
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Trump should have gotten his ass to a laboratory and developed a vaccine.

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
When congress gives Trump 8 billion dollars to fight the virus, his ignorance certainly is an issue. As long at the president does not understand that the virus is not a hoax, infected people should not go to work, there is no scientific evidence that the virus is going to go away in April, and contrary to his recent announcement everyone in the country can not get tested for the virus.

Everyone in the country doesn't need testing. People who need to be tested, as determined by a doctor, can get tested. Azar said this morning that NY has turned down new shipments of test kits.

Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?


For an orange klown who didn't know Kansas City (WHERE HE'S PHYSICALLY BEEN) was in Missouri? Who never heard of Bhutan or Nepal, who thinks that "England" and "the UK" are the same thing? Who thinks that 18th century armies "took over the airports"? Who thinks The Bronx is in Germany?

Oh HELL yeah. Not just possible, not just probable --- bet the house on it.

I'm sure the folks living in Kansas City, Kansas will be surprised to hear that.


If only that is where the football team was located.

Who cares where the football team is located.

Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?


For an orange klown who didn't know Kansas City (WHERE HE'S PHYSICALLY BEEN) was in Missouri? Who never heard of Bhutan or Nepal, who thinks that "England" and "the UK" are the same thing? Who thinks that 18th century armies "took over the airports"? Who thinks The Bronx is in Germany?

Oh HELL yeah. Not just possible, not just probable --- bet the house on it.

I'm sure the folks living in Kansas City, Kansas will be surprised to hear that.


If only that is where the football team was located.

Who cares where the football team is located.

Only fans going to the game there.

But who cares that they have a head of state who's so full of himself that he can't admit he fucked up? Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiite a few more.
What is truly sad is watching all the Trump haters try and stoke fear and panic for political gain. The current estimated population for the Country is 330,393,544 and we have had I believe 22 deaths from corona virus and yet we have people in and out of the media acting like we are in the grip of the Black Death. I’m not trying to downplay the seriousness of the virus but it would be nice if others would stop trying to overhype it.
Oh please. Stoking fear has been the Trump agenda from the start, only now we really have something to be concerned about.
Trump is trolling and you mooks are eating it up, too funny.

this is a bit beyond standard trolling; but hey - use whatever defense is necessary to keep from having to simply say "ok this was stupid".

Sorry, I just don't take it seriously. Those that do, need to get a freaking life.

i don't follow a whole lot of what he does either, but in a time of crisis regardless of where it comes from, to reference doing nothing while the world burns is just ignorant.
Believe it or not, that meme originally came from Dan Scavino, Trump's White House Director of Social Media. This is what Trump said when he retweeted it:
Donald J. Trump

Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me!

If you think about what it says, with friends like that, who needs enemies? It actually occurred to me it might be a fake news plant by the Trump haters, so I went to his official twitter feed and it's for real.
well that didn't help much.

your director of social media puts out a fiddle playing trump to imply you're not doing anything a crisis and you're not even sure what it means.

it's like a gift wrapped double fail.

if he figures it out...someone will be out of a job
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?


For an orange klown who didn't know Kansas City (WHERE HE'S PHYSICALLY BEEN) was in Missouri? Who never heard of Bhutan or Nepal, who thinks that "England" and "the UK" are the same thing? Who thinks that 18th century armies "took over the airports"? Who thinks The Bronx is in Germany?

Oh HELL yeah. Not just possible, not just probable --- bet the house on it.

I'm sure the folks living in Kansas City, Kansas will be surprised to hear that.


If only that is where the football team was located.

Who cares where the football team is located.


You've been there how many times?

For an orange klown who didn't know Kansas City (WHERE HE'S PHYSICALLY BEEN) was in Missouri? Who never heard of Bhutan or Nepal, who thinks that "England" and "the UK" are the same thing? Who thinks that 18th century armies "took over the airports"? Who thinks The Bronx is in Germany?

Oh HELL yeah. Not just possible, not just probable --- bet the house on it.

I'm sure the folks living in Kansas City, Kansas will be surprised to hear that.


If only that is where the football team was located.

Who cares where the football team is located.

Only fans going to the game there.

But who cares that they have a head of state who's so full of himself that he can't admit he fucked up? Quiiiiiiiiiiiiiite a few more.

How would I know he fucked up, you didn't provide a quote or link. I guess you just expect me to just trust you, ain't happening.


For an orange klown who didn't know Kansas City (WHERE HE'S PHYSICALLY BEEN) was in Missouri? Who never heard of Bhutan or Nepal, who thinks that "England" and "the UK" are the same thing? Who thinks that 18th century armies "took over the airports"? Who thinks The Bronx is in Germany?

Oh HELL yeah. Not just possible, not just probable --- bet the house on it.

I'm sure the folks living in Kansas City, Kansas will be surprised to hear that.


If only that is where the football team was located.

Who cares where the football team is located.


You've been there how many times?

Haven't, don't like the Chiefs, been through KC, KA and KC, MO a couple of times, but it's been a while.

What is truly sad is watching all the Trump haters try and stoke fear and panic for political gain. The current estimated population for the Country is 330,393,544 and we have had I believe 22 deaths from corona virus and yet we have people in and out of the media acting like we are in the grip of the Black Death. I’m not trying to downplay the seriousness of the virus but it would be nice if others would stop trying to overhype it.
Oh please. Stoking fear has been the Trump agenda from the start, only now we really have something to be concerned about.
It has also been the agenda of critics from the start while this situation is serious it is not the end of days scenario it is being made out to be so kindly spare us the self serving oh please.
What is truly sad is watching all the Trump haters try and stoke fear and panic for political gain. The current estimated population for the Country is 330,393,544 and we have had I believe 22 deaths from corona virus and yet we have people in and out of the media acting like we are in the grip of the Black Death. I’m not trying to downplay the seriousness of the virus but it would be nice if others would stop trying to overhype it.
Oh please. Stoking fear has been the Trump agenda from the start, only now we really have something to be concerned about.
It has also been the agenda of critics from the start while this situation is serious it is not the end of days scenario it is being made out to be so kindly spare us the self serving oh please.
Oh please. It is no different than the reaction to Ebola and blaming the Dems for it is as silly as blaming a Trump for it.
For an orange klown who didn't know Kansas City (WHERE HE'S PHYSICALLY BEEN) was in Missouri? Who never heard of Bhutan or Nepal, who thinks that "England" and "the UK" are the same thing? Who thinks that 18th century armies "took over the airports"? Who thinks The Bronx is in Germany?

Oh HELL yeah. Not just possible, not just probable --- bet the house on it.

I'm sure the folks living in Kansas City, Kansas will be surprised to hear that.


If only that is where the football team was located.

Who cares where the football team is located.


You've been there how many times?

Haven't, don't like the Chiefs, been through KC, KA and KC, MO a couple of times, but it's been a while.


That was directed at Pogo. The entire town on both sides of the river claim the Chief's. They don't (in terms of Football) differentiate themselves from one another.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?


For an orange klown who didn't know Kansas City (WHERE HE'S PHYSICALLY BEEN) was in Missouri? Who never heard of Bhutan or Nepal, who thinks that "England" and "the UK" are the same thing? Who thinks that 18th century armies "took over the airports"? Who thinks The Bronx is in Germany?

Oh HELL yeah. Not just possible, not just probable --- bet the house on it.

I'm sure the folks living in Kansas City, Kansas will be surprised to hear that.


If only that is where the football team was located.

Who cares where the football team is located.


when you are congratulating people based upon the football team, you should
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Uh really? There's a pandemic and a stock market plunge and you and the author of that article worried about meaningless symbolism?

Really? Here, have a tissue. Quit crying.


Get over yourselves.

So Trump himself tweeting out a picture of him fiddling during this pandemic and stock market plunge should be ignored for its symbolism?
With people like you, everything he says or does symbolizes something wrong. Gimme a break mate. Try not to lecture me on symbolism.

Equating him to an evil Roman emperor who set fire to his own city just to play the harp over the burning city, simply for posting a picture of him playing a fiddle....


Was Hitler not enough for you? You gotta compare him to Nero now?

It takes a great deal of effort to let yourself be willingly eaten alive by an all consuming hatred of one man. All over political differences.

In rarefied air you stand.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Uh really? There's a pandemic and a stock market plunge and you and the author of that article worried about meaningless symbolism?

Really? Here, have a tissue. Quit crying.


Get over yourselves.

So Trump himself tweeting out a picture of him fiddling during this pandemic and stock market plunge should be ignored for its symbolism?
With people like you, everything he says or does symbolizes something wrong. Gimme a break mate. Try not to lecture me on symbolism.

Equating him to an evil Roman emperor who set fire to his own city just to play the harp over the burning city, simply for posting a picture of him playing a fiddle....


Was Hitler not enough for you? You gotta compare him to Nero now?

It takes a great deal of effort to let yourself be willingly eaten alive by an all consuming hatred of one man. All over political differences.

In rarefied air you stand.

even someone like you got that reference of the fiddle...yet Trump did not
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Trump should have gotten his ass to a laboratory and developed a vaccine.

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
When congress gives Trump 8 billion dollars to fight the virus, his ignorance certainly is an issue. As long at the president does not understand that the virus is not a hoax, infected people should not go to work, there is no scientific evidence that the virus is going to go away in April, and contrary to his recent announcement everyone in the country can not get tested for the virus.

Everyone in the country doesn't need testing. People who need to be tested, as determined by a doctor, can get tested. Azar said this morning that NY has turned down new shipments of test kits.

The point is the president should not be making up shit or saying things that he does not know are true. In spite of Trump's causal relationship with the truth, the American people still look to the president for guidance. It's about time the president start acting presidential beginning with statements that he knows are true and skipping the hunches and guesses. It is completely ridiculous that his staff has to contradict him or clarify his statements.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Uh really? There's a pandemic and a stock market plunge and you and the author of that article worried about meaningless symbolism?

Really? Here, have a tissue. Quit crying.


Get over yourselves.

So Trump himself tweeting out a picture of him fiddling during this pandemic and stock market plunge should be ignored for its symbolism?
With people like you, everything he says or does symbolizes something wrong. Gimme a break mate. Try not to lecture me on symbolism.

Equating him to an evil Roman emperor who set fire to his own city just to play the harp over the burning city, simply for posting a picture of him playing a fiddle....


Was Hitler not enough for you? You gotta compare him to Nero now?

It takes a great deal of effort to let yourself be willingly eaten alive by an all consuming hatred of one man. All over political differences.

In rarefied air you stand.

Come on TK, you know better than that.

When have we ever seen a representation of Rump playing a fiddle? When have we ever seen a representation of Rump playing any kind of instrument or being in any way involved with music at all? And he chooses that model just when the DJIA is taking its biggest dive ever?

There's just no way to spin out of this. Put this on the list of mental incompetencies for the 25th Amendment. File it right on top of the wonderful place in Germany and the continental army airports. He is, I believe the correct clinical term is, fuckin' kookoo.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Trump should have gotten his ass to a laboratory and developed a vaccine.

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
When congress gives Trump 8 billion dollars to fight the virus, his ignorance certainly is an issue. As long at the president does not understand that the virus is not a hoax, infected people should not go to work, there is no scientific evidence that the virus is going to go away in April, and contrary to his recent announcement everyone in the country can not get tested for the virus.

Everyone in the country doesn't need testing. People who need to be tested, as determined by a doctor, can get tested. Azar said this morning that NY has turned down new shipments of test kits.

The point is the president should not be making up shit or saying things that he does not know are true. In spite of Trump's causal relationship with the truth, the American people still look to the president for guidance. It's about time the president start acting presidential beginning with statements that he knows are true and skipping the hunches and guesses. It is completely ridiculous that his staff has to contradict him or clarify his statements.

I guess you missed the news conference from the CDC Friday, they confirmed that his hunch was probably correct. As more are tested the mortality rate will fall. BTW he came out and said it was a hunch, he wasn't trying to mislead anyone.

Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Uh really? There's a pandemic and a stock market plunge and you and the author of that article worried about meaningless symbolism?

Really? Here, have a tissue. Quit crying.


Get over yourselves.

So Trump himself tweeting out a picture of him fiddling during this pandemic and stock market plunge should be ignored for its symbolism?
With people like you, everything he says or does symbolizes something wrong. Gimme a break mate. Try not to lecture me on symbolism.

Equating him to an evil Roman emperor who set fire to his own city just to play the harp over the burning city, simply for posting a picture of him playing a fiddle....


Was Hitler not enough for you? You gotta compare him to Nero now?

It takes a great deal of effort to let yourself be willingly eaten alive by an all consuming hatred of one man. All over political differences.

In rarefied air you stand.

even someone like you got that reference of the fiddle...yet Trump did not
Lol. I get the reference. But the reference is meaningless. Was I outraged? No. Did I care? No. Did I know about this tweet when he first posted it? No. Maybe I scrolled past it in my Twitter feed not caring about the symbolism or something. Lo and behold, however I find people such as yourself making inane parallels between what Trump posted and what Nero did in 64 AD.

But the penchant for people like you and your ilk to continue comparing Trump to evil, mass murdering dictators...why? What perverse pleasure do you get out of it?

Did you realize that Nero was also assassinated by his citizens because of what he did to Rome? Or did that part of the symbolism not hit you?

Did it also occur to you that the historian Tacitus never mentioned in his chronicles of Nero playing ANY musical instruments while Rome burned?

Did Nero Really Fiddle While Rome Burned?

"Hey let's compare the man to the most evil figures in human history, without any basis in supporting evidence!"

You people disgust me, flinging around twisted historical comparisons without any regard to the actual history behind them.

Grow up. No, I don't want to hear about Trump's maturity level. You. Grow up. Now.
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Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Uh really? There's a pandemic and a stock market plunge and you and the author of that article worried about meaningless symbolism?

Really? Here, have a tissue. Quit crying.


Get over yourselves.

So Trump himself tweeting out a picture of him fiddling during this pandemic and stock market plunge should be ignored for its symbolism?
With people like you, everything he says or does symbolizes something wrong. Gimme a break mate. Try not to lecture me on symbolism.

Equating him to an evil Roman emperor who set fire to his own city just to play the harp over the burning city, simply for posting a picture of him playing a fiddle....


Was Hitler not enough for you? You gotta compare him to Nero now?

It takes a great deal of effort to let yourself be willingly eaten alive by an all consuming hatred of one man. All over political differences.

In rarefied air you stand.

Come on TK, you know better than that.

When have we ever seen a representation of Rump playing a fiddle? When have we ever seen a representation of Rump playing any kind of instrument or being in any way involved with music at all? And he chooses that model just when the DJIA is taking its biggest dive ever?

There's just no way to spin out of this. Put this on the list of mental incompetencies for the 25th Amendment. File it right on top of the wonderful place in Germany and the continental army airports. He is, I believe the correct clinical term is, fuckin' kookoo.

With all due respect Pogo, you have been looking for ways to get this man out office since day one. Like my vote, or the 63 million others and majority of states which voted for him didn't matter. He just has to go. Has to.

Like I said, it takes great effort (or in your case, none at all due to your enormous hatred of the man) to make comparisons like that.

"Fuckin' kookoo"?

Look in the mirror mate. The only reason he's insane is because he doesn't conform to your standards of what a President should be. A Democrat. You can call yourself moderate, center left, independent, but it's quite clear what kind of president you want.

I will leave it at that. I don't want to be mean to you or anyone else anymore. Too much ugliness in this world as it is.

I find my faith in humanity diminishing with every passing day. Threads like this don't help either.
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