Netanyahu, Lieberman join forces ahead of elections

As with myself, Avigdor Lieberman wants to free the Paletinians from Israel's bondage. Is their ANYONE who does not want the Palestinians to have self determination, free from Israel's rule?
in which galaxy?

Wrong again----the Josef Stalin // Adolf abu ali was more
like the Muhummad//Abu Bakr pairing
PM, foreign minister announce Likud-Yisrael Beiteinu merger in special press conference; 'Joining forces will give us the power to defend Israel and generate social and economic change,' Netanyahu says

Netanyahu, Lieberman join forces ahead of elections - Israel News, Ynetnews
That's basically like saying Hitler and Stalin have join forces for the good of Israel. :cuckoo: :lol:

Like Taliban and Al quaeda joinging forces for the better of Muslims?

Anyway, the voters have the last word.
if Israel has the right to exist and have self determinatin, then so do the Palistinians.
The US of A had the same situation dealing with the natives in North America. We allowed them to have their own soverign nation within our nation.
if Israel has the right to exist and have self determinatin, then so do the Palistinians.
The US of A had the same situation dealing with the natives in North America. We allowed them to have their own soverign nation within our nation.

Are you kidding or what? The 500 Native American tribes here were practically exterminated. You call those miserable reservations sovereign? First of all, they are not. Secondly, most Native Americans are alcoholics and have about half of an average American's life expectancy.
if Israel has the right to exist and have self determinatin, then so do the Palistinians.
The US of A had the same situation dealing with the natives in North America. We allowed them to have their own soverign nation within our nation.

You jump way over your head.

The thread doesn't say nothing about the Palestininans. It's a domestic political decision in which the Palestinians have nothing to do with.

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