
Lol. I get the reference. But the reference is meaningless. Was I outraged? No. Did I care? No. Did I know about this tweet when he first posted it? No. Maybe I scrolled past it in my Twitter feed not caring about the symbolism or something. Lo and behold, however I find people such as yourself making inane parallels between what Trump posted and what Nero did in 64 AD.

But the penchant for people like you and your ilk to continue comparing Trump to evil, mass murdering dictators...why? What perverse pleasure do you get out of it?

Did you realize that Nero was also assassinated by his citizens because of what he did to Rome? Or did that part of the symbolism not hit you?

Did it also occur to you that the historian Tacitus never mentioned in his chronicles of Nero playing ANY musical instruments while Rome burned?

Did Nero Really Fiddle While Rome Burned?

"Hey let's compare the man to the most evil figures in human history, without any basis in supporting evidence!"

You people disgust me, flinging around twisted historical comparisons without any regard to the actual history behind them.

Grow up. No, I don't want to hear about Trump's maturity level. You. Grow up. Now.

Wow, it is simply amazing how irrational people are when they are defending their god. I am not even sure where to start with all of this ranting.

First, I was not comparing Trump to anyone, I did not even really agree with the notion that Trump is not doing anything. My whole point was that Trump did not get the reference. I mean think about it, someone as dumb as you got it, yet the leader of the free world did not. That was the point of my thread, seems that was clear a day to anyone but the Trump worshipers.

Next, everybody knows that Nero was not actually playing the fiddle, it is an expression, not a historical fact. The expression to "Fiddle while Rome burns" means to do something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency. Something like spending the weekend golfing comes to some people's mind.

Finally, if someone uses the expression they are not saying that the person is an evil mass murderer, they are saying they are doing something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency. That is all, there is no other connotation.

In your zeal to defend you god you come across looking like a raving lunatic. It is ok to every now and then go "well that was a dumb thing for him to do" will not kill you, I promise.
Lol. I get the reference. But the reference is meaningless. Was I outraged? No. Did I care? No. Did I know about this tweet when he first posted it? No. Maybe I scrolled past it in my Twitter feed not caring about the symbolism or something. Lo and behold, however I find people such as yourself making inane parallels between what Trump posted and what Nero did in 64 AD.

But the penchant for people like you and your ilk to continue comparing Trump to evil, mass murdering dictators...why? What perverse pleasure do you get out of it?

Did you realize that Nero was also assassinated by his citizens because of what he did to Rome? Or did that part of the symbolism not hit you?

Did it also occur to you that the historian Tacitus never mentioned in his chronicles of Nero playing ANY musical instruments while Rome burned?

Did Nero Really Fiddle While Rome Burned?

"Hey let's compare the man to the most evil figures in human history, without any basis in supporting evidence!"

You people disgust me, flinging around twisted historical comparisons without any regard to the actual history behind them.

Grow up. No, I don't want to hear about Trump's maturity level. You. Grow up. Now.

Wow, it is simply amazing how irrational people are when they are defending their god. I am not even sure where to start with all of this ranting.

First, I was not comparing Trump to anyone, I did not even really agree with the notion that Trump is not doing anything. My whole point was that Trump did not get the reference. I mean think about it, someone as dumb as you got it, yet the leader of the free world did not. That was the point of my thread, seems that was clear a day to anyone but the Trump worshipers.

Next, everybody knows that Nero was not actually playing the fiddle, it is an expression, not a historical fact. The expression to "Fiddle while Rome burns" means to do something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency. Something like spending the weekend golfing comes to some people's mind.

Finally, if someone uses the expression they are not saying that the person is an evil mass murderer, they are saying they are doing something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency. That is all, there is no other connotation.

In your zeal to defend you god you come across looking like a raving lunatic. It is ok to every now and then go "well that was a dumb thing for him to do" will not kill you, I promise.


If it were trivial as you say, then why waste brainpower on it? IE This thread? I think the phrase "trivially irresponsible" would be more like it. Because ultimately very few people cared in the end. Very few people wasted their time getting even remotely outraged over a tweet like that. In the end, the world at large had far more pressing concerns than to be worried over one of Trump's tweets.

All in all it was just an individual such as yourself looking for something to criticize Trump for. Did the Stock traders care about his tweet? Did any of the more than 600 people infected with coronavirus in America care that he made the tweet?

No. Just you. Why? Because your disdain for the guy is clearly evident.

Trump is not my God either. You know very little about me to make any assessments about I believe in.

Lol. I get the reference. But the reference is meaningless. Was I outraged? No. Did I care? No. Did I know about this tweet when he first posted it? No. Maybe I scrolled past it in my Twitter feed not caring about the symbolism or something. Lo and behold, however I find people such as yourself making inane parallels between what Trump posted and what Nero did in 64 AD.

But the penchant for people like you and your ilk to continue comparing Trump to evil, mass murdering dictators...why? What perverse pleasure do you get out of it?

Did you realize that Nero was also assassinated by his citizens because of what he did to Rome? Or did that part of the symbolism not hit you?

Did it also occur to you that the historian Tacitus never mentioned in his chronicles of Nero playing ANY musical instruments while Rome burned?

Did Nero Really Fiddle While Rome Burned?

"Hey let's compare the man to the most evil figures in human history, without any basis in supporting evidence!"

You people disgust me, flinging around twisted historical comparisons without any regard to the actual history behind them.

Grow up. No, I don't want to hear about Trump's maturity level. You. Grow up. Now.

Wow, it is simply amazing how irrational people are when they are defending their god. I am not even sure where to start with all of this ranting.

First, I was not comparing Trump to anyone, I did not even really agree with the notion that Trump is not doing anything. My whole point was that Trump did not get the reference. I mean think about it, someone as dumb as you got it, yet the leader of the free world did not. That was the point of my thread, seems that was clear a day to anyone but the Trump worshipers.

Next, everybody knows that Nero was not actually playing the fiddle, it is an expression, not a historical fact. The expression to "Fiddle while Rome burns" means to do something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency. Something like spending the weekend golfing comes to some people's mind.

Finally, if someone uses the expression they are not saying that the person is an evil mass murderer, they are saying they are doing something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency. That is all, there is no other connotation.

In your zeal to defend you god you come across looking like a raving lunatic. It is ok to every now and then go "well that was a dumb thing for him to do" will not kill you, I promise.
i've been reading more it was intended as trump playing the fiddle while the fools danced to his tune. possible and would fit, but that doesn't change how else it can EASILY be taken as. i'm willing to believe they didn't intend for it to be him fiddling while rome burned, but am not willing to say no one should take it in that manner. it was most certainly easy enough to do and makes more sense than playing a fiddle for people to dance to.
Lol. I get the reference. But the reference is meaningless. Was I outraged? No. Did I care? No. Did I know about this tweet when he first posted it? No. Maybe I scrolled past it in my Twitter feed not caring about the symbolism or something. Lo and behold, however I find people such as yourself making inane parallels between what Trump posted and what Nero did in 64 AD.

But the penchant for people like you and your ilk to continue comparing Trump to evil, mass murdering dictators...why? What perverse pleasure do you get out of it?

Did you realize that Nero was also assassinated by his citizens because of what he did to Rome? Or did that part of the symbolism not hit you?

Did it also occur to you that the historian Tacitus never mentioned in his chronicles of Nero playing ANY musical instruments while Rome burned?

Did Nero Really Fiddle While Rome Burned?

"Hey let's compare the man to the most evil figures in human history, without any basis in supporting evidence!"

You people disgust me, flinging around twisted historical comparisons without any regard to the actual history behind them.

Grow up. No, I don't want to hear about Trump's maturity level. You. Grow up. Now.

Wow, it is simply amazing how irrational people are when they are defending their god. I am not even sure where to start with all of this ranting.

First, I was not comparing Trump to anyone, I did not even really agree with the notion that Trump is not doing anything. My whole point was that Trump did not get the reference. I mean think about it, someone as dumb as you got it, yet the leader of the free world did not. That was the point of my thread, seems that was clear a day to anyone but the Trump worshipers.

Next, everybody knows that Nero was not actually playing the fiddle, it is an expression, not a historical fact. The expression to "Fiddle while Rome burns" means to do something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency. Something like spending the weekend golfing comes to some people's mind.

Finally, if someone uses the expression they are not saying that the person is an evil mass murderer, they are saying they are doing something trivial and irresponsible in the midst of an emergency. That is all, there is no other connotation.

In your zeal to defend you god you come across looking like a raving lunatic. It is ok to every now and then go "well that was a dumb thing for him to do" will not kill you, I promise.


If it were trivial as you say, then why waste brainpower on it? IE This thread? I think the phrase "trivially irresponsible" would be more like it. Because ultimately very few people cared in the end. Very few people wasted their time getting even remotely outraged over a tweet like that. In the end, the world at large had far more pressing concerns than to be worried over one of Trump's tweets.

All in all it was just an individual such as yourself looking for something to criticize Trump for. Did the Stock traders care about his tweet? Did any of the more than 600 people infected with coronavirus in America care that he made the tweet?

No. Just you. Why? Because your disdain for the guy is clearly evident.

Trump is not my God either. You know very little about me to make any assessments about I believe in.

yea, they were busy being outraged at something one of the democrats said instead.


If it were trivial as you say, then why waste brainpower on it? IE This thread? I think the phrase "trivially irresponsible" would be more like it. Because ultimately very few people cared in the end. Very few people wasted their time getting even remotely outraged over a tweet like that. In the end, the world at large had far more pressing concerns than to be worried over one of Trump's tweets.

This entire forum is a diversion from real life, nothing said or done on this forum effects anyone in any way. People come here to express opinions and talk shit to other people. It is more or less the internet version of Jersey Shore.

While I get that Trump is not a very smart or well read man, there are times when his ignorance surprises even me. This was one of those times, thus I made a thread about it.

It is the 2nd thread I have started about Trump since the new year started. The other was praising him for his work to get us out of Afghanistan.

All in all it was just an individual such as yourself looking for something to criticize Trump for. Did the Stock traders care about his tweet? Did any of the more than 600 people infected with coronavirus in America care that he made the tweet?

No. Just you. Why? Because your disdain for the guy is clearly evident.

It is true I do not care for the man, and I made a thread about it. Why do you not whine about the 100 threads a day worshiping your god? Do they have any more relevance to the people infected with the virus or the stock traders?

Of course they do not, yet here you are in a thread you call a waste of odd.

Trump is not my God either. You know very little about me to make any assessments about I believe in.


All I know about you is waht you post on this forum, based upon that Trump is indeed your god. Perhaps it is only an act for the internet, who knows.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Uh really? There's a pandemic and a stock market plunge and you and the author of that article worried about meaningless symbolism?

Really? Here, have a tissue. Quit crying.


Get over yourselves.

So Trump himself tweeting out a picture of him fiddling during this pandemic and stock market plunge should be ignored for its symbolism?
With people like you, everything he says or does symbolizes something wrong. Gimme a break mate. Try not to lecture me on symbolism.

Equating him to an evil Roman emperor who set fire to his own city just to play the harp over the burning city, simply for posting a picture of him playing a fiddle....


Was Hitler not enough for you? You gotta compare him to Nero now?

It takes a great deal of effort to let yourself be willingly eaten alive by an all consuming hatred of one man. All over political differences.

In rarefied air you stand.

Come on TK, you know better than that.

When have we ever seen a representation of Rump playing a fiddle? When have we ever seen a representation of Rump playing any kind of instrument or being in any way involved with music at all? And he chooses that model just when the DJIA is taking its biggest dive ever?

There's just no way to spin out of this. Put this on the list of mental incompetencies for the 25th Amendment. File it right on top of the wonderful place in Germany and the continental army airports. He is, I believe the correct clinical term is, fuckin' kookoo.

With all due respect Pogo, you have been looking for ways to get this man out office since day one. Like my vote, or the 63 million others and majority of states which voted for him didn't matter. He just has to go. Has to.

Like I said, it takes great effort (or in your case, none at all due to your enormous hatred of the man) to make comparisons like that.

Irrelevant. The thread is about the symbolism of "Nero". Which you don't seem to have touched here.

"Fuckin' kookoo"?

Look in the mirror mate. The only reason he's insane is because he doesn't conform to your standards of what a President should be. A Democrat. You can call yourself moderate, center left, independent, but it's quite clear what kind of president you want.

Again ---- and I've been pointing this out CONTINUOUSLY for five years now ---- nothing in my issues with Rump has anything whatsoever to do with policy. He doesn't have any. It's entirely, as in 100%, about personal character. ESPECIALLY the pathological lying, the disconnection from Reality, the insistent self-delusion. And speaking of self-delusion it's revealing when posters try to shift that concern about personal character, and mental incompetence, and twist it into some kind of partisan bullshit. It reveals that you're running away from the point.

And YES, when you stand in front of a mic and tell people with a straight face that your father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany, and the people you're talking to already know he was born in the Bronx, and you KNOW they know that --- and then you repeat it again, and repeat it a second time, and repeat it a third time ----- You're Fucking Kookoo. There is no, zero, way to defend that.

There is Reality, and there is Fucking Kookoo. The Bronx is plainly NOT a very wonderful place in Germany, never has been, never will be. There is ZERO excuse for that, other than ------------------- Fuckin' KOOKOO.

Whelp ---- "Nero" here is another very wonderful example. One of thousands and thousands of such examples, dancing on rooftops.


If it were trivial as you say, then why waste brainpower on it? IE This thread? I think the phrase "trivially irresponsible" would be more like it. Because ultimately very few people cared in the end. Very few people wasted their time getting even remotely outraged over a tweet like that. In the end, the world at large had far more pressing concerns than to be worried over one of Trump's tweets.

This entire forum is a diversion from real life, nothing said or done on this forum effects anyone in any way. People come here to express opinions and talk shit to other people. It is more or less the internet version of Jersey Shore.

While I get that Trump is not a very smart or well read man, there are times when his ignorance surprises even me. This was one of those times, thus I made a thread about it.

It is the 2nd thread I have started about Trump since the new year started. The other was praising him for his work to get us out of Afghanistan.

All in all it was just an individual such as yourself looking for something to criticize Trump for. Did the Stock traders care about his tweet? Did any of the more than 600 people infected with coronavirus in America care that he made the tweet?

No. Just you. Why? Because your disdain for the guy is clearly evident.

It is true I do not care for the man, and I made a thread about it. Why do you not whine about the 100 threads a day worshiping your god? Do they have any more relevance to the people infected with the virus or the stock traders?

Of course they do not, yet here you are in a thread you call a waste of odd.

Trump is not my God either. You know very little about me to make any assessments about I believe in.


All I know about you is waht you post on this forum, based upon that Trump is indeed your god. Perhaps it is only an act for the internet, who knows.

...Yet you wanted to "meet" me under the Arch in St. Louis....


If it were trivial as you say, then why waste brainpower on it? IE This thread? I think the phrase "trivially irresponsible" would be more like it. Because ultimately very few people cared in the end. Very few people wasted their time getting even remotely outraged over a tweet like that. In the end, the world at large had far more pressing concerns than to be worried over one of Trump's tweets.

This entire forum is a diversion from real life, nothing said or done on this forum effects anyone in any way. People come here to express opinions and talk shit to other people. It is more or less the internet version of Jersey Shore.

While I get that Trump is not a very smart or well read man, there are times when his ignorance surprises even me. This was one of those times, thus I made a thread about it.

It is the 2nd thread I have started about Trump since the new year started. The other was praising him for his work to get us out of Afghanistan.

All in all it was just an individual such as yourself looking for something to criticize Trump for. Did the Stock traders care about his tweet? Did any of the more than 600 people infected with coronavirus in America care that he made the tweet?

No. Just you. Why? Because your disdain for the guy is clearly evident.

It is true I do not care for the man, and I made a thread about it. Why do you not whine about the 100 threads a day worshiping your god? Do they have any more relevance to the people infected with the virus or the stock traders?

Of course they do not, yet here you are in a thread you call a waste of odd.

Trump is not my God either. You know very little about me to make any assessments about I believe in.


All I know about you is waht you post on this forum, based upon that Trump is indeed your god. Perhaps it is only an act for the internet, who knows.

...Yet you wanted to "meet" me under the Arch in St. Louis....

and you wanted to come to my fuck off and log back onto your other account, it is more fun


If it were trivial as you say, then why waste brainpower on it? IE This thread? I think the phrase "trivially irresponsible" would be more like it. Because ultimately very few people cared in the end. Very few people wasted their time getting even remotely outraged over a tweet like that. In the end, the world at large had far more pressing concerns than to be worried over one of Trump's tweets.

This entire forum is a diversion from real life, nothing said or done on this forum effects anyone in any way. People come here to express opinions and talk shit to other people. It is more or less the internet version of Jersey Shore.

While I get that Trump is not a very smart or well read man, there are times when his ignorance surprises even me. This was one of those times, thus I made a thread about it.

It is the 2nd thread I have started about Trump since the new year started. The other was praising him for his work to get us out of Afghanistan.

All in all it was just an individual such as yourself looking for something to criticize Trump for. Did the Stock traders care about his tweet? Did any of the more than 600 people infected with coronavirus in America care that he made the tweet?

No. Just you. Why? Because your disdain for the guy is clearly evident.

It is true I do not care for the man, and I made a thread about it. Why do you not whine about the 100 threads a day worshiping your god? Do they have any more relevance to the people infected with the virus or the stock traders?

Of course they do not, yet here you are in a thread you call a waste of odd.

Trump is not my God either. You know very little about me to make any assessments about I believe in.


All I know about you is waht you post on this forum, based upon that Trump is indeed your god. Perhaps it is only an act for the internet, who knows.

...Yet you wanted to "meet" me under the Arch in St. Louis....

and you wanted to come to my fuck off and log back onto your other account, it is more fun

Come to your house? LOL, fantasize much? Your skin is quite thin for this give and take kid.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
playing fiddle is better than playing with yourself like you do
more babble from the left--99% of the left's threads are just plain babble crap

Yet another Trump worshiper post their sexual fantasies about me.
Trump should have gotten his ass to a laboratory and developed a vaccine.

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
When congress gives Trump 8 billion dollars to fight the virus, his ignorance certainly is an issue. As long at the president does not understand that the virus is not a hoax, infected people should not go to work, there is no scientific evidence that the virus is going to go away in April, and contrary to his recent announcement everyone in the country can not get tested for the virus.

Everyone in the country doesn't need testing. People who need to be tested, as determined by a doctor, can get tested. Azar said this morning that NY has turned down new shipments of test kits.

The point is the president should not be making up shit or saying things that he does not know are true. In spite of Trump's causal relationship with the truth, the American people still look to the president for guidance. It's about time the president start acting presidential beginning with statements that he knows are true and skipping the hunches and guesses. It is completely ridiculous that his staff has to contradict him or clarify his statements.

I guess you missed the news conference from the CDC Friday, they confirmed that his hunch was probably correct. As more are tested the mortality rate will fall. BTW he came out and said it was a hunch, he wasn't trying to mislead anyone.

I missed that hunch. I was addressing his hunch about the number of cases, "We're going very substantially down, not up," Trump added. I'm sure the president wants to share good news with the public. God knows, the stock market needs some good news but it needs to be facts not hunches and not statements that contradicts what officials in his administration is telling the public. Last week after the CDC acknowledged the lack of test kits, Trump announced “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. Then Pence gently corrected the president followed by his HHS secretary correcting him again. That does not inspire confidence. In fact, it does the very opposite.
Last edited:
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
playing fiddle is better than playing with yourself like you do
more babble from the left--99% of the left's threads are just plain babble crap

Careful, he appears to be the sensitive sort.
Yet another Trump worshiper post their sexual fantasies about me.
A fag Trump supporter? I thought most of you guys were Democrats.

Have no idea the breakdown between Dem and Repub for homosexuals. I am not the one posting homosexual fantasies on the forum, so I am not sure why you add me into the group. But I am sure doing so made you giggle like a little girl so it is all good
Yet another Trump worshiper post their sexual fantasies about me.
A fag Trump supporter? I thought most of you guys were Democrats.

Have no idea the breakdown between Dem and Repub for homosexuals. I am not the one posting homosexual fantasies on the forum, so I am not sure why you add me into the group. But I am sure doing so made you giggle like a little girl so it is all good are babbling again
This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
When congress gives Trump 8 billion dollars to fight the virus, his ignorance certainly is an issue. As long at the president does not understand that the virus is not a hoax, infected people should not go to work, there is no scientific evidence that the virus is going to go away in April, and contrary to his recent announcement everyone in the country can not get tested for the virus.

Everyone in the country doesn't need testing. People who need to be tested, as determined by a doctor, can get tested. Azar said this morning that NY has turned down new shipments of test kits.

The point is the president should not be making up shit or saying things that he does not know are true. In spite of Trump's causal relationship with the truth, the American people still look to the president for guidance. It's about time the president start acting presidential beginning with statements that he knows are true and skipping the hunches and guesses. It is completely ridiculous that his staff has to contradict him or clarify his statements.

I guess you missed the news conference from the CDC Friday, they confirmed that his hunch was probably correct. As more are tested the mortality rate will fall. BTW he came out and said it was a hunch, he wasn't trying to mislead anyone.

I missed that hunch. I was addressing his hunch about the number of cases, "We're going very substantially down, not up," Trump added. I'm sure the president wants to share good news with the public. God knows, the stock market needs some good news but it needs to be facts not hunches and not statements that contradicts what officials in his administration is telling the public. Last week after the CDC acknowledged the lack of test kits, Trump announced “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. Then Pence gently corrected the president followed by his HHS secretary correcting him again. That does not inspire confidence. In fact, it does the very opposite.

It would appear the stock market can read presidential insanity better than a lot of voters can.
Yet another Trump worshiper post their sexual fantasies about me.
A fag Trump supporter? I thought most of you guys were Democrats.

Have no idea the breakdown between Dem and Repub for homosexuals. I am not the one posting homosexual fantasies on the forum, so I am not sure why you add me into the group. But I am sure doing so made you giggle like a little girl so it is all good are babbling again

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
When congress gives Trump 8 billion dollars to fight the virus, his ignorance certainly is an issue. As long at the president does not understand that the virus is not a hoax, infected people should not go to work, there is no scientific evidence that the virus is going to go away in April, and contrary to his recent announcement everyone in the country can not get tested for the virus.

Everyone in the country doesn't need testing. People who need to be tested, as determined by a doctor, can get tested. Azar said this morning that NY has turned down new shipments of test kits.

The point is the president should not be making up shit or saying things that he does not know are true. In spite of Trump's causal relationship with the truth, the American people still look to the president for guidance. It's about time the president start acting presidential beginning with statements that he knows are true and skipping the hunches and guesses. It is completely ridiculous that his staff has to contradict him or clarify his statements.

I guess you missed the news conference from the CDC Friday, they confirmed that his hunch was probably correct. As more are tested the mortality rate will fall. BTW he came out and said it was a hunch, he wasn't trying to mislead anyone.

I missed that hunch. I was addressing his hunch about the number of cases, "We're going very substantially down, not up," Trump added. I'm sure the president wants to share good news with the public. God knows, the stock market needs some good news but it needs to be facts not hunches and not statements that contradicts what officials in his administration is telling the public. Last week after the CDC acknowledged the lack of test kits, Trump announced “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. Then Pence gently corrected the president followed by his HHS secretary correcting him again. That does not inspire confidence. In fact, it does the very opposite.

I've guess I missed that, do you have a link? Also there have been more than 2 million kits deployed to date, with another 4 million to follow this week. Also labs have been given approval to develop their own tests. Azar said yesterday that anyone who needs a test, as determined by a doctor, can get a test. Perhaps you should stop repeating old news, things are changing quickly, especially on the topic of testing.

When congress gives Trump 8 billion dollars to fight the virus, his ignorance certainly is an issue. As long at the president does not understand that the virus is not a hoax, infected people should not go to work, there is no scientific evidence that the virus is going to go away in April, and contrary to his recent announcement everyone in the country can not get tested for the virus.

Everyone in the country doesn't need testing. People who need to be tested, as determined by a doctor, can get tested. Azar said this morning that NY has turned down new shipments of test kits.

The point is the president should not be making up shit or saying things that he does not know are true. In spite of Trump's causal relationship with the truth, the American people still look to the president for guidance. It's about time the president start acting presidential beginning with statements that he knows are true and skipping the hunches and guesses. It is completely ridiculous that his staff has to contradict him or clarify his statements.

I guess you missed the news conference from the CDC Friday, they confirmed that his hunch was probably correct. As more are tested the mortality rate will fall. BTW he came out and said it was a hunch, he wasn't trying to mislead anyone.

I missed that hunch. I was addressing his hunch about the number of cases, "We're going very substantially down, not up," Trump added. I'm sure the president wants to share good news with the public. God knows, the stock market needs some good news but it needs to be facts not hunches and not statements that contradicts what officials in his administration is telling the public. Last week after the CDC acknowledged the lack of test kits, Trump announced “anybody that needs a test gets a test” for coronavirus. Then Pence gently corrected the president followed by his HHS secretary correcting him again. That does not inspire confidence. In fact, it does the very opposite.

I've guess I missed that, do you have a link? Also there have been more than 2 million kits deployed to date, with another 4 million to follow this week. Also labs have been given approval to develop their own tests. Azar said yesterday that anyone who needs a test, as determined by a doctor, can get a test. Perhaps you should stop repeating old news, things are changing quickly, especially on the topic of testing.

Trump said the current number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. is “going very substantially down, not up.” But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said to expect more cases and has warned that it is highly unlikely that the virus will not spread to some degree within the U.S.
FactChecking Trump's Coronavirus Press Conference

The point is what he says is often not true. He did not say everyone that needs a test will eventually be able to get a test. Likewise, he did not the number of cases will go down. He said they are "going very substantially down". Again this was not true. Trump says what he believes his audience wants to here, which may or may not true. It doesn't seem to make difference to him.

When a president lies, it blurs the truth, subverts trust. It contributes to divisiveness and forces supporters of the president to engage in self-deception, believing that Trump remains their last best hope. For them Trump has become “Lord of the Lies,” yet they will follow him because they believe they have no other choice.
My Turn: Donald Trump – lord of the lies

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