenile troll tweets because he has no balls and walks around fabricating things out of thin air expecting to be believed.

Simple respect of the World of Reality CANNOT on any planet be called "impossibly high standards" . They cannot be called "high standards" AT ALL. That's simply normality. It is NOT REAL to completely invent things that have never happened and espouse them as real. That's psychosis. It's insanity. We should note here, because it's equally sobering, that it's also not real to enable that blatant dishonesty. There is NO, ZERO, merit in dishonesty. Pretending there is, is equally insane.

I keep coming back to the simple test, a single question, which is this:

--- Where is the Bronx?

Oh, I did the same exact thing you are doing now, with Obama. I simply voted for McCain and Romney because I didn't like him or the fact he never met the impossible standards I set for his "personal character".

Cool. You be you. I don't remember that but I also don't remember criticizing you for it.

Here TK, for much more on personal character versus policy, please see this post. It's fairly comprehensive.

You'll notice that ZERO of it is about any sort of "policy.".
I will counter that with his sweeping response to the Coronavirus. Which you cannot bring yourself to acknowledge.

As for that post you directed me to, it is an opinion, not a statement of fact.

Once AGAIN ---- what you're referring to is policy. What I'm referring to is not. Nothing has changed there. What I linked you to was a fairly comprehensive summary of my take, and you'll notice, as pointed out, ZERO of it has anything to do with policy. ALL of it has to do with personal character. Integrity -- in this case lack thereof. Basic honesty, DITTO writ large.

I can not and will not tolerate liars, and it's absurd to suggest anyone should. Lying is WRONG, full stop.
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Cool. You be you. I don't remember that but I also don't remember criticizing you for it.

No, I'm not particularly criticizing you per se. I am criticizing you for the lack of focus, doing the same damn thing Trump did with that picture which was, ironically, a lack of focus on his part. I tend to ignore stuff like that. It is irrelevant, it is not worth my time. But this thread, with people losing their shit over something Trump posted? That takes a sheer lack of focus that could even exceed Trump's own.

Am I clear now, my friend?

Not at all. How exactly can noticing something significant, which was posted for the purpose of being noticed, be construed as a LACK OF focus? It's actually the opposite. What you seem to be advocating for is burying one's head in the proverbial sand.

Bottom line, such a symbol sends some sort of message. In this particular case the message seems to be, "Fuck you all, I got mine". The reaction thereto (i.e. this thread) is not for the benefit of the sender of that message --- it's for the benefit of those on the receiving end who are choosing not to see it.
this is a bit beyond standard trolling; but hey - use whatever defense is necessary to keep from having to simply say "ok this was stupid".

Sorry, I just don't take it seriously. Those that do, need to get a freaking life.

i don't follow a whole lot of what he does either, but in a time of crisis regardless of where it comes from, to reference doing nothing while the world burns is just ignorant.

Compared to SARS or the Swine Flu, this virus is being vastly over blown. COVID-19 poses a major risk to a much smaller percentage of the population than either of the previous two. With the Swine Flu 20,000 were hospitalized and 1,000 died in the first 6 months, we're not on pace to reach anything close to those numbers. But the commies will never let the least little thing go by that they think they can propagandize. This thread is a perfect example.



Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

That has yet to be proven, but let's assume it's accurate. Mortality rate for seasonal flu is .1%, if you can do math, that would put the mortality rate for Covid-19 at 1.0%, not the 3-4% the propagandist are spewing. Also the flu puts young children at risk, so far that's not the case for Covid-19.


What's 1% of 100 million, dope?
Is it not real? Did he not pose for that pic? Because if it's not real we have a different problem. But if it is, why would you want public knowledge of that symbol --- which was already put out TO the public --- suppressed?

One thing you seem to delude yourself into thinking is that I am not acknowledging the existence of the picture. I know it's there. I know it is in bad taste. But is it earth shattering? Does it shift the inner workings of the cosmos? No. Hence it is frivolous, meaningless symbolism.

The only other reason people are paying attention to it is because they are people who possess personal disdain for him and are looking for anything to call him down on. Why else would you be commenting in this thread? For the "historical angle"?

Nobody has suggested it's earth shattering until this post above. The question is, why do you want to pretend it was never there? Are we looking at a doubleplusungood unpost that never happened, comrade? Did someone break into the Memory Hole?
I'm not interested in petty partisan politics, other than in a historical angle. I'm here to oppose the Cult of Ignorance.
And I am here to oppose the Cult of Arrogance.

Everyone has their own standards as to who is and who isn't ignorant. I do not believe that your standards are the norm, Pogo. There is no universally accepted standard of what is or isn't ignorance.

And we're straight back to this:

---- Where is the Bronx?
Sorry, I just don't take it seriously. Those that do, need to get a freaking life.

i don't follow a whole lot of what he does either, but in a time of crisis regardless of where it comes from, to reference doing nothing while the world burns is just ignorant.

Compared to SARS or the Swine Flu, this virus is being vastly over blown. COVID-19 poses a major risk to a much smaller percentage of the population than either of the previous two. With the Swine Flu 20,000 were hospitalized and 1,000 died in the first 6 months, we're not on pace to reach anything close to those numbers. But the commies will never let the least little thing go by that they think they can propagandize. This thread is a perfect example.



Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

That has yet to be proven, but let's assume it's accurate. Mortality rate for seasonal flu is .1%, if you can do math, that would put the mortality rate for Covid-19 at 1.0%, not the 3-4% the propagandist are spewing. Also the flu puts young children at risk, so far that's not the case for Covid-19.


What's 1% of 100 million, dope?

What makes you think almost a third of the population will be infected, that's not the case anywhere else.

i don't follow a whole lot of what he does either, but in a time of crisis regardless of where it comes from, to reference doing nothing while the world burns is just ignorant.

Compared to SARS or the Swine Flu, this virus is being vastly over blown. COVID-19 poses a major risk to a much smaller percentage of the population than either of the previous two. With the Swine Flu 20,000 were hospitalized and 1,000 died in the first 6 months, we're not on pace to reach anything close to those numbers. But the commies will never let the least little thing go by that they think they can propagandize. This thread is a perfect example.



Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

That has yet to be proven, but let's assume it's accurate. Mortality rate for seasonal flu is .1%, if you can do math, that would put the mortality rate for Covid-19 at 1.0%, not the 3-4% the propagandist are spewing. Also the flu puts young children at risk, so far that's not the case for Covid-19.


What's 1% of 100 million, dope?

What makes you think almost a third of the population will be infected, that's not the case anywhere else.


What makes you think they won't?

The number of infected has been growing by around a factor of 10 every week so far. The only way it doesn't get that high is if we close everything very soon.
Compared to SARS or the Swine Flu, this virus is being vastly over blown. COVID-19 poses a major risk to a much smaller percentage of the population than either of the previous two. With the Swine Flu 20,000 were hospitalized and 1,000 died in the first 6 months, we're not on pace to reach anything close to those numbers. But the commies will never let the least little thing go by that they think they can propagandize. This thread is a perfect example.



Coronavirus 10 times more lethal than seasonal flu, top health official says

That has yet to be proven, but let's assume it's accurate. Mortality rate for seasonal flu is .1%, if you can do math, that would put the mortality rate for Covid-19 at 1.0%, not the 3-4% the propagandist are spewing. Also the flu puts young children at risk, so far that's not the case for Covid-19.


What's 1% of 100 million, dope?

What makes you think almost a third of the population will be infected, that's not the case anywhere else.


What makes you think they won't?

The number of infected has been growing by around a factor of 10 every week so far. The only way it doesn't get that high is if we close everything very soon.

Infections grow in the beginning then taper off, that's already happening in China and South Korea and South Korea didn't shut everything down the way China did. You're making assumptions with zero evidence. Similar infections have never reached the hysterical numbers you are predicting.


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