
"Does anybody die from the flu? I didn’t know people died from the flu." - Donald J. Trump

The Spanish flu killed his grandfather.

"Does anybody die from the flu? I didn’t know people died from the flu." - Donald J. Trump

The Spanish flu killed his grandfather.
They can die from The Flu in all 57 states. Honestly, more Democrats taking selfies in America in a year will die than people who catch the Covid 19 Flu.
Can you lefties stop attacking the greatest president in the history of America?
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Trump should have gotten his ass to a laboratory and developed a vaccine.

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
Obama killed more Americans by The Flu, Abortion and by Drones than any President in modern history.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Trump should have gotten his ass to a laboratory and developed a vaccine.

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
No, this thread is about your ceaseless whining. Losers do that a lot.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Trump should have gotten his ass to a laboratory and developed a vaccine.

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
No, this thread is about your ceaseless whining. Losers do that a lot.
Chinese, Iranians, and Russians whine about Trump on message boards and Facebook, and Twitter all over the World. Most of these Lefty Posters aren't even Americans.

The Chinese and Russians want Trump out of office so bad, they infect people with Corona Virus, and started an Oil Feud, because, well, they can't make another dirty Dossier.....they already tried that.
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Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Trump should have gotten his ass to a laboratory and developed a vaccine.

This thread is not about the virus or the vaccine, it is about the ignorance of the president
No, this thread is about your ceaseless whining. Losers do that a lot.

As you are so aptly demonstrating
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
The short answer is YES!. The long answer is Trump is faced with a problem that he can not tweet away, blame on democrats or the media. The situation begs for leadership and long range planning from the top and most of all truth based on facts, not hunches, guesses, and ideas. However, that is simply not Donald Trump.

Trump is basically transaction orientated. His responses are knee jerk reactions saying whatever he believes will meet with the approval of the attended audience in order to get an agreement, boost his TV ratings or just get a standing ovation from his people. Whether his actions are based on facts or contradict his staff or his previous actions is irrelevant. He leaves that problem to spin his doctors. So if he plays his fiddle as Rome burns he is sending a message to his people; be calm, all is well. He certainly will not consider how it will be interpreted by others because that is just not how he thinks.
"Trump is faced with a problem that he can not tweet away, blame on democrats or the media"

That won't stop Trump and his idiotic supporters from trying, of course .
Obama played The Fiddle while Coddling Terrorists even going so far as arming them and financing them. Obama should have been tried for TREASON.



Pogo's Law laughing all the way to the bank yet again. :deal:
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?

Trump is trolling and you mooks are eating it up, too funny.

this is a bit beyond standard trolling; but hey - use whatever defense is necessary to keep from having to simply say "ok this was stupid".

Sorry, I just don't take it seriously. Those that do, need to get a freaking life.

i don't follow a whole lot of what he does either, but in a time of crisis regardless of where it comes from, to reference doing nothing while the world burns is just ignorant.
Believe it or not, that meme originally came from Dan Scavino, Trump's White House Director of Social Media. This is what Trump said when he retweeted it:
Donald J. Trump

Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me!

If you think about what it says, with friends like that, who needs enemies? It actually occurred to me it might be a fake news plant by the Trump haters, so I went to his official twitter feed and it's for real.
If you go to Dan Scavino's twitter, you will find it is littered with all of that "Q" conspiracy crap. Trump leans into it, especially at his rallies.

IT has to do with Trump, supposedly rooting out Deep State corruption.

I really don't think Scavino even thought about that Nero connection when he made this meme. I think he was thinking more of this type of allegory, as in, Trump is the one that is creating the tune that makes the media and Deep State dance too;


I never really believed the media's narrative that Trump is dumb. I think Trump is aware of the Nero connotations, thus the reason he prefaced that, "Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me!" (IOW, if you think it will go over well with the base, "O.K." . . . but this is crazy man.)

As an example, this is a common "Q" video, also found on Scavino's feed;

The coronavirus is less of a threat than the flu but the crazy left needs an excuse to panic and re-direct focus from the socialist and America's crazy uncle. I wonder what other diseases are simmering among the homeless and the shit and dirty needles on the sidewalk in the Speaker's district while she pretends that the President is the biggest threat.
The fact is you really don't know and that is a big problem. Once testing is available in all communities and we have quantifiable evidence as to the presence of the virus, local officials and businesses can make decisions based on fact and not fear. The second thing that will dispel fears will be announcement of an antiviral drug that has proven effective at treating serious cases. Many people are in real fear, not for themselves but for their parents and grandparents. Better treatments will go a long way at dispelling those fears. Once the overreaction in communities across the country ceases and the public grows weary of news on virus, the news media will move on. It always happens but it will take months.

BTW, one of things that make this virus more deadly is there is no recognized antiviral treatment where there is for cases of the flu.
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Trump is trolling and you mooks are eating it up, too funny.

this is a bit beyond standard trolling; but hey - use whatever defense is necessary to keep from having to simply say "ok this was stupid".

Sorry, I just don't take it seriously. Those that do, need to get a freaking life.

i don't follow a whole lot of what he does either, but in a time of crisis regardless of where it comes from, to reference doing nothing while the world burns is just ignorant.
Believe it or not, that meme originally came from Dan Scavino, Trump's White House Director of Social Media. This is what Trump said when he retweeted it:
Donald J. Trump

Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me!

If you think about what it says, with friends like that, who needs enemies? It actually occurred to me it might be a fake news plant by the Trump haters, so I went to his official twitter feed and it's for real.
If you go to Dan Scavino's twitter, you will find it is littered with all of that "Q" conspiracy crap. Trump leans into it, especially at his rallies.

IT has to do with Trump, supposedly rooting out Deep State corruption.

I really don't think Scavino even thought about that Nero connection when he made this meme. I think he was thinking more of this type of allegory, as in, Trump is the one that is creating the tune that makes the media and Deep State dance too;


I never really believed the media's narrative that Trump is dumb. I think Trump is aware of the Nero connotations, thus the reason he prefaced that, "Who knows what this means, but it sounds good to me!" (IOW, if you think it will go over well with the base, "O.K." . . . but this is crazy man.)

As an example, this is a common "Q" video, also found on Scavino's feed;

Interesting take. I do want to hear them clarify but it sure did backfire on them. It was almost as if Trump hired the dude that did Bloomberg memes for him.
Stocks plunge, coronavirus spreads and Trump tweets image of himself playing fiddle

Is it actually possible that the president of the US could be so uninformed and ignorant as to not know the reference to Nero fiddling while Rome burned?
Uh really? There's a pandemic and a stock market plunge and you and the author of that article worried about meaningless symbolism?

Really? Here, have a tissue. Quit crying.


Get over yourselves.

So Trump himself tweeting out a picture of him fiddling during this pandemic and stock market plunge should be ignored for its symbolism?

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