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Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
The fiddle wasn't even invented until hundreds of years after Nero.

And I'm sure that many years from now, TDS afflicted morons like yourself will still be lying about Trump.
Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
The fiddle wasn't even invented until hundreds of years after Nero.

And I'm sure that many years from now, TDS afflicted morons like yourself will still be lying about Trump.

It is an "expression". Look the word up and see what it means.

But I am not surprised that you are as uninformed and ignorant as the man your worship.
Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
The fiddle wasn't even invented until hundreds of years after Nero.

And I'm sure that many years from now, TDS afflicted morons like yourself will still be lying about Trump.

Yeah we did that waaaaay back at the beginning when I noted that the instrument Nero actually played is pronounced "LIAR".
Everyone in the country doesn't need testing. People who need to be tested, as determined by a doctor, can get tested. Azar said this morning that NY has turned down new shipments of test kits.

The point is the president should not be making up shit or saying things that he does not know are true. In spite of Trump's causal relationship with the truth, the American people still look to the president for guidance. It's about time the president start acting presidential beginning with statements that he knows are true and skipping the hunches and guesses. It is completely ridiculous that his staff has to contradict him or clarify his statements.

I guess you missed the news conference from the CDC Friday, they confirmed that his hunch was probably correct. As more are tested the mortality rate will fall. BTW he came out and said it was a hunch, he wasn't trying to mislead anyone.

I missed that hunch. I was addressing his hunch about the number of cases, "We're going very substantially down, not up," Trump added. I'm sure the president wants to share good news with the public. God knows, the stock market needs some good news but it needs to be facts not hunches and not statements that contradicts what officials in his administration is telling the public. Last week after the CDC acknowledged the lack of test kits, Trump announced “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. Then Pence gently corrected the president followed by his HHS secretary correcting him again. That does not inspire confidence. In fact, it does the very opposite.

I've guess I missed that, do you have a link? Also there have been more than 2 million kits deployed to date, with another 4 million to follow this week. Also labs have been given approval to develop their own tests. Azar said yesterday that anyone who needs a test, as determined by a doctor, can get a test. Perhaps you should stop repeating old news, things are changing quickly, especially on the topic of testing.

Trump said the current number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. is “going very substantially down, not up.” But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said to expect more cases and has warned that it is highly unlikely that the virus will not spread to some degree within the U.S.
FactChecking Trump's Coronavirus Press Conference

The point is what he says is often not true. He did not say everyone that needs a test will eventually be able to get a test. Likewise, he did not the number of cases will go down. He said they are "going very substantially down". Again this was not true. Trump says what he believes his audience wants to here, which may or may not true. It doesn't seem to make difference to him.

When a president lies, it blurs the truth, subverts trust. It contributes to divisiveness and forces supporters of the president to engage in self-deception, believing that Trump remains their last best hope. For them Trump has become “Lord of the Lies,” yet they will follow him because they believe they have no other choice.
My Turn: Donald Trump – lord of the lies

Thanks, I haven't seen those. Not good. Of course they are more than 2 weeks old, which is ancient in Covid-19 news.

Irrelevant. The thread is about the symbolism of "Nero". Which you don't seem to have touched here.
Actually, I have. Reference my conversations with Gator.

As far as relevance goes, it is completely relevant. I am starting to grasp the psychology of politics very well. You Pogo are dismissing my prior statements because they are true and it would harm your credibility to address them. Nobody wants to address their biases, I get it, even on a board like this. People always wanting to paint themselves as "sensible" or "objective".

But by making comparisons like this, by making such a big deal out of this picture, it can only tell me your biases and hatred of the man compelled you to make an issue of this and drove you to make these comparisons. And unlike you, I don't compare political figures I disagree with with all the evil figures of human history. For this very reason. It's childish and often motivated by hatred and political bias.

Don't get me wrong, I hated Obama, I shared all sorts of satirical memes about him on Facebook during the first two years of his first term, but I soon understood that comparing him to Hitler or Pol Pot or Mao Tse Tung accomplished nothing. It's bullshit. It is counterproductive. I stopped. I didn't necessarily make the best arguments back in those days, but I argued policy instead of making garbage comparisons between him and evil historical figures.

In short, this does not advance discourse. It cheapens it.

As for the rest of your comments...
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Again ---- and I've been pointing this out CONTINUOUSLY for five years now ---- nothing in my issues with Rump has anything whatsoever to do with policy. He doesn't have any.

That's a cop out.

In politics, both personal character and policy are two key considerations to make about anyone. I will point out your judgements about the man are lazy and half baked. No offense. Not once have I seen you praise any of his policies. I have repeatedly seen you condemn him, no matter what he has done for the betterment of our country.

It's entirely, as in 100%, about personal character

Curious, do you judge every other politician's personal character in the same way you do Trump's? Or did these impossibly high standards of yours suddenly flicker into being the moment Trump announced he was running?

Oh, I did the same exact thing you are doing now, with Obama. I simply voted for McCain and Romney because I didn't like him or the fact he never met the impossible standards I set for his "personal character".
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ESPECIALLY the pathological lying, the disconnection from Reality, the insistent self-delusion. And speaking of self-delusion it's revealing when posters try to shift that concern about personal character, and mental incompetence, and twist it into some kind of partisan bullshit. It reveals that you're running away from the point.

It looks like to me you are trying to shift the argument. Nevermind his policies, his character should be considered above all potential benefit he would grant this country.

Right. Spare me your false moral outrage, Pogo.
And YES, when you stand in front of a mic and tell people with a straight face that your father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany, and the people you're talking to already know he was born in the Bronx, and you KNOW they know that --- and then you repeat it again, and repeat it a second time, and repeat it a third time ----- You're Fucking Kookoo. There is no, zero, way to defend that

Why does that bother you so much? All politicians lie, not just Trump. All politicians exaggerate the truth, not just Trump. A great deal of them possess downright abhorrent character, not just Trump . But Trump himself? He has to be the paragon of virtue. He must exemplify your standards of morality to the utmost extent--- or he is "fuckin' kookoo". Please.

You are being morally selective. If everyone voted based on the standards you set for Trump, this democracy would cease to function in its current state.
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This entire forum is a diversion from real life, nothing said or done on this forum effects anyone in any way. People come here to express opinions and talk shit to other people. It is more or less the internet version of Jersey Shore

Actually, these forums are good way to judge character. The character you have here and the character you hold elsewhere. Facades more or less.

While I get that Trump is not a very smart or well read man, there are times when his ignorance surprises even me. This was one of those times, thus I made a thread about it.

Don't lie.

And whats more, he's sitting in the Oval Office making big decisions, while you are sitting there cursing his very soul. Regardless of what you think, it takes great intelligence to run for office and make it to the pinnacle of political power in our political system.

And that thread you wrote regarding his decision to pull us out of Afghanistan? How can you sit there and praise him one moment for his decision making and then question his intelligence the next?
Why do you not whine about the 100 threads a day worshiping your god? Do they have any more relevance to the people infected with the virus or the stock traders?

No, they do not. They are just about as frivolous as this thread of yours.

Do I detect jealousy coming from you, Gator?

It is true I do not care for the man, and I made a thread about it.

So you admit it. Thus proving my case that personal disdain for him drove you to post this thread. Great.

Of course they do not, yet here you are in a thread you call a waste of time...how odd.

Uh.. right. Because you have nothing else to argue, you point out flaws in my argument that have nothing to do with the actual discussion. How odd.
All I know about you is waht you post on this forum, based upon that Trump is indeed your god. Perhaps it is only an act for the internet, who knows.

Have you read any of my posts from the past 7 years? Or is this just you being too intellectually lazy make a genuine assessment of my political ideology?

For someone who prides education and being well informed, you did very little to educate yourself about what and whom I believe.

When I first came here to this board, I was a far right extremist. As you can very well see, if you had bothered to read any of my posts from the past couple of years, is that I have disabused myself from two party politics. This board, ironically, was one of the main reasons why. This blatant partisanship and the seething hatred it wrought.

Politics is about discussing different views on what's good for the common man, not discussing the personal character of everyone you meet. Personal character should only be an issue when it noticeably affects the ability of the person you're considering to do their job, the one they have now, or the one they are running for.

Take off the mask. You aren't who you think you are. You can't be two people at once. Unless you are schizophrenic. Either you're the person on this board, or you are the person everyone else encounters in your life.

But don't judge my beliefs on what I simply post here. That's stupid. However, it wouldn't hurt you to at least try to educate yourself on how my views have changed in the past decade. All you have to do is skim over my comments on this board from the past half dozen or so years---


You can cease making assumptions about what I believe in. Your choice.
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And that thread you wrote regarding his decision to pull us out of Afghanistan? How can you sit there and praise him one moment for his decision making and then question his intelligence the next?

Because I do not worship the man, so I can both give him credit when it is due and I can criticize him when it is due. That you have to ask such a question says much about you.
No, they do not. They are just about as frivolous as this thread of yours.

Do I detect jealousy coming from you, Gator?

And yet you are not going to those threads and busting people's balls...what makes this one special?

Jealous of what?

So you admit it. Thus proving my case that personal disdain for him drove you to post this thread. Great.

No, Trump's ignorance drove me to post this thread. I ignore 99% of what he says and does. If it was my disdain the drove me I would be making 10 threads a day.
All I know about you is waht you post on this forum, based upon that Trump is indeed your god. Perhaps it is only an act for the internet, who knows.

Have you read any of my posts from the past 7 years? Or is this just you being too intellectually lazy make a genuine assessment of my political ideology?

For someone who prides education and being well informed, you did very little to educate yourself about what and whom I believe.

When I first came here to this board, I was a far right extremist. As you can very well see, if you had bothered to read any of my posts from the past couple of years, is that I have disabused myself from two party politics. This board, ironically, was one of the main reasons why. This blatant partisanship and the seething hatred it wrought.

Politics is about discussing different views on what's good for the common man, not discussing the personal character of everyone you meet. Personal character should only be an issue when it noticeably affects the ability of the person you're considering to do their job, the one they have now, or the one they are running for.

Take off the mask. You aren't who you think you are. You can't be two people at once. Unless you are schizophrenic. Either you're the person on this board, or you are the person everyone else encounters in your life.

But don't judge my beliefs on what I simply post here. That's stupid. However, it wouldn't hurt you to at least try to educate yourself on how my views have changed in the past decade. All you have to do is skim over my comments on this board from the past half dozen or so years---


You can cease making assumptions about what I believe in. Your choice.

I am not going to go back and read your previous post, I do not give a fuck about them. I do not care how they have changed, all I care about is what they are now....and right now they seem to be Trump worship.

Maybe that will change again, who knows
Again ---- and I've been pointing this out CONTINUOUSLY for five years now ---- nothing in my issues with Rump has anything whatsoever to do with policy. He doesn't have any.

That's a cop out.

In politics, both personal character and policy are two key considerations to make about anyone. I will point out your judgements about the man are lazy and half baked. No offense. Not once have I seen you praise any of his policies. I have repeatedly seen you condemn him, no matter what he has done for the betterment of our country.

And I'm not choosing to speak of politics, I'm speaking of personal character. I just got done pointing that out, for the umpteenth time. As you quoted below.

You appear to be continuing to try to shift the commentary into something it isn't, never was and never will be. Why is that exactly?

Lemme hip you to a simple reality ---- I'm not interested in petty partisan politics, other than in a historical angle. I'm here to oppose the Cult of Ignorance. To quote LBJ, my father fought them many long years ago and I have fought them all my life. Of course he was talking about the Klan but it's just as insidious, for if we allow some deranged demagogue to simply cancel Reality and invent his own, AND GO ALONG WITH IT, then we are, in the clinical term, "fucked". Reality. IS NOT. Negotiable.

It's entirely, as in 100%, about personal character

Curious, do you judge every other politician's personal character in the same way you do Trump's? Or did these impossibly high standards of yours suddenly flicker into being the moment Trump announced he was running?

I don't know of ANY comparator to Rump on this basis. Alex John Brinkley Jones? Lush Rimjob? They have the same assholic bents (which is what they can get), but they can't hold a narcissism candle to Rump. Plenty of people running around this world crowin "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION ME?" but I know only one that stays up all night firing off juvenile troll tweets because he has no balls and walks around fabricating things out of thin air expecting to be believed.

Simple respect of the World of Reality CANNOT on any planet be called "impossibly high standards" . They cannot be called "high standards" AT ALL. That's simply normality. It is NOT REAL to completely invent things that have never happened and espouse them as real. That's psychosis. It's insanity. We should note here, because it's equally sobering, that it's also not real to enable that blatant dishonesty. There is NO, ZERO, merit in dishonesty. Pretending there is, is equally insane.

I keep coming back to the simple test, a single question, which is this:

--- Where is the Bronx?

Oh, I did the same exact thing you are doing now, with Obama. I simply voted for McCain and Romney because I didn't like him or the fact he never met the impossible standards I set for his "personal character".

Cool. You be you. I don't remember that but I also don't remember criticizing you for it.
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personal disdain for him drove you to post this thread.

AGAIN TK, as above, the symbolism of "Nero fiddling" while the stock market takes its biggest dive in history is one that cannot be ignored.

Is it not real? Did he not pose for that pic? Because if it's not real we have a different problem. But if it is, why would you want public knowledge of that symbol --- which was already put out TO the public --- suppressed?

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